mdot hma selection guidelines

All pavers are equipped with an automatic feed system that, when properly adjusted, supplies mixture to the paver screed to maintain a uniform head of material. All nozzles should be turned at the same angle to the spray bar: approximately 30 degrees, depending upon the manufacturers recommendations. ]Rt~cv!G(F5@QFJFIN$@>, YDMP provides participants with opportunities to pursue higher education, personal growth, and exposure to transportation careers. The joint is swept clean of all loose material and given a bond coat. The top course mixture can be used for wedging when the thickness is less than 2 inches. Materials Attach copies of the qualification documentation for the sampling technician to the preproduction meeting minutes for each HMA paving project where HMA sampling is required. Saturated areas must be allowed to dry prior to placing mixture. Once it is determined how many passes are needed to achieve compaction at any point, the roller pattern for an area will be calculated by multiplying the number of roller passes needed for compaction by the number of rollers needed to cover the width being paved. Keep the level of mix at the augers as uniform as possible. FY 2022 LAP Bridge Scoping Cost Estimate Worksheet If a conversation is held with other project personnel concerning project activity, the date and location of the conversation should be recorded. When a change in one force occurs, the screed will rise or fall and will change the thickness of the mat being placed. Steam rising from the mix as it is dumped into the hopper of the spreader indicates moisture in the mix. FY 2023 Project Planning Guide FY 2022 Project Planning Guide Requesting a ProjectWise Folder Federal Aid Buyout Program Urban Road Program Rural Road Program Bridge Program TAP As the first load of mixture is being spread, the texture of the unrolled surface should be checked to determine uniformity. It is very important to know what special provisions are contained in the proposal. Are the king bolts in good condition on steel wheeled rollers? These tasks include: In the past, special provisions 03SP602A and 03SP602E delegated certain aspects of project oversight to the contractor. In this instance, the two numbers chosen were: 0.376 and 0.529, for length and transverse offset. This will help ensure that sampling technicians for the project are formally qualified by the department. Secondary Route Bridge Design Plan Guides If the required smoothness is obtained in the first course, the subsequent courses can usually be placed uniformly by simply setting the paver for the thickness desired. The purpose of the shoes is to allow one or more of them to pass over a high or low point in the existing surface without altering the slope of the whole beam. Refer to Figure 502-10. The Contractor must submit a mixture design to the MDOT Construction Field Services laboratory for approval in accordance with the HMA Production Manual. Did the paver have to stop and wait for trucks? The bond coat material shall be applied ahead of the paving operation for a distance of at least 1500 feet, depending upon traffic conditions, as determined by the Engineer. The screed is attached to the tractor unit at only one point on each side of the paver. t6h ($Y+q Forms It is composed of several major components including the truck push rollers, the mixture receiving hopper, material flow gates, two slat conveyors and a pair of augers. In the longitudinal direction, the rollers should not stop at the same transverse end point with each pass of the roller; the reversal points should be staggered to prevent shoving of the mix. Compaction must be achieved while the stiffness of the mix is low enough to allow for reorientation of the aggregate particles under the action of the rollers. MDOT's Highway Programs focus on the development and management of the department's roadsides, environmental efforts and policies, and federal-aid highway information. It may be necessary for the Contractor to make adjustments of the screed, vibrators, hopper flow gates, or the screed augers, to ensure a uniform surface texture. The gross weight of the roller can be altered by adding ballast water to the roller drums. This checklist may be placed in the project files. Determine the length of one pavement representing a sublot of material, the width of the pavement and the number of samples, (n), needed for each sublot. The weigh bridges on the cold feed and RAP charging conveyors must be calibrated. This material can be neat, unmodified or modified with polymers, rubber, latex, etc. Daily talks are one way to continuously remind people that they are working in a potentially dangerous environment at both the plant and the paving site. If the temperature exceeds specification limits, 350F, it should be discarded. These devices are used to carry the mixture from the hopper through the paver tunnel to the back of the paver and the spreading augers. It is important that the augers carry a consistent amount of mix across the front of the screed so that the pressure on the screed is kept as constant as possible. The rolling zone should be kept as short as possible. The pressure distributor shall have an automated ground speed control device interconnected with the asphalt emulsion pump in order that the specified application rate will be achieved at any speed. 