susan michie brexit

I think old commie like Hobsbawm was member of Companion of Honour. That would mean, given Indian's population of 1.3 billion, that 1 in 13 of them die annually. No, the Big, Rich Parties. No-one who declared themselves a fascist would be allowed a major role in such an organisation. Michie is a member of the Communist Party of Britain[27][25] and was also member of its predecessor the Communist Party of Great Britain. Lets treat her accordingly. Nigel Smith | It starts to feel distinctly like fundamental questions of how a society should be organised are being taken out of the political sphere where they can be debated and ultimately rejected at the ballot box and hard-wired into new scientific disciplines that are then treated as unquestionable expertise. I am also sure that in Brazil, like in the rest of the world, the deaths FROM covid-19 are being massively exaggerated as many are almost certainly deaths from other causes where the victim just happened to have a positive covid-19 test. 29 April 2021 at 08:55 AM. Why do we not outlaw communism? And I think that the kind of articles you referred to are a really disturbing kind of McCarthyite witch hunting, which I dont think should have any place in a liberal tolerant society. Nudge units appeared in various departments and even some local authorities. Henry L'Eplattenier | Everything a communist does is informed by their disgusting, murderous politics. They must not exceed 500 words. Professor Susan Michie has told LBC it is wrong to say schools are "safe" as millions of pupils face staying at home from January 4. You might want to check your figures there, Jaggers. > You might want to check your figures there, Jaggers. DU-containing ammunition was first used in the 1991 Gulf War and has again been used in Serbia, in Kosovo, and in the 2003 Gulf war. The latter is perhaps the age-old ill that created countless historical man-made disasters, and much of the decadence that we see today! 29 April 2021 at 01:16 PM. Professor Susan Michie, from the Government's SAGE advisory committee, tells Adam Bienkov that the Government's lax response to the new COVID variant could cost thousands of lives . As you can imagine they practiced the worst kind of manipulation. "Communist British scientist dubbed 'Stalin's nanny' who wanted face masks and social distancing FOREVER is . Johnson has been criticised by many public health experts for moving too quickly and for failing to publish the advice the Government has received from its public health experts. The biased liberal media obviously are genetically constructed to never give any credit to a Conservative party so they need to find negativity where they can find it. It smells rotten and like nothing I have encountered in normal private business consulting. It is in this context in which one can understand, I think, the presence of Professor Michie amongst the government's top SAGE advisers but what do I know. Posted by: Home Understanding the Wheel About the Authors About the Book. Look how much their power was increased by covid-19. With the exception of Mark Woolhouse, but he didnt the b***s to speak up until Omicron came along. In reality every mental problem is actually a physical one. I suppose its better than killing, which they used to do. And not at all odd for a psychologist . They believe in free speech until you say somethibg they disagree with. It is partly owned by the Cabinet Office, employees and Nesta, Posted by: She is a chartered clinical psychologist and a chartered health psychologist, and a fellow of the British Psychological Society. So quite why she thinks she has the right to push them on the country against the concensus of the people is beyond me. They believe in vaccinations until the point that their profits may be spoiled. She continued her clinical work, consultancy and research at the Royal Free Hospitals Occupational Health and Safety Unit part-time. In any case, UK tax law is already at least 10x more complex than it should be. 01 May 2021 at 08:37 PM. > @Jaggers 27th April 2021 at 4:18pm This is a lower standard of truthfulness than you would like for government ministries, and SAGE did not measure up to that one. Exclude fascists, communists, people with strong religious convictions, atheists, Peoples backgrounds will sometimes influence the work they do. Shame on the WHO, shame on Michie. Her politics is absolutely important, its essential because it shows her as a fundamentalist and more so now as she is going to be in a position of power in an organisation that is seeking unprecedented global power through the farcical yet deeply concerning Pandemic Treaty. Kah, Mendez, Michie and Vironen 2014). Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie is the granddaughter of Henry McLaren, the 2nd Baron Aberconway, an Eton-educated Edwardian industrialist and Liberal MP. We want equality of opportunity not equality of outcome. But she added: Today, I was surprised to be interrupted on several occasions after having waited 25 minutes before being brought into the conversation. Sky News may have started labelling activist experts like Sophie Ellie, the Momentum activist teacher, yet one activist is still going unlabelled on other channels and is taking the opportunity to denounce the government's response at every turn.Susan Michie is a Marxist campaigner who has managed to get herself on not only the activist dominated fake SAGE, she is also on the . I just dont see this. The. I believe that says all that is needed in respect of the seriousness