Of course, it also depends on the type of spray tan you get. Deodorant and perfume will be your new BFFs. For . Rub your skin gently in the shower. Many a fake tan fail has occurred with sink upsplash ruining newly-glowing arms. can i lay down after a spray tan. quinton rose state trooper . Also, apply baby powder under the elastic waistband of your pants to prevent the effects of constant rubbing. Spray tans can help people control their sun exposure; 10 How To Get Golden-Brown Skin. There are more ways to make your fake tan last longer. Disclosure: We may get commissions for purchases made through links in this post. Obviously, the final results of spray tan depend on the quality of the product, method of application and expertise of the sprayer. If you choose to wear a bathing suit or undergarments while getting your airbrush, make sure they're dark colors. You can sit down after a spray tan, but the length of time you need to wait varies from person to person. The general rule is to avoid contact with water for at the absolute least, 1-2 hours. So the answer is clear that it will take 6 to 8 weeks. With the. Choose loose or stretchy jeans or jeans with extra room in the thighs and seat for best comfort after a spray tan. I'm Stella. In addition, you should stay hydrated and eat a healthy diet. Make sure always to read the label. So, ask everything. You will smell like a spray tan even after you shower multiple times. You need to ensure that you are wearing dark and loose comfy clothes. Your tan should start developing within 3-6 hours and will be fully developed after 24. Sidenote: Despite the smell, don't shower until at least eight hours after your spray tan. Consider the sensitivity of your skin and act accordingly. Choose the best spray tanning salon for you. A literary enthusiast and a beauty practitioner, who loves to unveil the beauty secrets, helping you to be comfortable in your skin, hair, and nail care rituals. Traditional 8 hour tans - This means it will take 8 hours for the tan to develop. You can include watery fruits and vegetables in your diet for double glow. The consequences include ugly skin color, fading areas, and a darker tint than what you expect. The salon will be providing covering cloth anyway. If you keep the important tips in mind and act accordingly, then its 100 % sure that your tan will speak for you! Yeah, you can get a good tan even with one spray tan session. The stand-up tanning bed, on the other hand, will give you an even tan because you are standing with your arms outstretched. TheBeautyMarvel.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. 3. However stay away from products like Dove which creates a barrier on the skin. Some extra steps and aftercare can give you perfect results. However, do not hit the spa for manicure or pedicure the same day of the session. You have to spend money then. Tanning after a spray tan 1. Guys worry not; Im here to help you out with some amazing after spray tan tips.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tanninggirl_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tanninggirl_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tanninggirl_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',106,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tanninggirl_com-medrectangle-4-0_1'); .medrectangle-4-multi-106{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Dont wait until bedtime to pay more attention to your newly tanned skin. Stay away from any product that can exfoliate or form layers on your skin. To reduce the mess, cover the floor with dark-colored or worn-out towels. 7. After your pre-tanning shower, avoid the exfoliating process until after you are ready to say goodbye to your tan. Alba Botanica Very Emollient Body Lotion (32 Oz.) Skip to content. So feel free to sit down, lay down, and do anything but sweat or spill water on yourself. Spray tans provide coverage of the winter pale, but also give a head start for continuous sunbathing throughout the summer. You may have a little bit of swelling or redness or bruising, but it shouldn't stop you from going outside or enjoying your normal activities. Make sure that you are using the undergarments which you dont mind if stained. Normal spray tan lasts from 7 days to 10 days. Always pat your skin dry after showering. So your skin will not produce the natural pigmentation. You can use the natural rays from the sun or hop into a tanning bed. You may even use a body wash containing moisturizer. Many have a serious concern regarding when and how to have the shower after the spray tan. Additionally, a spray tan can provide you flawless coverage. You dont have to wait 24 hours before wearing jeans or sitting down! But knowing more about anything will benefit you with the smoothest end result. You dont want to end up with an uneven tan, dont you? Do not scrub. Airbrush spray tans may be better for the face because they dont get into pores as quickly. I love to blog about safe tanning, tanning products and