2024 HSIP Selection List Information on what occurred on the paving operation must be recorded on the inspectors daily report and should include: What was the temperature of the mix delivered? Road Safety Audit The paint dot is to be visible on the core during handling and testing. The mat reference beam is spring supported on a series of wheels that roll on the mat. Check the mixture thickness, or yield, within the first three truckloads. The amount bid for HMA may be adjusted. Try to keep the paver moving at a constant speed. One procedure should constantly be followed: if in doubt about whether the information is important or beneficial, write it down. This allows the plant to deliver the proper amount of asphalt cement as called for in the JMF. Every HMA paving project must have an approved mix design for each mixture used on the project. This type of reference device is used only when the grade being sensed is relatively smooth. For each roller employed on a project, the mat width should be divided by the width of the compaction roller to determine the number of passes needed to cover the entire width being paved. The taper shall be constructed by the use of an approved strike off device attached to the screed that will provide a uniform slope and will not restrict the main screed. Double-drum vibratory rollers come in single-articulated-frame and double-articulated-frame models. Rough, uneven surfaces should be leveled. This page was last edited on 19 January 2022, at 13:44. The 2015 Office of Auditor Generals (OAG) audit of the warranty program found deficiencies in all aspects of the warranty administration process. Before placing the bond coat, the inspector should make certain that the surface has been swept clean of all foreign material, such as debris, leaves, dirt, etc. At the junction of the two augers in the center of the paver, adjacent to the auger gear box, there should be a reversed pitch auger, or paddle, to tuck the mixture under the gear box and assure that the mixture at this location is the same as that across the rest of the screed. This is helpful at lane tapers, crown corrections, or in areas of wedging. %PDF-1.7 The grade sensor usually rides directly on the beam at its midpoint. endobj The inspector should ensure that the Contractor is not causing damage to the mat during the compaction process, such as heat checking or cracking stone (white surface appearance). 4 0 obj The method for determining the binder grade in HMA mixtures incorporating RAP and/or RAS is divided into three categories designated Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3. Attention needs to be directed toward joints more than any other phase of HMA construction. A3M+<9HWZ+sFW4vKjfMQ"Lk U.c~TMm:YN u3lS( I1$3vsf 02U^0T[H 4n GI_}M&=MbAcL#' Z9[iW:hF-0T@4fbiB#1e7ME B? These trucks are loaded in the same manner directly from the silo at the plant. The inspector should take care that the bond coat is not tracked onto the new surface, which will create slippery spots. A superstructure that spans the screed and auger areas ties the two together and supports the grade sensor. This minimum rate should also be used between courses as a tack coat. The TSCs are designed to respond to the transportation needs of local communities for the highest level customer service. A release agent may be applied to the surfaces of the truck or trailer bed. Static steel wheel rollers normally range in weight from 3 to 6 tons and have compression drums or rolls that vary in diameter from 30 to more than 60 inches. x\YoF~A4 M!"Gcy-3_}TA(z #*v}Ow>~_c~y}On}]mvy}Rc*UQ]n/?]v./8:~o?Q`Sv;WE]f_MAuOF}@,c?uQUYcmEEPuB',~WMQsE$XF-,V-g6mMa%[+ndv6>%T&G/fQx&[0{Rm z5WB3^sha!QBk`LB#D1V'iuZtDW}} . The aggregate used to make the mix can be a single aggregate, but it is generally different sizes blended together through the cold feed bins to produce proper gradation. Agreement is needed on the methods to be employed to complete the project on schedule, within specification and with minimum delays. Safety is everyones business on a construction project and there is further discussion of this under Pre-Production Meeting. Pavement sags and rough areas may require a wedging course. A properly heated screed, particularly at the start of the days paving operations, or after any extended shutdown of the paving process, provides a more uniform mat surface texture. After production begins, the Contractor may ask for JMF adjustments. At a minimum, the failed areas should be removed and replaced, the potholes properly patched, the cracks cleaned out and the ruts filled, or preferably removed by cold-milling. Laying out core locations and traffic control for coring. HMA mixtures being supplied to MDOT projects must be produced at a certified facility. The augers are used to distribute the mixture across the total width of the screed. Common Safety Countermeasures for Local Agencies for Segments and Intersections Do all trucks have working backup warning systems? Any Judge violating such undertakings loses jurisdiction, resulting in his orders being VOID, and he himself commits a treasonable offense against the United States. Hand tools, level, straightedge and boards. Public participation is integral to efficient, effective and responsive transportation decisions. The HMA mixture shall be provided to meet the requirements of the current Michigan Department of Transportation(MDOT) 2020 Standard Specifications for Construction except where modified herein. Incorporating Safety into Resurfacing and Restoration Projects Mixture temperature should be checked regularly when the mix arrives on the project and recorded on the load tickets. This arrangement can sense and correct any change in screed elevation. After curing, only traffic essential in the work should be allowed on the bond coat. Hand raking and shaping around the cover must be completed before the material cools. Is distributor mounted on proper vehicle? Milling can be accomplished in any width necessary; however, the width is typically 6.25 feet. Safety talks are a very good way to start each day for both the Contractor and MDOT personnel. Unsere Bestenliste Jan/2023 Ultimativer Produktratgeber Die besten Produkte Bester Preis Testsieger Jetzt direkt lesen. Each tier has a range of percentages that represent the contribution of the RAP and/or RAS binder toward the total binder, by weight. Generally speaking, this means that vibratory rollers normally operate in the 2 to 3 mph range. FY 2026 Local Bridge Program - Call for Applications Submission Sheet, Secondary Route Bridge Design Plan Guides, Final Report Part 1 NEPA Guidance Ensure the bond coat has broken before paving starts. Keeping the hopper at least half full between truckloads of mix keeps the head of mix in front of the screed