codenames clue generator

The team can then flip over a total of 4 cards. Codenames is a game with two teams, the blue team and the red team. 4. Your goal is to predict the target from the context: you rejigger the weights of the network such that, based on the nine context words, it assigns a high probability to the tenth. Of course, there's plenty of garbage (molybdenum (#37) (?? For instance, if I wanted to give a clue that would help my team get the words "phone" and "smoothie" while avoiding the word "orange", the generator should come up with the word "Blackberry" as blackberry was a phone and smoothies are most commonly thought of to contain berries. (Psalm 46:4) Crossword Clue, "The Legend of Zelda" console, for short Crossword Clue, R&B artist with the 2004 hit '1, 2 Step' Crossword Clue, Longtime Chicago Symphony conductor Crossword Clue, interpret-speech-without-hearing Crossword Clue, days-of-__-(ancient-times) Crossword Clue, largest-city-on-the-arabian-peninsula Crossword Clue, battle-with-clearly-defined-sides Crossword Clue, long,-unproductive-activities Crossword Clue. There arent many single-word-title pages that are connected to more than 3 links, so we will download and process all of them. For this case, I chose to work with cosine similarity, although I may look into other options in the future. O?D (Use ? That is, for each word $w$ in our dictionary we want to compute: Then we pick the words with the highest valuessay, the top 250 of them. Enter the length or pattern for better results. If the noun chunk contains a number, then it should be ignored. We could determine whether or not they guessed the correct amount of clues, but as far as Ive seen, online sites dont seem to have tagging for relevant words to clues. If you like the content of a board game on this site, please consider to buy the game. Codenames seems like a good Turing test: to come up with a clue, you need to not only understand the many shades of meaning each word can take on"PAN," for instance, can be a piece of kitchenware, a way of criticizing, or a prefix meaning "all"you also seem to need a model of the world. This project was rewarding, and it definitely made me reflect on and appreciate the innate ability of the human One way to generate word vectors uses a neural network: you download a vast corpus of text, say all of Wikipedia. This could be done either as choosing the most/least relevant clue to a set of words from a list of potential clues, or providing a clue and bank of words, and having them choose the most/least relevant words to the clue. Each time has a codemaster that can see which cards belong to which teams, and the remaining members of the teams are spies that only see a single word on each card. The number you say after your clue can't be used as a clue. Only a single player managed to guess all three correctly, via the clue "MALTA." Their teammates know the agents only by their codenames. Of the 25 cards, 9 are red, 8 are blue, 1 is black, and the rest are yellow. Firm rules Some clues are invalid because they violate the spirit of the game. You can't use your clue to talk about the letters in a word or its position on the table. Mobile-friendly Jupyter CSS taken from nbviewer. If 0 is the number, the usual limit on guesses does not apply. This is because terms can have very different meanings between parts of speech. Mother-in-law is hyphenated. PyTesseract cannot read these files in order if the tiles are slightly misalligned; The light glares result in the pixels being not black and therefore some words disappear after noise cleaning; The noise cleaning result in a clean output of white background and black words; PyTesseract was able to read all the information with no issues; After receiving the output string from the PyTesseract I used quick string formatting to get the resulting array of words. Proper names are always valid clues if they follow the other rules. to use Codespaces. Crossword Clue, '___ river . The test boards only drew from a set of 90 terms (out of 400), in order to reduce the number of articles that need to be downloaded and processed. You should experiment to find out what your group likes. For each word (from the GloVe wiki corpus), we score it against the 25 code names in terms of similarity. A board with the targets THUMB, FOREST, and MOUNT ended up being pretty easy for human players. Each word is embedded into a vector space using GloVe. For example, feathers: 0 means, "None of our words relate to feathers". The code name generator generates a random code name Usage - You are free to use anything generated in your creative works. Evaluation would be between existing versions of the clue generator, or between existing game samplesa dn the clue generator. This speaks to the richness of our mental models: it's not just words in there. If no proper nouns exist, then chunking and extracting named entities isnt needed. We playtested various rules. These experiments give a baseline of human performance, which can then be compared against the vector-space model. Again, this suffers from not actually evaluating performance on the game metrics, but, once we have an existing solution we deem is working well, we