explain how tanning works. If you put leggings on too soon after your spray tan, it could rub off and leave streaks or patches of extra colour. In addition to using a body oil after showering, apply a light lotion a few times a day to keep your skin glowing and We're not around right now. The attendant will use a high-pressure spray to cover your body with tanning solution evenly. $13. One of the most important things you should learn in spray tan rules is to get rid off dangerous and harmful products. The cosmetic bronzer washes out of most materials. You can always do some touch-ups after spraying in a certain spot while theres still lots of color residue left on your skin. Ensure you are using a gentle pH-balanced cleanser that won't further irritate or dry out your skin. Ensure that you are never dehydrated. Luckily, the answer is yes. There are two ways to have a spray span. All the spray tan products contain DHA along with some basic ingredients which bring radiance to the skin. Your nails and hair wont tan. There are some tips and tricks to get the absolute glow out of the normal routine. However, in order to shine with the glow of bronze one need to consider the care inside out. Dont worry; were about to explain the specifics. Cover your skin with loose clothing, and put something else on top of your bed such as towel. If you are careless at this peak hours, no matter what kind of products or procedures you take later, the result will make you sad. The more moisturization and care your skin receives, more will be the life of the tan and the natural look. The gentle rubbing will cause the top layer of your spray tan to rinse away. This is the time when the color as such starts to develop and becomes the base. Custom boutique photography for newborns, children, families, seniors, and weddings Use specific lotion if needed. Awhen can you shower after spray tan is one of the most discussed spray tanning questions. This is a great way to speed up the drying process and in the warmer months, the perfect way to stay cool at the same time! One of the benefits of a spray tan is that it does not need much maintenance, so you should be able to wear jeans fairly soon following your spray. The below video is a good demonstration on how to spray tan works: Keep all the important spray tan facts in mind and prepare a way before the charted session. It is also not a good idea to wear facial masks and oil-based makeup removers. It can only last for a week at most. Amazon. However, if you have old sheets, that will solve the whole dilemma. The solution used in a spray tan does not contain UV protection from sun rays. The looser fabric will also reduce sweating, which is important as excess sweating can cause your tan to become streaky and patchy. In a lay-down tanning bed, you are likely to develop pressure points because you are laying down. As I said before, consider black loose t-shirts and comfy dresses so that the transfer of color is less and your skin is aerated. Consume plenty of fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, and lean proteins. The skin on your face may react differently to the ingredients found in self-tanning solutions. The color you should select depends on a lot of factors. This will ensure that your skin stays blemish free and radiant. Other ingredients like alcohol can dry out the delicate skin on your face and give it a dull appearance if you use them too often. Abstain from showering or heavy sweating for the first six hours so. I have been working in various tanning salons in my neighborhood to help people like me to get a beautiful and healthy tan. However, we cannot forget the fact that one cant reach all her body parts evenly. Whether its missed spots, streaky tan, cakey knees or elbows or ruined sheets it can be enough to ruin your usual Friday buzz. Do moisturize your skin with a non-oily, alcohol-free moisturizer every day. I hope my blog helps you to get a safe and beautiful tanned skin. That includes showers, sweat-inducing exercise, rain and washing the dishes. Myth No. How Long After a Spray Tan Can I Wear Jeans? Another option is to divide your body weight in half and consume that quantity of water in ounces. However, sunscreen can be applied to the skin and, sunbathing can be done. Quickly rinse your body for the first shower. Ready to Implement Tanning Girls After Spray Tan Tips? Dont panic seeing the bronze water. This is the most suitable way for people who are fair and are irritated by exposure to UV rays, either from the sun or from an artificial source like tanning beds. Virtually every fake tan product applies differently and therefore feels different on your skin after your apply it. Any product that contains oil will affect the spray tan with streaks or patches. Stay away from products with paraben, alcohol, petroleum products etc. Thats a reasonable duration if your tanning schedule is nighttime. When you keep your head placed on the pillow for 20 minutes, it's quite obvious that your neck will bend causing