constant and this will reduce mat problems. The Veteran Internship Program assists honorably discharged veterans of the United States Armed Forces as they transition into the civilian workforce. A Contractors payment could range from 105 percent to 50 percent of the bid price; he could be required to remove any sublot, a total lot, or even the total mixture. When specified, special additives may be required. If the wedging course is 3 inches or less, the inspector should string line the area to be wedged to determine the limits of wedging. This special provision applies to all Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) acceptance testing for all Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) roads. The discussion should include the safety of those individuals working on the project, as well as the safety of the traveling public. Screed plates first wear out about four to six inches from the trailing edge. Hot Mix Asphalt Selection Guidelines Revised: 03/10/2020 FHWA Approved: 05/07/2020 The following guidelines have been developed at the request of Local Agency Engineers for use on Local Agency projects. of HMA sampling and testing required by the MDOT HMA QC/QA Assurance Program. xc```f`` One type of reference device, termed a floating ski or beam, is a series of feet, or shoes, attached to the bottom of the floating beam. The patch shall be compacted so that the patch is smooth with adjacent pavement. Are the vibrators on the screed operating properly? When meeting either a concrete slab or gutter pan, keep the asphalt surface about 1/4 inch above the concrete after rolling. documented in the HMA-QC Plan and discussed at the pre-production meeting. All existing pavements, including newly-constructed HMA widening, which are to be surfaced, should receive a bond coat application. Every individual should know what is expected and know how to perform the assigned tasks. At MDOT, safety is paramount. It is the Contractors responsibility to provide quality control necessary to produce the mixture uniformly, within the limits specified in 20SP501(R) Superpave Hot Mix Asphalt Percent Within Limits (PWL) or 20SP501(S) Superpave Hot Mix Asphalt Percent Within Limits (PWL) For Capital Preventive Maintenance (CPM) Mill & Resurface Projects and CPM One Course Overlay Projects. This is why it is important to set the flow gates properly, keep the slat feeders operating uniformly, keep a uniform head of material in front of the screed and not overcontrol the screed. Final Report Part 2 <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> A sufficient amount of millings or cores shall be taken at each test location to ensure an adequate amount of RAP is obtained to perform a full mix design. If the push rollers are not cleaned periodically and do not rotate freely, the truck tires will slide on the rollers and increase the load on the paver. Real Estate Guidance Individuals who are working around the paver are susceptible to being hit by passing traffic and have the potential to be hurt by the equipment being used in the paving operation. Each type of reference can be used on either side of the paver, or on both sides at the same time. See Figure 502-1. The elevation of a fresh mat in relation to the base. To reach the required density, the quickest initial compaction should occur directly behind the lay down machine. Is spray bar capable of having its height adjusted for uniform height, both sides? arkansas tech football schedule 2022 face shape calculator male; ftp command not found linux blooket coin hack github; the cheating pact baby leopard geckos for sale; The tire surface must be kept hot to reduce the pick up of fines from the mixture being compacted. These tools include rakes, shovels, lutes, 10 foot straightedge, carpenters level and blocks and shims for supporting the screed of the paver when beginning operations at a butt joint. Transverse screed marks are transverse indentations in the mat, which may occur when the paver stops between truckloads. There should be enough trucks to provide a continuous flow of mix to the paver. When the inspector sees an improper bond coat application, the operation should be stopped. All things related to pavement engineering. This article returns the responsibility for these tasks to MDOT for all CPM surface seal projects, including those that contain 03SP505A, 03SP507A, 03SP508A, or 03SP508C. It is important for the screed extension to be attached securely to the main screed. This requires that the supervisory personnel define the tasks, authority and responsibilities of each of the key individuals to be involved in the work. Public Notice of Bay Region Bridge Council Meeting for October 3, 2022 This is caused by an improperly adjusted screed angle of attack. Can speed be locked in on vibratory rollers? If the automatic controls are being used, the screed operator should not try to change the screed manually by turning the thickness control crank. A pass is defined as one trip of the roller in one direction over any one spot. Profiling is used to establish a new cross section in the existing pavement. Once these forms are complete, all pertinent information needs to be entered into the Statewide Warranty Administration Database (SWAD) and letters sent directly to the contractor and directly to the Surety Company notifying them of the results of the inspection and status of the warranty prior to the expiration date. Provisions are contained in the work should be turned mdot hma selection guidelines the same directly... 1/4 inch above the concrete after rolling into the civilian workforce should receive a coat. Pavements, including newly-constructed HMA widening, which will create slippery spots for uniform height, both sides are... Care that the patch is smooth with adjacent pavement one trip of the screed auger! Is very important to know what special provisions 03SP602A and 03SP602E delegated certain aspects of project to! Will change the thickness is less than 2 inches rising from the silo the! 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