could use it as a way to test champion/challenge models on specific parts of the quality score (similarity to team words, dissimilarity to all other words). Same-sounding words with different meanings and different spellings are considered different words. We represent a current board and team state with the following inputs: What we are looking for is a list of potential clues the codemaster could use with the following fields: As with most data science problems, the hardest part if quantifying exactly what you are looking to maximize or predict. This will be the threshold score of the clue. strongly to many of your team's words and that don't relate strongly to the words on the board that aren't yours. The game starts with all 25 cards with the word side face up. It's a computationally intense procedure. (When the target distances are smaller, it means the candidate is better.) For example, the terms America and Australia have many potential clue pages, but only 10 will be processed. Through extensive research, we bring everything you need to know about board games. But if no one notices that a clue is invalid, it counts as valid. I thought the vector space model was a neat way of describing the Codenames problem, but I had little faith that I'd be able to write an actually useful program with it. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. Some clues are invalid because they violate the spirit of the game. However, as problems go, having your team select another one of their cards is a decent one to have, although it may cause confusion later down the line. The game is interesting because it requires you to connect far-flung concepts precisely enough that other people can re-create your associations. See it live: Due to the small number of predefined secret maps, it is pretty easy to guess the the current map after a few rounds of the game. definitions clue generator: crossword clues Matching Answer Confidence DIE 60% ROTOR 41% ODOR 20% DYNAMO 20% HINT 20% MIND 20% MILL 20% LOTTO 20% BOILER 20% ARMATURE 20% e.g. You can use eight: 3 as a clue for BALL, FIGURE, and OCTOPUS. That I had in mind with that is you could generate a board and then, once . Afterwards, using relative distances find each cell and run it through the neural net to further identify and classify each cell. The first team to flip over all of their cards wins. England and island were originally compound words, but in this century, island is a valid clue for ENGLAND. GitHub - nelkapelmenka/codenames_clue_generator: This is a clue generator for the codenames board game main 1 branch 0 tags 8 commits Failed to load latest commit information. The following code can be found in the 'final.ipynb' file. Examples: Monster, Fruit, Nation.. Contribute to atwooddc/codenames development by creating an account on GitHub. A helpful post that got me started: Outgoing links whose titles contain but are not equal to the term are not included, because it would otherwise result in Quarterback being a term page for back, even though they arent closely associated. Likewise, for each clue count in each term page, the score for the clue and term is, min(1, PageRank of term page / 6) * 10.7^clue count. you to finish your The program will then try to find a single word clue that can relate all of your words while avoiding the others. There's an over-indexing problem: words that happen to be very close to one or two of the targets will rank highly even when they're far away from the third. Please see the end for discussions about future improvements related to choosing a embedding corpus. We humans know that a grenade is round (more or less)but of course our computer model doesn't. Codenames is a Czech board game by Vlaada Chvtil where the goal is to say a one-word clue to your teammates in order to get them to choose correctly from the words laid out on the table. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. However, only a single person in each team ("The clue giver") knows which of the words on the board belongs to the team, while the rest of the team ("The guessers") only sees the entire words . Term: A word card in Code Names. It will generate a nickname for you by your name. Enjoy! Or Pooh -> Tigger should have a similar relationship as bear -> tiger (ok maybe this ones a bit of a stretch, but you get the picture). Download the extracts property from the Wikipedia API instead of downloading and parsing HTML. The user gets a field for every row and has to manually input the values for each grid cell, ie, blue, red, red, blue, blue. The black word is the bomb; if your teammates say that one, they instantly lose the game. You can't use your clue to talk about the letters in a word or its position on the table. If you run a codenames online site with textual clue inputs, you could backtest and see how many times the clues recommended by users would have been recommended by the tool.There are multiple metrics used in recommender systems you could use to evaluate performance including NDCG or an adapted version of Mean Average Precision. English has a lot of homonyms. A good clue generation strategy should result in more correct guesses than incorrect guesses and fewer clues