of the situation in India. We welcome applications to contribute to UnHerd please fill out the form below including examples of your previously published work. What is so Good About Democracy? You could not say I am proud fascist, never mind N**i and be employed by the state. They are not umpires but players, and very selfish players at that. 04 May 2021 at 11:38 AM, Steve balmforth | 01 May 2021 at 04:24 PM, -"Agree with you on all this. Perhaps we should be given some options on defunding the WHO? I would therefore conclude that the appointment of Michie to head the WHO nudge unit, a concept that is Orwellian to begin with, simply shows how corrupt and useless the WHO actually is. Professor Susan Michie, a behavioural psychologist who sits on the all-important Sage committee, made headlines last week by appearing to suggest that social distancing and wearing facemasks should remain in place "forever". Indeed it was her justification as far as Sage was concerned. Teaching Summary. Prof David Hendy, 27/30 'Radio Everywhere', Radio 4, 23 April 2013 [in part]: "The dream of the Nazi radio programmers was to create a kind of volkesgemeinschaft, a social unity that amounted in effect to a single way of thinking among the German people. Categories: Communist Party In a bizarre comparison, she said Britons never used to wear seat belts in cars or 'pick up dog poo in the park' but learned to over time. Fortunately I can see through government propaganda. The only equality of outcome available to humans is death. adeledicnander | People such a Michie distort the facts to always arrive at preconceived conclusions. Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie FBPsS FAcSS FMedSci FBA (born 19 June 1955)[1] is a British academic, clinical psychologist, and professor of health psychology, director of The Centre for Behaviour Change[2] and head of The Health Psychology Research Group,[3] all at University College London. However what worries me in the medical sector is that we are told that there is a shortage of surgeons etc, leading to months of delays to treatment to which we are all apparently entitled. [9], Her current research includes developing methodologies for designing and evaluating theory-based interventions to change behaviour, and advancing scientific knowledge about, and applications of, behaviour change interventions. It would be good if we had a conservative PM who would drive out such ideologs from advisory committees and quangos. The social justice ideological position held among Michie and her colleagues that greater social equality is desirable is not a scientific view but a political view and it is in fact essential that proper representation of voices in favour of the common desire for freedom of choice appears on such committees where mixed scientific and ideological advice is given. When Boris or Hancock open their mouths its BIT and SAGE thats actually speaking. From the start of the programme it was obvious that Kaye Adams sides with Johnson on lifting Covid [rules].. She admitted there was no diversity they all think alike. Of course I meant "4,000,000" or "4 million". That equates to about 45,000 excess deaths, based on a yearly death toll of about 650,000. 'Interrupting' BBC interviewer blasted by Covid expert over 'fixed view' on scrapping rules, Boris Johnson scraps ALL Covid restrictions in England as self-isolation ended, Ian Blackford jeered by Tory MPs for criticising Boris Johnson ending Covid rules. Steve balmforth | The member of Independent Sage and government adviser on Health Psychology told LBC's Matt Frei that "delays and last minute decisions" over whether schools would be open are "really difficult for everyone." Perhaps McCarthy had a point, something I had not considered until now. Sally | You could not say I am proud fascist, never mind N**i and be employed by the state. Did any other CH protest about it? [9][10][11], In 1993, Michie moved to the Psychology and Genetics Research Group, King's College London where she conducted research into the process and outcome of genetic counselling, public and professional attitudes towards genetic testing, informed choice and decision making about prenatal screening and genetic testing, and the psychological impact of predictive genetic testing. Given that Brazil has more poverty and malnutrition plus an inferior health service, you can perhaps double that figure to get 4,000,000. Professor Susan Michie. The problem with Prof. Michie is that she is not a public health expert, she is not medically trained, and she is not and never has been a scientist. I suppose that Mr. Johnson concluded earlier on that his The conductor received compensation from West Midlands Trains. 28 April 2021 at 11:09 PM, Mike B "You might want to check your figures there, Jaggers. June 15,2021 Professor Susan Michie, a behavioural psychologist who sits on the all-important Sage committee, made headlines last week by appearing to suggest that social distancing and wearing facemasks should remain in place "forever". He inherited major interests in coal,. Private health IS a tax. Written by Susan Michie, Lou Atkins & Robert West forgot? Posted by: But is there diversity on these WHO committees? After all, did we really vote in a government to scare the living daylights out of us into a meek submission - or did we actually vote in and trust that our government would be competent enough to make its citizens feel safe and secure? Those ads you do see are predominantly from local businesses promoting local services. Susan Fiona Dorinthea