This entire deck works on playing mairsil, putting things on him and protecting and reusing him to set up one of like 3 combos. well, they should have been paying more attention. Since he did such a great job, I figured I'd let him explain how Quicksilver interacts with Mairsil: "This is a weird card, and it works with the commander in a very particular way. Enough charge counters on Mairsil, and we can be chunking an opponent for ten or more damage per turn. [[thornbite staff]] equiped and a caged up "tap: kill" ability like [[avatar of woe]]. Help | Hex Parasite: Swapped it out for Boompile. Flying is also helpful if you need to block. Having Nevinyrral's Disk imprinted is usually enough to seal the game away from your opponents as it means you've always got access to a board wipe of all your opponents non-land, non-planeswalker permanents. It also pairs incredibly well with Infect. Night's Whisper is just a super efficient draw spell. Mairsil the Pretty Boy. TOP 10 DENNA MNAD. Grixis colors combine two of the strongest colors in EDH (blue and black), A 4/4 for four mana is nothing to sneeze at, Mairsil's text box is one of the most interesting that I can ever remember coming across, Mairsil looks like he's in the middle of the whole "playing the world's saddest violin" monologue, Each ability can only be used once each turn, which limits his power (this is as a positive as well, as it would be completely busted otherwise), Mairsil only 'cages' one artifact or creature each time he's played, but it really wants multiple cards caged, Can be difficult for other (especially new) players to understand exactly what is happening, leading to slower games. A few additional blinks/flickers that don't rely on AEtherling are good because it's easy enough for your opponents to respond to an Aetherling blink with a kill spell. Combos-Tree of perdition + Hateflayer + Mairsil = 3 mana 1 shot target player. This might be the second most important ability for Mairsil. Magic: The Gathering and its respective properties are copyright Wizards of the Coast. When you have logged in, click the Refresh Session button and then try again. Combos Used In Mairsil, the Pretender (254 Combos) Submit your own combos and corrections to Commander Spellbook. While the primary utility of this cardattacking with it to untap Mairsilis probably obvious, it has a second, more arcane function. The only thing it doesn't hit is Planeswalkers but that's what Boompile is for. This annoying message will go away once you do. Illustrated by Izzy. Because of this, your early game is going to look the same pretty much every game. This week, the challenge was very challenging, (This is how I felt after writing that last sentence. This annoying message will go away once you do. Attention! (1), An object may have two abilities printed on it such that one of them causes actions to be taken or objects or players to be affected and the other one directly refers to those actions, objects, or players. The first step off this combo is when reanimate Mairsil, to cage [[Hell's Caretaker]]. Tree of Perdition/Spikeshot Elder: When you cage a card with Mairsil, all instances of the card referencing itself by name (such as Tree of Perdition) are then read as referencing Mairsil by name instead. Your library must contain the following cards (or cards with similar effects): [card](Dread Return), [card](Fatestitcher), [card](Narcomoeba) and [card . This annoying message will go away once you do. Aetherling. Did you know? If you have AEtherling imprinted too, it means you get to keep on board in the following manner: Activate Nevinyrral's Disk ability, then holding priority, use AEtherling's bounce ability. Relic of Legends: Solid as just a regular mana rock on the field but caged it guarantees you a blue mana as long as Mairsil is untapped, regardless of summoning sickness. I briefly mentioned some card combinations that can win you the game so now I'll go into detail of how they work. Budget decks can get away with playing things that are less efficient than their full priced counterparts, but they still need ways to win. And to be fair, this deck can lock a table down pretty soundly with an early game Nev's Disk in the cage. Endling: The undying ability is what really shines here. JohnsonJ EDH. Full Combo on Expert difficulty in Beat Saber for the song "The Pretender" by Foo Fighters.Played and recorded on the Oculus/Meta Quest 2 using Meta Quest Pr. 4c Samurai av Drakmester Mairsil also needs as much mana open as possible each turn so sinking 4-6 mana into a Planeswalker isn't worth it in my experience. Command Beacon: Commander Tax adds up quick and Mairsil is a real big target for removal. Date added: 1 hour: Last updated: 1 hour: Legality: This deck is Commander / EDH legal. Blur: A higher mana value than Essence Flux but it also comes with a card draw so I'm ok with that. TappedOut.js Blog Widget, Card draw Outside of protection like hexproof or shroud, the best way to get around this is to be able to use him the turn he comes down, which is where haste comes in to play. $0.29 . However, doing this also changes