given. You must play in English. The downside is that some inflections of a term arent intuitively related to the term itself, such as Born being an inflection of Bear.. You can't say part of a compound word on the table. Thanks for visiting The Crossword Solver "generator". But a future iteration of this project could add more codenames to vary the They still must guess at least one word. Word Sure enough, the model discovers that clue, at #24. If you aren't that strong on spelling, ask the opposing spymaster for help. site. The main idea is that words with similar meanings will have similar number representations, and that related words will have a similar relationship. This is the most straightforward way, and it ensures a global level of relevance., sign in The winning clue was "GOLD," but the computer didn't come up with it. The Code Names Bot generates clues that contain only 1 word, as per Code Names rules. There will also be a stir-fry (#19) and sichuan (#28) seem to evoke Chinese cooking. The crossword clue Generator with 4 letters was last seen on the October 23, 2022. The preprocessing steps will save a set of (clue, term, score) tuples into a sqlite database. Another sentence has back of the cattle, where back is a noun. This removes the need to evaluate multiple objectives simultaneously, and increases the amount of data we could collect per dollar. Until HORSESHOE is covered up, you can't say horse, shoe, unhorsed, or snowshoe. For example, woman -> man should have a similar relationship as queen -> king. so I decided to let that aspect of the project take a backseat. Do not make eye contact with the spymaster while you are guessing. This is all pretty easy to express in code: I've been playing lots of Codenames with my friends and have gathered some data along the way. But if we recast the problem in terms of our vector space model, where distance is a measure of semantic similarity, then finding a good Codenames clue becomes about finding a word that is close to the target words while being far away from all the others. I tried this clue on a friend who wasn't part of the initial experiment; they guessed all three targets correctly. The NLTK word tokenizer considers many hyphenated words to be a single word and therefore legal clues, while some Code Names communities consider hyphenated words to be illegal clues. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Work fast with our official CLI. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer. Riddlewot has no control over the information returned using this tool Our riddle generator is powered by the Datamuse API Constructing the PerceptronTagger and using it directly results in shorter runtimes. Work fast with our official CLI. Then, you read the text into a small moving window, considering maybe ten words at a timenine "context" words and one target word. If the opposing spymaster allows it, the clue is valid. Greenhouse is one word. So we'll write the top 50,000 words to a separate file: We'll import some common libraries for numerical analysis: Then, we'll create a map from words to their "embeddings", i.e., their 300-dimensional vector representations: We can see which words are close to others by taking their cosine similaritya measure of distance in high-dimensional space that computes the angle between two vectors: With a quick look at some neighboring words, we can see that the distance metric works pretty well: We can express the Codenames problem as taking a set of "target" words and a set of "bad" words, then trying to find candidate words that are close to the targets and far from the bad words. You can't tie BUG, BED, and BOW together with a clue like b: 3 nor with a clue like three: 3. the X and Y directions, which gets unwieldy really fast. (There are rules about which kinds of clues are allowable: usually it has to be a single word; proper nouns are optionally allowed.). Every codename added to the database grows the database in both find. Machine Learning Mastery: What Are Word Embeddings, Target words the clue is intended to relate to, Quantitative measure of the quality of the clue, Extract word bank embeddings and cache since they will be reused for all games, Calculate cosine similarity between all game words and all word bank words, Multiply similarity scores by appropriate card type coefficients, Sum up all final scores for each word bank word to get clue quality metric, All of the coefficients are relative to one another so there isnt a single global optimum, We are codifying the codemasters risk preferences to a single set of numbers, Some people may have a higher risk tolerance for clues similar to the double agent card, or they may never want to even have a small chance of guessing it, The number of cards in each category changes over the course of the game. Then, you will need to enter at least one (and at most 3) words to avoid. The process is as folows: This can all be accomplished very quickly with Tensorflow using their pre-trained embeddings and a series of matrix multiplications. Each word has a list of 300 coordinates associated with it. NLTKs tagger constructs a new PerceptronTagger every time it is called, which is expensive. ConceptNet 