Michie FBPsS FAcSS FMedSci FBA (born 19 June 1955) [1] is a British academic, clinical psychologist, and professor of health psychology, director of The Centre for Behaviour Change [2] and head of The Health Psychology Research Group, [3] all at University College London. Well said Sally except that's just the point. And has suffered 190,000 COVID deaths since the start of the pandemic! Effectively, they have none, except the idea that nothing is really right or wrong in except so far as it suits them. [29][30] She made a 14,000 donation to Labour under Corbyn's leadership. Which is why their actions are filled with hypocrisy, contradiction an injustice. Steve Balmforth (30 April 2021 at 03:23 PM) makes a good point about statistics taken out of context not telling the real story. If she is simply an communist psychologist that has latched on to Sunsteins work to see a way to promulgate her ideological preferences she certainly should not be on any WHO committee. And Michie shows all of the tactics that ought to be strongly denounced! -"It is at this point that I recall another very interesting, thought-provoking article by Peter Hitchens last August on Claire Fox who was nominated for a peerage by Mr. Johnson despite Ms. Fox's past opposition to the very existence of the House of Lords and having been a member of a strange cultish group called the Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP). I know that it sounds like a clich but it really shows how decisive it is to think hard before we drop that piece of paper into the ballot box. I stand by it.". Its all about putting across a point to suit a policy end. (I have copied this comment to her email to be transparent). [28] In March 2018, she spoke at a public meeting saying that communists should be "working full tilt" for the election of Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister. During the Covid PsyOps (SPI-B) I took the time to read the minutes of SAGE meetings that were released. The reason being that if you can maniuplate people into backing what your portray as a virtuous cause, for example, liberating a country from a dictator or allegedly saving lives threatened by a virus or climate change then you are far more likely to win the support of those who can't see beyond the smoke and mirrors. My Italian friends say that you can only work in public or private medicine in Italy. In 2009, Michie became a member of the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) and convened its subgroup, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Behaviour group. The ability to comment on our stories is a privilege, not a right, however, and that privilege may be withdrawn if it is abused or misused. Buried deep in the BBC website a few weeks ago, the ONS revealed that TOTAL UK deaths in 2020 were about 7% higher than expected based on an average of the previous 10 years. Have you tried typing National Socialist? 29 April 2021 at 11:41 PM, Sally writes: "The biased liberal media obviously are genetically constructed to never give any credit to a Conservative party so they need to find negativity where they can find it.". 01 May 2021 at 11:39 AM. 29 April 2021 at 10:23 AM, Jos S. | 27 April 2021 at 09:10 PM And receive the best part of a billion in aid from UK. The sort of communist collectivist viewpoint represented by Michie does not provide this essential element for sound decisions to be taken. Her interview by Freddie reveals her to be a self-righteous bigot so your views will simply be brushed aside as of no more importance than the death of a few thousand Kulaks in the march to the nirvana where she and her scientific comrades can nudge you and command you to obey for your own good, of course. And I think that the kind of articles you referred to are a really disturbing kind of McCarthyite witch hunting, which I dont think should have any place in a liberal tolerant society. To equalize outcomes you need the all powerful elites to determine who gets what. I believe there are moral issues. Also I doubt flights incoming from India to England have reduced one iota . : Posted by: As usual, it sounds like a lot of woke gibberishhow do we make societies fairer and root out inequalities? First, tackle the enormous wealth transfer going on in plain sight then! I agree with this as regards the presentation. 01 May 2021 at 09:42 AM. The joke is on anyone who imagines that a world controlled by all powerful elites is anything approaching egalitarian. Its SAGE behavioural scientists at work.". Posted by: BIT was created in 10 Downing Street in 2010 as the world's first government institution dedicated to the application of behavioural sciences to policy., 2019. Susan Michie, a 40-year member of the British Communist Party and a leading participant in the U.K. Government's Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B), has been promoted to Chair of the WHO's Technical Advisory Group for Behavioural Insights and Science for Health.. Last year, when asked how long Britain's Covid containment measures should last, Michie responded that . She is director of UCLs Centre for Behaviour Change and of its Health Psychology Research Group. Why should her being a hardline Communist be seen as any better? It is based on the Behaviour Change Wheel, a synthesis of 19 behaviour change frameworks that draw on a wide range of . Susan Neiman, author of Learning From The Germans: Confronting Race And The Memory Of Evil, thinks so. Registered in England & Wales | 01676637 |. The interview took place before it was announced all remaining Covid restrictions would be scrapped in England including the legal requirement for those who test positive for the virus to self isolate. If more people would think, more people would agree with me' My interview with Aaron Bastani, Yes, Drake did wicked things. They believe in public schools yet send their own kids to private ones. UK Joined July 2010 1,379 Following 42.4K Followers Tweets & replies Media Made up and shortened to save effort and accuracy, whilst pandering to a majority of stupid lazy people. Michie frequently contributes to national news media during the COVID-19 pandemic as an expert in behaviour change,[20][21][22][23] notably in May 2020 when a government advisor left the city and thus broke the government's COVID-19 rules.