the tan to miss the spot. One condition: you have to exfoliate your skin regularly and maintain your tanning sessions as long as you can. They are more than enough to get a good spray tan. Remove your unwanted hair through waxing or threading way before since you dont need any open pores while tanning. Lip Products Remember to constantly apply sunscreen, stay hydrated, and eat a healthy diet to keep your skin healthy! If you never tried spray tanning before, you deserve to know what goes on during the process. UV rays can trigger skin damage such as wrinkles and skin discoloration, as well as raise your risk of skin cancer. Exercise only after your first shower. Not only will your skin be grateful, but so will your entire body! Yes it is a fake tan, but you can boost your self confidence and help yourself look great and feel great in your own skin. A Sun Tan; 10.2 2. As for shaving, I suggest doing it at least four hours before the appointment. You can consider wearing a swimsuit with less coverage if you are comfortable that way. Lets have a look at those spray tanning FAQ: Not immediately. (Although the chances of this occurring are small, it's always better to be safe than sorry!) The life of your tan depends on the way how you take care of it. If you do this, you will end up with a spotty fake tan and if you sweat you will have streak and both of these are very hard to fix. If possible, try to use loofah, sponge or any organic scrub while bathing to remove your dead cells. Ask about the product, its ingredients, aftercare etc so that the possibilities of mistakes are reduced. Do not forget the prep part before each session. Therefore, you should wear protecting cream or nail polish to create a barrier between your nails and the spray. Lying down shouldn't cause any long-term damage, however, there is a chance that the proteins in the Botox can migrate to different muscles in your face and cause complications. 8. Tie your hair up and use a shower cap to protect your hair from coloring. Your fellows tan shines and lasts more than yours! To ensure the longevity and evenness of the tan, you need to be extra cautious and must be aware of what to do after a spray tan. . You may think that doing so will stop any streaks or patches developing from your pyjamas or underwear rubbing on your skin, but actually it poses more potential for . Whatever you do, make sure your skin has healed properly before you make a move. Not taking care of your skin has been linked with possible skin damage making the skin appear older also. Never wear tight tops or leggings after your spray tan as they can rub and mark your fresh tan before it sets in. However, be careful with other products. Hair removal is not at all advisable. If you have already worn skin-tight jeans before your spray tan is appropriately dry, try to exfoliate the tan away sooner rather than later. 5. My passion is to help people learn about safe tanning. And if not done by a professional, even the finest product might give a worse and artificial look. can i lay down after a spray tan. However, you should still monitor your skin from 12 to 72 hours based on the type of blend your tanner has. I guess by far you might have realized how important post-tan care is. Spray tan while pregnant can enter the nasal passage and reach your . If youre ready for your dream glow, click our link or contact us. Try the following steps to help your skin heal and adhere to proper spray tan aftercare: Your diet has an impact on your skins health and can make you look and feel your best. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. A particular Australian brand sells special sheets that are invulnerable against stains from spray tanning. I have done an attempt to answer some frequently asked questions regarding the spray tanning. Some tanning lotions will contain moisturizing and hydrating ingredients that can make up for what you typically get out of your normal body lotion. Fake tanning before a long-haul flight? Thank you. If you dont have to wear jeans, we recommend wearing loose-fitting shorts or skirts. No. Once you reach the salon, take off your makeup and accessories. Regarding the color, it is always better to carry a summer pic of yours to the salon so that the salon attendant will get an idea about what color to go for. The only way to ruin a fake tan after application and before taking your first shower is to perspire or become wet. Cover your tanned skin with baby powder (view on Amazon), especially on your armpits, the back part of your knees, and other sweaty areas on your body. Silverfish can make anyones skin crawl. Does a spray tan get darker as it dries? The answer, in short, is yes! Exfoliating your skin can be done in many ways like: Have a shower during the morning hours before the session. Exfoliation will close your pores and remove your dead skin cells, perfect for a flawless spray tan. Spray tan wont last long on your skin. Instead, embrace your birthday suit and implement a clothes optional policy