5 is freely available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC BY SA 4.0) from Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. Creating a Code Names Clue Generator | by Nalu Zou | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. Different groups may prefer to play the game differently. My day job is mostly internally facing and so I took this on as a way to practice building product-focused data science projects. Type pip3 install python-datamuse and press enter (this installs the Datamuse module ). There's thousands of random code names in this generator. If you're willing to do a little sifting, the top 100 or so results can include surprisingly good clues. For example, the term Conductor should have the term page Electrical_conductor.. The use of global variables and the lack of defined classes makes scaling up this program as is difficult. You will first be prompted for the path to the word2vec model (See the requirements section). The computer is drawing from a graph of words developed from thousands and thousands of datapoints You connect "GRENADE" to "PALM" because you know that grenades are held in your hand; when you think of the two words together, you might even mentally simulate a throw. The most fun part of Codenames to me is coming up with clues that connect to multiple words -- plus, it's pretty hard to win I propose that we could potentially focus on getting people to evaluate clue similarity or dissimilarity to a set of words. If you take away the check mark from the generation of nicknames . Manually look through the term pages for each term and supplement additional pages that may have been missed. relationship between the 400 words in the Codenames wordset and however many related words I wanted to keep track of for each. In vector terms, this word ends up being pretty far from all of the targets: The last two of these are especially interesting. which words have contributed to each words score as words are guessed and removed from the board, and should no longer This is because pages like Volleyball also contain many instances of the term Block, even though Volleyball doesnt have a link to Block. By counting all terms, cases like these can be counted. The bot determines if a word is a single word using the NLTK word tokenizer. Pack rat is two words. "COMMODITIES" was a bad clue, and "PIG" was pretty good, but not so reliable, because at least one person (Receiver 4) went looking for other animals. Switching to a knowledge graph, or even web-search PageRank like approach would help shore up the above problems and maybe be used in tandem with semantic similarity recommendations if not replacing it entirely. ", You could imagine an interactive cluer's aid that allowed you to travel toward one target and away from the others. Understanding the Managed Services from Cloud Perspective, The Scrum Master role is distributed over the team, How to create Searchable PDF from any Image with AndroidScanne OCR. For example, the term Mammoth is never used in the clue page Animal, while Animal is mentioned several times in the term page for Mammoth. By processing term pages, Animal will be discovered as a clue for Mammoth.. If the team flips over a yellow card, their turn will end. In order to consistently evaluate different clue generation strategies, I scored each strategy using this equation: score=(# correct guesses # incorrect guesses) / # clues given., This would potentially The Code Names Bot generates clues for the board game Code Names by processing Wikipedia articles with Python and NLTK. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. In order to summarize clue quality in a single number, we consider the benefits and penalties associated with the outcome of guessing a card on the table. The Crossword Solver finds answers to classic crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. The field operatives then guess the codenames from the grid with these clues. brain to draw quick connections between seemingly unrelated things. By contrast, the only chance our dumb model has of seeing this association is if lots of texts happened to talk about palms, or hands, or fingers, in the same breath as grenades. The Code Name Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your code names to a text editor of your choice. Any remaining dumbness is mine. Gland is not a valid clue for ENGLAND. The database I built can be found in the file 'codenames.db', and the code to build a similar database is found in ''. For example, the clue page for Cattle contains two instances of the term Back. One sentence has back to the mouth, where back is used as an adverb. Even if you don't allow multiword proper names, you might want to make an exception for place names like New York. Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. I created a clue generator for Code Names. Sometimes you have to make judgment calls about what is valid and what is not. Ive done it, others do it. The synonyms and answers have been arranged depending on the number of characters so that they're easy to However, the time required to get volunteers and acquire data seems impractical, so are there any other ways we can perform testing? plays a rudimentary, one-team version of Codenames. Just like in the real game, when you guess an incorrect square, you're penalized. (It's probably worth saying that later, I tried a board with BEIJING, GREEN, and WORM as targets, and many of these same words appeared: jian, tong, tian, sichuan. Codenames is a fun 4-8 player word based game. The clue generator uses word2vec, a pre-trained model that is capable of representing words using vectors. For this project I am using the original version of Codenames. For example, Entrepreneurship contains both Bill Gates and Bill Hewlett, so the occurrences of Bill Gates and Bill Hewlett will be counted separately. The advantage is that they may guess as many words as they want. More surprisingly, "bugle"an instrument that is often gold-coloredis even farther away, suggesting that the two words don't appear around each other, or even in similar contexts: We humans can use our imaginations to connect wordsand in many cases this turns out to be far more powerful than a measure of conceptual distance based on co-occurence in a large corpus. In this case, proper evaluation takes a fair amount of background understanding of the game just to be able to make evaluations, and for accurate evaluations, experience actually playing. The GloVe vectors we'll be using were trained on 42 billion words worth of text gotten from the Common Crawl. And anybody who says you can't say sparrow when ROW is on the table is just trying to cause trouble. The best cluechosen independently by three peoplewas "GREEN," and six players got perfect scores from it. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. If you already know how the game works, feel free to skip or read again for a quick reminder. "CAIDAO" might have been a good clue except that none of the receivers understood what it meant. Please But wok appears! Is it maybe that there aren't many co-occurrences of "gold" and "bond" in the Common Crawl corpus? For example, actors take a bow and the bow is part of a ship, so you could use bow as a clue for THEATER and SHIP. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. All terms will be counted for each clue page, instead of only the terms that were linked to the page. Riddlewot Riddle Generator Riddle Generator Need help making a riddle, let our riddle generator do it for you! In the "experiments," there are 16 players who participate. The spymaster is expected to keep a straight face. You can narrow down the possible answers by specifying the number of letters it contains. This is a clue generator for the codenames board game. You can use X: 1 as a clue for RAY. If the Code Names Bot wanted to clue for a single term only, it can use a synonym instead. Link: Disclaimers: We need to compare the vectors to begin to use them. After training across the entire corpus, the vectors come to embody the semantics latent in the patterns of word usage. If you want your team to guess more than one of them, you may say unlimited instead of a number.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'ultraboardgames_com-leader-1','ezslot_13',118,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-ultraboardgames_com-leader-1-0'); The disadvantage is that the field operatives do not know how many words are related to the new clue. For example, if you want your teammates to guess THEATER and STRING, you can spell out b-o-w without committing to a pronunciation. I experimented with using WordNet to produce synonyms for each term. The over-indexing problem has basically spoiled the results. We've listed any clues from our database that match your search for "generator". A much easier addition would be a computer guesser mode, where the player acts as codemaster. If nothing happens, download GitHub Desktop and try again. Additional research into more appropraite pre-trained word embeddings, Generate our own embeddings by training an NLP model on a corpus we designed for this, Add a relative score component for clue selection. Using an elbow method similar to identifying the appropriate number of clusters? Notably, all of these clues are vastly better than "COMMODITIES," which is the one I came up with. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. The score for the strategy used in the final Code Names Bot is 1.2. Codenames is a Czech board game by Vlaada Chvtil where the goal is to say a one-word clue to your teammates in order to get them to choose correctly from the words laid out on the table. Come try it out! If a spymaster gives an invalid clue, the team's turn ends immediately. "Word vectors" attempt to quantify meaning by plotting words in a high-dimensional space; words that are semantically related end up close to each other in the space. How many solutions does Codenames Clue Generator have? The website will require one of the spymasters to setup the words / colors on the game board before it can generate clues. The goal of this program is the find a one word clue that can relate two or more words while avoiding 2 or more words. Are you sure you want to create this branch? Is used as an adverb to guess THEATER and STRING, you ca n't be used as adverb! 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