[24]. I suspect a lot of the rather absurd limitations on safe movement of people outside during the pandemic arose through egalitarian collectivist thinking that those who might be able to travel further safely should not be privileged. Posted by: The existence of the NHS does not only damage the quality of its own output, but also that of alternative systems. [9], In 2019, Michie was named winner of the British Psychological Society Research Boards Lifetime Achievement Award for her world-leading work creating a coherent language of behaviour change.[13]. 23,472 views Jun 14, 2021 Freddie Sayers meets Susan Michie. I am curious to what metrics you have applied to call the vaccine program an outstanding success? Imagine the outcry if this woman was a member of the BNP, let alone a National Socialist. Posted by: They want to lose weight, exercise more, be nicer, drink less and smoke not at all. Ian Blackford, the SNPs Westminster leader,told the Prime Minister on Monday the decisions were bereft of science or consultation. Steve balmforth | The two pasted sections below are from Gov web sites. [18] In 2020, she became a participant in the COVID-19 SAGE's Scientific Pandemic Insights group on Behaviour (SPI-B). The expert questioned the idea and the presenter. 29 April 2021 at 03:28 AM, Sally "According to the article she inherited her wealth in the form of a family painting which she sold off. From 'Noise: A Human History', Posted by: I had corporate private health insurance before retirement. Of course if the politics of the said public official were right of centre which is invariably described by leftists as extreme right, it would be terribly important!! Communism is the secularised intensification of one strain of Christianity (in the west). I mean the project to Make an End to Suffering first publically enunciated by Buddha. HP10 9TY. Among its membership are actual communists, Labour Party donors, activists, Corbynistas, "anti-Zionists", Brexit conspiracy theorists and even a former Greek MP. Posted by: But like them, I too am not bound by a rigid belief which makes it easier to see what is happenijg the difference is that I am following infornation to arrive at a position of truth, as opposed to deliberately distorting infornation to conceal it. Yes there are a lot of people dying, possibly even as a result of contracting covid 19, but there are still considerably more who die every day in India from perfectly treatable issues as simple as clean water availability or a lack of an effective health system. Professor Susan Michie, an adviser to the UK Government on pandemic behavioural science, was questioned by BBC Scotland's Kaye Adams on Monday morning. Watt Soever | The DUP thought Brexit was a chance to get a hard border back, but now they cling to the vestiges of their old dominance, says Irish writer and journalist Susan McKay She told The National afterwards she had been on many programmes on BBC Scotland over the past two years and she was always been treated with courtesy and asked intelligent questions. Here is a word which I urge you to practise using:- ), PETER HITCHENS: This green revolution will turn Britain into a Third World country, The threat of Marshmallow Totalitarianism, too soft and sweet to excite alarm : My latest conversation with Mike Graham on Talk Radio , Click here to read about him and his books, Down the Rat Hole - the sad and futile search for the perfect bar or pub. It presupposes a mind-body duality, which I think does not exist. This womans name brings back horrible memories! In short, it seems to be the nature of radio to encourage people to think and feel alike.'. [9], Michie worked as a clinical psychologist with children and families at the Royal Free Hospital, London. It is not in financial interest of consultants to eliminate or even reduce NHS queues. Unless you mean few thousand a day? If she was a member of a far-right political party, promoting an ideology that had caused the deaths of millions of people throughout the 20 century, then I am sure that it would be an issue of public debate, and enough to prevent her holding publicly funded positions. Susan Michie certainly doesnt think so, as she told me in her UnHerd interview last year when I asked her if she was a Communist: But in this example, it becomes hard to separate politics from science. As a subscriber, you are shown 80% less display advertising when reading our articles. More importantly, if you are not confined to any rigid belief system which at the core these people aren't then you are light on your feet. Martin | Michies social background is typical of her type. Michie is a long-time member of the Stalinist Communist Party of Britain, a fact which neither she nor the media have considered a hindrance to her involvement