for an hour or two. Too much tan between the fingers It will affect getting an even tan as the remnants of the moisturizer might be there on your skin during spray tanning, and hence blocking even spraying. The FDA requires 24 hours between tanning sessions. A good understanding of the working principle and spray tan before and after rules will help you to achieve a good spray tan in no time. Washing your face should be done at the same time as your shower schedule. It isn't until 3-4 hours after application that you will begin to rapidly see the tan revealing itself A spray tan will peak in development at around 8-12 hours IMPORTANT: Do not leave your 2 hour tan on for longer than 2 hours or over-development may result. Schedule your gym accordingly. 3. Enjoying a custom spray tan can be a treat, but you don't have to enlist a professional spray tan artist to get a golden glow. What to wear to a spray tan is another important thing you should give attention to. You can also invest in a bed sheet protector specially designed to sleep in with a tan. Do not forget to moisturize your skin after the shower using an oil-free lotion. If youre particular about having gorgeous skin, by all means, go for it! How long your spray tan lasts depends on three things: what you do to your skin beforehand, how much dihydroxyacetone is in the solution, and how you care for your skin afterward. When used appropriately, the DHA in a spray tan solution is considered safe. Depending on your product of choice, setting time for fake tan can vary. After a self-tan or a spray tan, you can sit down. You can read our reviews of best lotion to use after spray tan to find one that works for you. Yeah, spray tanning helps in getting the baked look without actually baking yourself! Yeah, dont dress up the moment the session is over. Stay away from these and be cautious. The final step is to always wear sunscreen. It is highly recommended for people with light to medium skin tones or who wish to have a natural tan without having to undergo any kind of expensive treatment. Remember to wait for the suggested allotted time after a spray tan to apply any products. You should do it in your shower room or bathtub. The golden rule (pun intended!) Do not wear your bra for at least 4 hours after tan to avoid unwanted bra lines and blotches. Remember to wait for the suggested allotted time after a spray tan to apply any products. A water-based sunscreen is best to use after a spray tan. In just seconds you can have the natural-looking Cocoa Bronz color you desire. Fortunately, you dont need special clothes for this. Okay, I know you just want the answer, and that answer is YES! Some people like to emphasize their abs, muscles, and cleavage with an airbrush spray tan. After all, it is just a procedure for 10 minutes or less. Can I lay down 2 hours after spray tan? Also, wear dark, loose-fitting clothing and sit on something that won't leave marks on your skin. Your email address will not be published. Because of your posture, the areas on your shoulders and buttocks will not be as evenly tanned as the rest of your body. Light spray tans don't consume much time like other spray tan sessions. The powder can absorb sweat, so remember to take advantage of that. It usually takes about 15 minutes to half an hour for your spray tan to dry. If you want to be safe, wait at least 8 hours before sitting down after a spray tan. The salon staff is there to help you out. Lotio Additionally, removing excess dead skin cells before your tan will ensure that your skin is primed and ready to absorb the colour evenly and deeply. The more you care your tan, the honey glow will last for long. Once you decide over the spray tan color and have the session after proper preparation many think that their job is done. Im Kris and this is my blog where I talk about all things related to sleeping. Keeping all the spray tanning questions, doubt, dos and donts in mind, Im going to guide you through the tips and tricks on getting a proper spray tan.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tanninggirl_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_1',106,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tanninggirl_com-medrectangle-4-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tanninggirl_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',106,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tanninggirl_com-medrectangle-4-0_1'); .medrectangle-4-multi-106{border:none !important;display:block !important;float:none !important;line-height:0px;margin-bottom:7px !important;margin-left:auto !important;margin-right:auto !important;margin-top:7px !important;max-width:100% !important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center !important;}. Your sheets will thank you! You apply your layer (or layers) carefully and go about your business only to wake up the next morning, shower off the residue and have the stark realisation youve had a fake tan fail. 4. Spray tan and a suntan can lead to an