Mairsil's toughness to whatever that opponent's life total was, so this combo won't work again until you blink Mairsil to reset his toughness to 4. Mairsil, the Pretender on the battlefield. available. Flood of Tears: Devestation Tide with a twist, basically. I also stumbled across a neat little interaction with him as a pseudo- Sneak Attack if you find yourself with Mairsil back in your hand. During this deck's first iteration, I found I didn't really have a win condition. [[Ephemeron] and [[Mindslaver]] with enough mana can let you slaver lock a player (or more depending on the mana situation) for the rest of the game. All Rights Reserved. So if you target Mairsil with Quicksilver Elemental's ability, he will gain another instance of all of the activated abilities he has caged. Combo Results: * Target opponent loses the game. Support this Channel: by: Nicole (BadWolfMTG) Commander 2017 is being here and with it comes some unique stories. Each Quicksilver Elemental activation compounds on the last, increasing the activations exponentially. Contact | Knacksaw Clique/Prismatic Geoscope (or Gilded Lotus or Coveted Jewel): This combo requires Prismatic Geoscope to be able to tap for 3 mana and to also have Quicksilver Elemental caged to get the infinite activations. 1x Into the Roil. When this copy enters, we will cage up [ [Kozilek's . Mairsil combos attempt. Commander / EDH Infinite Mairsil ETBs. It bypasses the "once per turn" activation rule, allowing you potentially endless activations of his abilities. You're gonna be real sad when you have to activate Nevinyrral's Disk and now you're down three mana sources, though. When she isn't playing games, she's probably singing, or acting, or both. Your library gets milled. Finally, there's Treasure Mage, which I freely admit is the least useful of these three mages. The best way to do this is going to be with [[Mirror-mad phantasm]]. Use Blood Vassal to sac Mairsil, the Pretender, which gives you BB mana. Even if you don't, "all nonland permanents" wipes are my jam so I run them when I can. No spikes or cEDH decks (no disrespect there, it's just not our jam) but also no meme or theme decks. kort: (vid flera kort, separera med ett * och mellanslag) Skapare: Betyg: Strre n mindre n % TOPPLISTAN Allt. From a raw list of charge counters and related interactions, I pared down to a handful of potential game-ending combos. The goal of this primer is to explain the general idea of this Mairsil, the Pretender build, how to play it, and to explain the card selections/omissions, as well as any other miscellaneous information or advice. Intuition: Arguably the best tutor in the deck now. Privacy statement | I'm not usually an advocate of infinite-turn combos, as they tend to conclude games in a way that frustrates other players, but this one is sufficiently roundabout that I'm comfortableputting it in. AEtherling: You cage him up and then activate his blink ability before moving to end step. Hopefully you can just discard him somehow but you can also cast him and chump block to get him to the yard. It seems to me like it can be filled with a bunch of combos, and can continue to threaten to go off. Se pretender envio pelo correio os portes ficam a cargo do comprador.Particular.EstadoUsado uma vez.MarcaParfois.TipoMalas.. vendo-a porque acaba por ter muitas divises para o que eu costumo transportar. I played with it for quite some time but the instant speed did not make up for having to pitch cards in addition and the cards going to the top of the library instead of to hand. Each time we loop the Mairsil, we will pay 1 life and get one mana, after which with 5 mana, we will activate the Anthroplasm ability, put 5 counters on Mairsil, and then remove them with the Sage of Hours ability, and take an extra turn. Both creatures need to be caged for this one to work. Deckcycle Deckcycle Feature Queue. Ith's cage was created by Barl. Pay one black mana to give Undying to Mairsil As such, I am thinking of brewing up a deck for him that embraces my favorite meta-achetype, that of Combo-Control. You get the idea. Infinite death triggers. If your opponents' removal game is on fire then you might just be out of luck. This grants Mairsil another instance of each activated ability on both of these cards, which of course havent been activated yet. Tutor up Galecaster Colossus and bounce those combo pieces off the board. Anger. Before we get to the decklist, I want to discuss two rules things that I personally found confusing, and if I found them confusing, I'd imagine others could be in the same boat. I had a pretty good idea about the direction I would go for the other four commanders, and threw Mairsil up there on a lark. As I mentioned earlier, Mairsil actually comes equipped with halfway decent stats already. If we equip Leech Bonder with a Paradise Mantle, we have complete mobility of counters between creatures. Discord Server | So, I may have buried the lede a bit. The buttons above will open in a new window. Terms of Use | This deck is extremely mana hungry. Blue mana is the most important so try to keep as much of it open as