with the government until now. Mr. Peston further states that Professors Vallance and Whitty were sceptical about a Chinese-type shutdown, and that it was Dominic Cummings and Ben Warner (a Cummings ally, apparently) who, fearing the NHS would be overwhelmed, pushed for the more stringent measures which were adopted soon after. My latest appearance on Mike Graham's programme - we discuss the hopeless hunt for the Drug Cartels' Mr Big . Why would you wish to regulate their profitability ? Charitable status of private schools is subtly regulated by requiring the schools to provide free means-tested places which is the sort of regulation I mean. > I think you'll find that the figure is about 9 million, so you're out by a factor of more than 10. Martin | "The illogical reality of UK finance means that these decisions made for England by a failing Prime Minister affect the money the devolved nations have to provide testing., A BBC spokesperson said: "We stand by our journalism. We know there are thousands of National readers who want to debate, argue and go back and forth in the comments section of our stories. Much like a snake, you track off movement and can position yourself anyway the wind blows in order to manipulate popular opinion to get the reaction you want. Apparently, a great number of working class Labour electors voted conservative. All guests are offered the opportunity to have their say.. On Mastodon Views: own. belongs to mathematics and is entirely abstract. And, aptly enough, Buddhism is often described as a psychology and its polemics often rely on the redefinition of language and of reality (see the Milinda Panha). The Nazis murdered fewer people than communism continues to do, and its outlawed in the UK. That sees OVER yes 10, not 100, MILLION death per year?!?! BMJ Opinion, February 28 th 2020. But is it fair to make a scientists private politics part of the story? Members of the scientific community have called out the broadcaster for going to Professor Susan Michie, a behavioural scientist and reportedly longstanding member of the Communist Party.. Jos S. | BBC and universities are full of them. Steve Aiken, its new party leader, began the recent Westminster election campaign boldly declaring it was pro . (Referring to India) They believe in masks for you but are not able to remember to put one on when they visit a shop. Susan Michie certainly doesnt think so, as she told me in her. For it seems an average per million COVID problem . The broadcast news media are some of the biggest offenders. They believe in democracy if and when it suits them. In less credulous times the WHOs attrocious record throughout the Wuhan flu fiasco would have led to a serious reassessment of its function if not the end of the organisation altogether and Sunstein and Thalers book would have been dismissed for what it is another dangerous take on the work of BF Skinner. mdi-fullscreen. What was dressed up as power to the people was really just replacing one hierarchy with another much less capable one a power grab. As you rightly point out they have no principles. From around 1990s onwards hasn't most US/EU/NATO tanks' armour and ammunition been made with materials including depleted uranium (DU) due to its density and penetrating power whereas the old Soviet/Iraqi tanks almost certainly did not contain such material? " Carl Heneghan & Tom Jefferson for starters, and of course the 3 authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, and the list goes on! 01 May 2021 at 04:24 PM, You say "All of this is nothing to do with Boris or Hancock. A Gannett Company. If you havent read it, it may interest you to know that Robert Peston writes this weeks Diary page. He promised to get it done and the British electorate gave the Conservative Party an absolute parliamentary majority at the last general election. Professor Susan Michie, Director of the Centre for Behaviour Change at University College London, will chair the WHO's Technical Advisory Group (TAG) on Behavioural Insights and Sciences for. [9], As a clinical psychologist she worked with adults and families on topics covering antenatal care, genetic counselling and occupational stress. Her research focused on the areas of antenatal care and screening, and occupational stress in health care staff and students. Posted by: 25 April 2021 11:20 AM The weird world of Susan Michie, an adviser to the 'Conservative' government on the Covid crisis Some readers may be interested in this account of Professor Michie, a lifelong Communist now a prominent adviser to the Johnson government: Deaths, based on a wide range of are not umpires but players, very! Need the all powerful elites is anything approaching egalitarian @ views: own Centre for Behaviour Change that. Of Honour always arrive at preconceived conclusions is informed by their disgusting, murderous politics sections are... 14, 2021 Freddie Sayers meets susan Michie, Lou Atkins & amp Robert! Communist be seen as any better and Liberal MP atheists, Peoples backgrounds will influence... To encourage people to think and feel alike. ' am proud fascist, never N. Our articles the tactics that ought to be strongly denounced the Nazis murdered fewer people than communism continues to,. 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I am Nora. I want to make people happy. I want to share my zest for life. I want to convey freedom and ease. And I want to help people feel comfortable and find their best life. Although it has been obvious all my life, it took me something to consciously walk this path.