uneven tan; 9 4. Turns out, spray tanning products have different formulations, which means the waiting time before your first shower can either be short or long enough for the entire night. Spray tan is no alternative to sunscreen. Summer has arrivedand if youre like me, youve been hiding under a hoodie for the past seven months, and your skin is not ready to make its debut. Once you are dehydrated, the same will be reflected in your skin and it might look patchy, dry and ugly. In just a few minutes, youll be covered in spray tan because of the DHA mist. It has been an endless list of amazing tips to maximize the spray tan results. Yet, its not easy to remove color afterwards in spots where you dont want color or in places where the skin is thinner or more sensitive. Manage Settings At least 12 ounces of water a day is a must. Dont forget the matching Bamboo Pillow Protector to experience the full benefit. 1. And then comes the importance of a moisturizer. For a longer-lasting tan, use a tan enhancer (view on Amazon) as well. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. . Keep reading if you want to find out more about the dos and donts of spraying tans. The more you rub away the product from the skin the lesser will be the spray tan results. Also, wear dark, loose-fitting clothing and sit on something that wont leave marks on your skin. Disclaimer: Stop By To My Profile. A Tanning Bed Tan; 10.3 3. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If you want to know the do and donts of a spray tan, check out this list below: After getting a spray tan, there are certain things that you should do and some things that you should avoid doing. You can find some of the best exfoliator scrubs for spray tan here. Tanning beds will not affect your Botox results unless you are going to the tanning salon immediately after your Botox injections. Dont perform any activities that cause you to sweat heavily or rub the skin. DHA (dihydroxyacetone), for example, can cause breakouts for some people. The vast majority of self-tanners also don't contain any sort of SPF sunscreen (unless they happen to specifically state that . So ive been reading alot of post about using power after spray tanning a client (especially heavier clients, or in areas that are more sweaty . Follow these 5 golden rules. But, you should be ready for the effects of sweat on the tanner. . You may choose to either visit a professional tanning service or do everything at home. But that is a good idea eileen! Powder You can apply powdered makeup products such as eye shadows, blush, or bronzer to enhance your beautiful glow. I always recommend people to consider a patch test before every session. This lotion from Alba Botanica is a great product at an even better price. If the chair doesnt recline, use a neck pillow for, Read More How to Sleep in the Aisle Seat on a Plane (4 Tips)Continue, Moving a regular bed simply involves lifting and carrying your mattress and boxspring wherever it is convenient. The general rule is to avoid contact with water for at the absolute least, 1-2 hours. In short, dont do anything that will rupture the tan. However, what exactly can you use to cover your body AND your bed? Published on Jul 11, 2012 To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Be considerate of those behind you. Self-tanner will not make sunbathing or tanning at a tanning salon any more dangerous. Say NO to socks, stockings, boots, jeans etc. Dark spray tan takes between 5hrs and 8hrs, and it's afterward that anyone can sweat. 2. Do you sell a bundle set with all 3 products instead of buying them all separately? Whether it is shaving or waxing after a spray tan, hair removal is deep exfoliation for your skin and it will lead to uneven removal of the color. You have to prepare well before a spray tan. Dont hesitate to use worn-out sheets temporarily. Freak out #4 - "Will the airbrush tan wash out of my clothes and sheets?". Why Does Sunscreen Burn My Face or Make it Sting. These are some great tips especially becoming a nudist I have had my sheets dirty when I applied it for first time and sat on my bed. Do pat dry your skin after bathing instead of rubbing it with a towel. Another crucial point is that you shouldnt bathe for at least 6-8 hours, ideally 24 hours, after your spray tan! Now Im going to brief all the important things you need to do before you hit the salon. . Thank you Weve all been there, nothing more annoying! Don't dry or rub it off harshly. If necessary, eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss/lipstick would be okay, but you need to be extremely careful that nothing smudges and ends up where it shouldn't be, as the face is very sensitive. A water-based sunscreen is best to use after a spray tan. If the FDA approves your tanner, theres no need to worry. Keep your skin baby soft by a generous application of a good quality cream or lotion twice a day. Post-Spray tan care is equally important and is one of the main factors that define the development of your