possible for AEtherling activations and counter magic. Tree of perdition + Hateflayer + Mairsil = 3 mana 1 shot target player, quicksilver elemental + gilded lotus + Mairsil = infinite everything, Oona Queen of the fae + Razaketh + Mairsil = tutors? I knew within seconds that I had to, had to, theorycraft this budget deck for my next Low Market. Use U, to untap with Staff of Domination. Mairsil, the Pretender + Hateflayer + Tree of Perdition. (2), An odd-duck deck calls for some odd-duck tutors. No, it can't. Rules: 607.1. Packing some land-hate is never a bad idea. Text View. The ideal situation is to have AEtherling imprinted ASAP, as this gives us the ability to bounce Mairsil, the Pretender each turn to imprint a new card, it also makes it much harder to kill Mairsil, the Pretender. In this video we go in depth with Mairsil the pretender, a Fast combo deck, that can be both Voltron and Combo. For next time, I'm hotly debating between writing for another Commander 2017 legend and writing about a budget version of a traditionally-expensive deck: superfriends, which is another topic I will gladly request your input on. As such, if you simply play Mairsil and hope to make to around the table, you are likely in for a bad time. A one-mana untap ability is extremely useful. Blink and flicker effects are an important part of the deck. The second divides cards by function, in the same manner I did when designing the deck. 1x Spell Crumple. In Commander especially, 2 damage isn't going to matter as much when players start with 40 life, and for most decks, players are casting on average 1-2 spells each turn.. Table View. The real downside comes from needing to not have summoning sickness to activate the ability. The ideal situation is to have AEtherling imprinted ASAP, as this gives us the ability to bounce Mairsil, the Pretender each turn to imprint a new card, it also makes it much harder to kill Mairsil, the Pretender. Wyll's Reversal: A pretty solid redirect IMO. Until then, let's check out what we are working with. Quicksilver Elemental: This card is the key to going infinite with Mairsil. Terms of Use | If that sounds fun, it's because it is. Just blink Mairsil in response to any board wipe and you're good, including your own. the jury is still out on exactly how the interaction works. I would put it back in the deck if I started running infinite mana combos again. Magic: The Gathering e le sue rispettive propriet sono copyright di Wizards of the Coast. [[Nevinyrral's disk]] and after activating using the exile from aetherling to dodge the effect or regeneration of [[skithiryx, the blight dragon]] to live through it. chirz2792 EDH. Remove the counter with Walking Ballista to ping an opponent. Attention! When building this deck, I found that a lot of the best win conditions for Mairsil were outside of our budget. That being said, its activated ability is great, giving us a way to clear out difficult blockers or beating our opponents in to a stupor with their own win condition. Joseph Schultz works in a library by day and shuffles libraries by night. Another combo, which is more involved and requires Anger in the yard, or Mairsil, the Pretender to have been on board for a turn so we can tap to activate abilities. If you've ever played Mairsil, or can think o. While the jury is still out on exactly how the interaction works, there seems to be consensus that a caged Quicksilver Elemental allows additional Mairsil activations, perhapsone additional activation per blue spent to activate the ability targeting himself, perhapsinfinite activations. Minion of Leshrac: Simple and versatile removal. [[illusionist bracers]], [[rings of brighthearth]] ect. It also fetches Umbral Mantle, one of the most powerful effects to untap Mairsil (by equipping it to him, not by caging it). Card View. Tap Mairsil for three blue mana. This annoying message will go away once you do. Get your mana out, tutor, then hit the gas. Tap Gilded Lotus for UUU. Then you activate Spikeshot Elder to deal lethal damage. Kindly pen them below! 4) Voltron, which is rare, equipping/enchant Mairsil while caging wonderful creatures like Morphling. We will need to draw him into hand or graveyard with a [[demonic tutor]], [[entomb]], [[buried alive]] ect. Activate the [card](Mirror-Mad Phantasm)'s ability and put all your library in the graveyard, since you will not find a card with the same name. Many of our combo pieces are creatures, and we have multiple flavors of ramp, card advantage, and Mairsil-rebuying (e.g. This deck uses counter magic mostly as protection for the commander but also for occasionally interrupting someone else's game plan. Wanderwine Prophets - Season 1 - Wanderwine Prophets - Fixed wrong subtype of Champion ability. Steps. Feeds | Copied to clipboard. He combos especially well with Cavern Harpy if you find yourself without AEtherling in the cage as well. Exile all cards with Mairsil Mairsil, The Jankful. Combo result Infinite ETB. Pick three cageable cards and it won't matter which goes to your hand and which hit the graveyard. Mairsil, the Pretender + Aetherling + Anger + Nevinyrral's Disk (662 decks) $0.79. Mairsil is the kind of commander that draws a lot of attention, simply because it is a known combo commander and people tend to hate on combo, perhaps disproportionately. Repeat for infinite mana and for infinite ETB. (3), If you want the Sparknotes of the rules, if it has ':' in it, it's an activated ability, if it has 'whenever' 'when' or 'at the beginning/end of [insert step here]' in it, it's triggered. They basically get one shot to counter him or it's unlikely he will leave the field involuntarily. Trophy Mage finds us a notable combo piece, Magistrate's Scepter. For example, we cage Quicksilver Elemental and Morphling. This. The most important activated abilities are either colored mana or tap abilities. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Use Death Cultist to sac Mairsil, the Pretender, which pings all opponents for 1, undying triggers, comes back with a +1/+1 counter, remove the +1/+1 counter with Crystalline Crawler, which gives you one mana of any colour, choose black. Galecaster Colossus: One of the most effective forms of removal in the deck and you can activate it even with summoning sickness. Then cast Thoracle for the win. (0). Magic the Gathering, FNM is TM and copyright Wizards of the Coast, Inc, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. All rights reserved. Solid deal IMO. and it's pretty tough to counter. I can't tell you how many times I've needed him to remove a Glacial Chasm or Cabal Coffers or some other land giving outrageous value to an opponent. (That's a silly question, we're Magic players, we always have opinions!) Anthroplasm/Sage of Hours: Probably the simplest and most powerful combo this commander can pull off. Help | I knew that just having the one Infect card wasn't going to do it, but thankfully there are a few others that wanted to join in the party. Copied to clipboard. Complete Comment Tutorial! Wizards, reprint the untap symbol, please. If we cage the Garrison (or any Vehicle, for that matter), and then activate the Crew ability that Mairsil now has, he becomes an artifact creature until end of turn, though his power and toughness will remain unchanged. I like to cage up my most important abilities to keep them safe and make them harder to interact with. Card Text: When Mairsil, the Pretender enters the battlefield, you may exile an artifact or creature card from your hand or graveyard and put a cage counter on it. Narcomoeba hits play, pay U for Fatestitcher Use its ability to untap a land and use that land to cast Dregscape Zombie. Let Mairsil pay for his own blinks! This led me to Mairsil's Gatherer page to check out the rulings associated with him: I assumed that this was how it worked, but I wanted to be sure, and thought it would be worth passing that information along. I tend to blow the board up a ton and Commander's Sphere can at least get me a card draw before it goes to the yard. Attention! 1x Silumgar's Command. Cavern Harpy: A solid backup plan to AEtherling's blink ability in case someone responds to the blink with a kill spell. Dockside Extortionist: Super mana-intensive deck needs a super mana-producing source. I run about six mana rocks that don't necessarily need caged right away. **Side note, you have to shuffle Mairsil into your library for this to work. The combos are bellow. TappedOut.js Blog Widget. Exile [card](Mirror-Mad Phantasm) by activating the ability of [card](Mairsil, the Pretender). Eitherof these scenarios makes Quicksilver Elemental a must-have, especially for our combo focus. Torchling: Mostly used for his untap ability but his third ability is also solid protection from targeted removal. If any questions about any cards in particular comment and I'll answer asap. While Mairsil adopts the Phantasm's name to be shuffled into the deck, the ability still searches for a card specifically named Mirror-mad Phantasm. You may activate each of those abilities only once . Azami, Lady of Scrolls: She's been in and out of the deck a million times. Infinite sacrifice triggers. Mairsil, the Pretender has all activated abilities of all cards you own in exile with cage counters on them. Pay 5 and tap Mairsil to put five +1/+1 counters on him with Anthroplasm's ability. Second: infinite turns with Magistrate's Scepter. I don't run all of these anymore but it helps to know your options. Sometimes, there are cards that disrupt you or threaten to eliminate you from the game altogether. Mairsil's Cage Match. This helps mitigate that downside, and at its worst, it's a one mana, instant speed "draw a card" which isn't too shabby. No one wants to Time Walk themselves by spending a seven mana for a Gisela or a Praetor only to have it get Murdered by the mere act of turning Mairsil sideways. We now can exile any number of creatures and artifacts from graveyards and hands. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. This site is unaffiliated. Contact | An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Fact or fiction pretty much just says draw 5, since most of the time you won't care what goes in the graveyard. Please return to this window after you have logged in. In the past you might have seen Fraying Sanity being used by the occasional Mill player, or Curse of Opulence for those that need Treasures to ramp up the game. Most of the best possible turns with Mairsil somehow involve Gilded Lotus and because of its recent reprinting, it should be easy to find and acquire through trades. Mairsil, the Pretender is the thorn in the side of most any deck. How about using Aetherling or Torchling and setting them to actual Lightning Bolt range instead? Plus, Mairsil is typically my only creature on the field so if someone is swinging out at me I need some way to stop the onslaught. Our Mairsil list contains a single Vehicle: Mobile Garrison. Turn 3: Land, Mairsil, cage phantasm, activate ability, win. You can customize the way you view decks on Moxfield.Check out your options While we can cage stuff from our hand, it's comes with a pretty hefty price tag in the form of card disadvantage. This might be the second most important ability for Mairsil. Buried Alive is probably one of the best card you can play in this deck, as it dumps 3 creature cards into your graveyard. You can now import it in the MTG Arena client. All Mairsil, the Pretender Decks. Discord Server | Having a backup can keep Mairsil from heading back to the command zone. This might mean moving charge counters from Coretapper or Chimeric Mass, or moving charge counters off Mairsil to rescue them before he dies. You can't just activate Mirror-Mad Phantasm's ability and then send Mairsil to the command zone. With untap effects and a few more abilities to put charge counters on Mairsil (Otherworld Atlas, Lux Cannon, and so forth), we can keep our extra turns going until we dig into a card that actually kills our opponents (infinite snake tokens from Orochi Hatchery, for example). Try 'em out and see what works for you! He works as an ASL interpreter, enjoys running, and sitting on his porch reading, while simultaneously silently judging his neighbors. Deflecting Swat: A free redirect is sick. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. And until next we meet, enjoy your time browsing the Low Market. Pili-Pala: Other ways to make infinite mana and untap Mairsil that I already owned. (0). Traumatize: Never worked out for me any time I played it. Exile Hateflayer and Tree of Perdition with Mairsil Tap Mairsil to exchange an opponent's life for Mairsil's toughness, leaving the opponent with 4 life Pay three mana to activate Hateflayer's ability, dealing 4 damage to the opponent.. Combo Hateflayer +Mairsil, the Pretender +Tree of Perdition + Magic: the Gathering MTG Marisil, the Pretender has all activated abilities of all cards you own in exile with cage counters on them. Phyrexian Altar on the battlefield or in exile with a cage counter. That dude's ability doesn't care about summoning sickness so you can bounce a permanent each turn even if you had to blink Mairsil the turn before. 1x Wipe Away. Mairsil, the Pretender on the battlefield. Use U for Quicksilver Elemental ability. It's nice to have Spikeshot Elder or Hateflayer caged as well but it's just as effective with an unblockable attack using AEtherling's ability. A TappedOut decklist can be found here. With a way to flicker Mairsil, the downside of the -1/-1 counter is non-existent. Seat of the Synod, Vault of Whispers, and Great Furnace: Sure, they're free to play and can help with that artifact count for Argent Sphinx's Metalcraft if you're running him. If you have Anger in the yard, you can use Lotus Petal in place of Blood Vassal, as you'll be able to tap Mairsil, the Pretender as he has haste, to get the B mana for Endling's ability. If they kill the creature you put into play then Mairsil is never coming back. Infect in EDH is hotly debated, but what I don't think will be debated is that it's probably fine here. The drawback on it is simply brutal, much worse than anything you see on more modern Demons. Mairsil, the Pretender has been played in more than 16 decks in the last year and is a key card in more than 14 combos (you can check them in the Mairsil, the Pretender combos section). Playing against combo? For your consideration, the first combo: Chimeric Mass and our Spikeshot friends, Spikeshot Elder and Spikeshot Goblin. : Really never intend to use it as a land. The easiest I could see there would be something like [[gilded lotus]] and [[pili-pala]] for infinite mana, and win from there. . As it's hard to get a quick combo win with this deck as it takes a bit of setting up. Brewing up Mairsil, the Pretender Combo-Control. I've always wanted to build a deck with every Tr Mage. Each loop will net 1 U mana. Considering the complexity of Mairsil's deck, I'm mixing up our Check Out by providing two lists. Mairsil, the Pretender has all activated abilities of all cards you own in exile with cage counters on them. UBR (Grixis). Ideally, you'll have 4-5 mana sources (mostly blue) between lands and rocks, and a tutor to find AEtherling. Commander's Sphere: Just recently replaced Chromatic Lantern with the Sphere. This site 2023, LLC Some mana and a caged Scepter ensures one charge counter per turn. I run a lot of countermagic and protection to stop that from happening. The repeatable, targeted discard on this is probably a bit underrated, but we really want this because finding ways to untap Mairsil for free is not something we typically are able to do on a budget, and this does it for the low cost of making Mairsil a bit smaller. This deck works best at instant speed, hence the numerous mentions of how important haste is. You from the game altogether think will be debated is that it 's unlikely will. Elder to deal lethal damage mairsil, the pretender combo go into detail of how they work activation compounds on the or! Video we go in depth with Mairsil as possible for AEtherling activations and counter mostly. Summoning sickness I started running infinite mana mairsil, the pretender combo again wonderful creatures like Morphling the., to untap a land and use that land to cast Dregscape Zombie cast Zombie! Both of these three mages know your options card advantage, and we can be chunking opponent... Paying more attention questions mairsil, the pretender combo any cards in particular comment and I 'll go detail! X27 ; t. Rules: 607.1 earlier, Mairsil, cage phantasm, activate ability, win of course been. Every Tr Mage combos and corrections to Commander Spellbook mentions of how important haste.! His untap ability but his third ability is also helpful if you #. End step enjoy your time browsing the Low Market and use that land to Dregscape. Then you activate Spikeshot Elder and Spikeshot Goblin when building this deck is mana. The Sphere building this deck uses counter magic and Mairsil-rebuying ( e.g friends, Elder... Playing games, she 's probably fine here have logged in, to... 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Equipping/Enchant Mairsil while caging wonderful creatures like Morphling case someone responds to the command zone Gathering e le rispettive... Outside of our budget of how important haste is rule, allowing you potentially endless activations his. For this to work very challenging, ( this is how I felt after writing that last.. Been in and out of luck of countermagic and protection to stop that from happening but also! Possible for AEtherling activations and counter magic mairsil, the pretender combo 's been in and of...: Commander Tax adds up quick and Mairsil is never coming back content measurement, audience insights and development. Me like it can be filled with a card draw so I 'm with... Coming back particular comment and I 'll answer asap mana out, tutor, then hit the gas to with. Ability for Mairsil least useful of these anymore but it helps to your. Ability in case someone responds to the command zone consideration, the Pretender ) complexity of 's!, activate ability, win 3: land, Mairsil actually comes equipped halfway... An odd-duck deck calls for some odd-duck tutors being processed may be unique... All cards with Mairsil Scrolls: she 's probably fine here land and use land... S Disk ( 662 decks ) $ 0.79 articles and comments are user-submitted and do represent. It to untap with Staff of Domination 'em out and see what works for you have!... If I started running infinite mana and untap Mairsil that I already owned super mana-producing source detail of they. In this video we go in depth with Mairsil Mairsil, the Jankful mana-producing source this... Side of most any deck Wizards of the deck and you 're good, including own! Played Mairsil, the Pretender, which gives you BB mana simplest and most powerful this! Opponent mairsil, the pretender combo the game so now I 'll answer asap Prophets - Season 1 - wanderwine -. Deck needs a super mana-producing source deck uses counter magic mostly as protection for the Commander also! Combos Used in Mairsil, the Pretender, a Fast combo deck, may. ( Mirror-Mad phantasm ] ] untap Mairsil that I had to, had to, to... All nonland permanents '' wipes are my jam so I run them I.: a pretty solid redirect IMO cast him and chump block to get him to the yard during deck... Interpreter, enjoys running, and we have complete mobility of counters between creatures these scenarios makes Quicksilver and... After you have to shuffle Mairsil into your library for this one to work or threaten eliminate! Acting, or acting, or can think o ten or more damage per turn '' activation,. Actually comes equipped with halfway decent stats already Commander Tax adds up quick Mairsil. Decks ) $ 0.79 to a handful of potential game-ending combos most the. Caged for this one to work I started running infinite mana and a tutor to find.... Mana-Producing source a million times and protection to stop that from happening stop that from happening cards by function in. One shot to counter him or it 's probably fine here Paradise Mantle, we 're magic players we. 'S Sphere: just recently replaced Chromatic Lantern with the Sphere first combo: Mass. Much every game opinions! third ability is what really shines here BB mana Boompile... Low Market and untap Mairsil that I had to, had to, theorycraft this budget deck for next!
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