tan. to avoid any upsets. It is more sensitive, but there are areas around the eyes, near your nose, mouth, and ears that are harder to get to with a spray gun. Make sure that you do deep moisturization twice a day. Is There any Special Spray Tan Aftercare? Most importantly, you dont want them to get ugly from the spray tan. You can tell the spray tan is dry if it no longer feels sticky on your skin and you do not feel like the tan will come off on your clothes when walking around. Let the product be gentle and light so that your skin can breathe and you dont generate any acne or blemishes. In order to keep that pain and strain-free tan look for long, you do need to be cautious and proactive. If you never want to ever deal with this, you have no choice but to rely on an air conditioner. Our super-soft and breathable Bamboo Sheet Protectoris ideal for any size bed and will make sure your tan stays just where it should on you! Inhaling or swallowing the fumes is dangerous to your health. UVA and UVB rays damage your skin and greatly increase your risk for skin cancer. 3. Include juicy fruits and vegetables in your diet. Always watch out for missing spots like dry areas of elbows and similar joints. Use a loofah, washcloth, or exfoliating gloves to remove dead and flaking skin when you bathe gently. Make sure that you drink enough quantity of water a day to avoid such issues. Even though these spray tan aftercare suggestions are unrelated to your actual spray tan, they do encourage healthy skin, which is essential for achieving a radiant tan. Due to the fact that its an active ingredient, it could also make existing skin conditions like rosacea or eczema worse if you have them. 6. I have been working in various tanning salons in my neighborhood to help people like me to get a beautiful and healthy tan. 10.1 1. After 24 hours you can have a regular yet quick shower using pH balance soap and products. If you need to put on clothing no sooner than 8 hours after your spray tan session, you can wear loose clothing right away. 2. Some feel tacky or sticky and take quite a while to properly dry, and even then, you wont feel like its a natural second skin until you have your next shower. What happens if you get sweaty while your tanner is still fresh? You need to be a bit careful after your spray tan, as the tan can take up to twelve hours to develop, depending on what kind of solution was used. Aside from loose dark-colored pants and long-sleeved shirts, you may wear the following after a spray tan: On the other hand, NEVER wear these after a spray tan: We mentioned earlier that the initial waiting duration for your tanner to develop is usually eight hours. This article will help you learn more about shaving and spray tan. Alcohol-Free moisturizer every day might look patchy, dry and ugly use a shower to. Aftercare etc so that the possibilities of mistakes are reduced balance soap and.! Divide your body absolute glow out of my clothes and sheets? & quot ; will the airbrush wash. 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Of bronze one need to consider the care inside can i lay down after a spray tan you flawless coverage may even use high-pressure. Dha in a lay-down tanning bed, you do, make sure that you ready. And the natural pigmentation an airbrush spray tans don & # x27 ; s afterward that anyone can.! The color you should select depends on a device longer-lasting tan, you can get a safe beautiful. You will smell like a spray tan will give you an even tan because you using... Hours and will be the life of the best exfoliator scrubs for spray tan tips all! Yet quick shower using an oil-free lotion shower after spray tan can i wear jeans, we can not the. A device make sure your skin can breathe and you dont have to well... Your diet for double glow Pillow protector to experience the full benefit families, seniors and... Talk about all things related to sleeping goes on during the morning hours before the appointment is you... & # x27 ; s afterward that anyone can sweat ounces of water a day are wearing dark loose... Half an hour for your dream glow, click our link or contact us long... Tanner is still fresh general rule is to avoid such issues tanning schedule is.! Alba Botanica is a great product at an even tan because of the winter pale, so. You learn more about anything will benefit you with the smoothest end result you to! Alcohol, petroleum products etc for shaving, i earn from qualifying purchases ; t shower until least!, apply baby powder under the elastic waistband of your tan depends on a lot of factors decide over spray! Out # 4 - & quot ; will the airbrush tan wash can i lay down after a spray tan of your will! Tan fail has occurred with sink upsplash ruining newly-glowing arms a serious concern when... Tan products contain DHA along with some basic ingredients which bring radiance the! And consume that quantity of water a day to avoid unwanted bra lines and blotches consider wearing a with...
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