even though this is aimed at girls, boys are free to read too. That flame of anger sparks brilliantly to life inside of him, powerful enough to banish the ache in his chest briefly. After several moments, the lights in the room click off as well, plunging the wretched thing that is Jonathan Sims into darkness once more. I don't know how long I stood there for, it couldn't have been more than 2 minutes. Before I knew it they had been wheeled out of my sight. Dancing is said to be a way to relieve stress. And Martin says well if you're not sleeping than neither am I! It scared me to think about. - So I won't drop it if you appear out of nowhere again. Synopsis: How Elias Bouchard fell to the beholding, under the auspices of seduction. I went online to start researching these men. 3 months. Somehow, Georgie had lost a weight shed carried around her whole life. The man in the cage sits on his cot, long brown and white streaked hair loose about his head, dressed in what he was given. Synopsis: Summer 2018; now that theyve taken down The Dark, the next threat is Jon. Synopsis: Martin moves the pad of his thumb across Jons cheek, quieting him, a gesture so tender that Jons guilty heart hurts. the remaining 10% is worth going into the Buried for here. My heart and mind were suffocated in his freezing fog. More promising. He knows that he wasn't supposed to be in a 12-year-old stranger's body and his name isn't Jonas Cane. "One way or another.". I kept searching him and I found that there was an old, deep scar on his throat. Synopsis: In the heart of an impossible forest, Jon tries not to lose himself. Unknown, Unseen, Understood a The Magnus Archives fanfic is now posted! Two of them were on stretchers. Jurgen Leitner also gets murdered again. Reality Inspired by Dreams Language: English Words: 552 Chapters: 1/1 Collections: 2 Comments: 2 Kudos: 2 Hits: 59 Statement of Johnathan Arbuckle - A Magnus Archives Fan-Statement by existentialdreadddd Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Injuries, Whump, ish, Missing Scene, Canon Compliant, Sort Of, in that there's no evidence this didn't happen, takes place immediately after MAG 92, The Magnus Archives Season 3, Minor Spoilers, Panic Attacks I backed away in shock but instead hit the other man's bed. Check me out u/imchoosingnottoexist on Reddit. Recommended by: heartss, regicidaloptimism, I have enjoyed every fic I've read by them, including the ones that I. Martin stands next to Jon, almost a head taller, a very round face and nose. Leave me alone. When Tim catches Jon bandaging his hand, Jon wants to lie about where the burn came from. One may say this is their first dance together. They had this shake in their voice that told me they were lying to themselves and they knew it. Statement begins., Sorry, love! A voice called from the hallway. People. The room had taken on the same look that the men had when they first arrived. Tell me, I absolutely must know. Incredibly prolific, currently has 70 fics in the fandom, and writes a wide variety of fic such that you're almost certain to find something that you particularly enjoy by browsing their body of work. Synopsis: What if Jon is more reliant on statements than mere withdrawal would suggest? He cant work out why. I get a bunch of crazed patients that yell of monsters, stalkers, and things that go bump in the night, but I know they're just sick and need help. Will normal stuff ever happen to Desmond? Sasha James notices that some things that aren't statements won't digitize, or: isn't it odd that the fear entities have had so little of an effect on human civilization? That face. Shit. just send me the link to your fic so i can read your work! He looked up and nodded. Even with the schemer dead, other forces brought the change along, and Peter is stuck with the fallout, not as alone as he expected.. Fog seems to be slipping in around the windowpanes, "Jon," Martin chokes out, behind him. Synopsis: Fear is not an emotion exclusive to humans. The beginning might suck, but I promise it will get better. Still, the tea smelled good and he wasn't going to waste it. He couldn't concentrate on the tea while drinking from it. I had to leave after that, I couldn't take it anymore. Writes a large variety of fic, all of which is extremely good, but be sure to heed the tags; there's a lot of NSFW content, much of it with dead dove elements. Synopsis: Jon compels Elias and gets an answer he didn't expect. After he looked at me his bug bite scars began to pulse and throb, I could make out shapes under his skin beginning to squirm before they were pushed back down. B . It was the 25th of March, a late night. PJO/HOO/Magnus Chase/Kane Chronicles crossover. If he doesn't obey though, he'll never know peace. His body was once marked by all manner of nightmarish things, but now, he was as unblemished as a newborn babe. This folder contains statements regarding fear of, or by, non-human animals. Will probably contain spoilers but I'm only on episode 89 (though I have been spoiled on m. Like the air kept getting heavier and heavier and eventually all that tension would burst into something terrible. None of these are cannon. "You will not have him! set during the safe house period, Jon discovers something about Martin and I self project my mental issues. Browse through and read the magnus archives (podcast) fanfiction stories and books . Text. Frankly, I think some of my colleagues are genuinely scared of me at times. I dont read fanfic what do you mean your main source of joy isnt watching the same people fall in love over and over again, in every imaginable way, in every possible style, because people saw them and cared so much that they built them world after world in which to love each other? Magnum is accused of a crime, and while everyone is worried about proving his innocence, something happens at the estate, putting the lives of other people in danger. There are only 11 fics on ao3 tagged as martin-centric and angst. The room was the same as when I first entered. The Magnus Archives (Podcast) | Fanfiction Horror Romance Fluff Angst Jonmartin Takes place throughout season five and will contain major spoilers for most of the podcast. Rating: Mature He shouldn't exist after what he'd done, and yet here he was, denied even that courtesy. IN WHICH They'll face their fears and long hidden memories, but at least they're together through it all. Yeah, it was an awful, horrible, unbearable mug, but it was just a mug after all. He wanted to scream, to call for Martin, to fling the page across the room, but nothing could stop him from following Magnuss instructions. T . There's vampires afoot, and I'm not standing for it anymore! Synopsis: Tell me about Michael, Jon says. + Martin adopts an edgy 13-year-old | part 2, Since I've been combing through an ungodly amount of fan fiction lately, I was thinking about how to depict physical intimacy that goes beyond cuddling on the couch but not into the explicit territory, or rather: how to deliver the feeling of being in that kind of moment without coming across too voyeuristic for the viewer. A call back to the throne, the power, the majesty he'd held for so long over them. And he pines for Martin a lot. Little does he know, things are about to unfold in a way he hardly couldve predicted. It's 3 am, and he's been working, but he has to know more. Words??? So Ive been making my way through season 4 but its taking me a long time because Im going through Some Stuff right now, and this season is very compelling but also very sad, so Im kind of having to take my time with it. Tumblr was named as a finalist in Lead411s New York City Hot 125 in Aug 2010. Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) It had been a long few months in the archives, so Tim convinced Martin and Sasha to come out to a nearby pub for dinner. Notes: Uses the ideas posed by the original to its advantage, with new plots and takes on characters that are both endearing and terrifying at the same time. He turns away again, feeling the sting in his eyes, the pressure, and he blinks as the tears come, black as soot, the only thing that mars his handsome features- black tear tracks rolling down his cheeks, dripping onto the thin sheet he was given and staining it irrevocably. The second man is even harder to remember. You DO NOT have to be on the aromantic or asexual spectrums yourself. There is a war going on and your stuck in between. N . Synopsis: She pulls on her hair lightly. There was nothing defining about him at all, other than the expression of sadness cemented into his face. I need fics with Martin being so relatably alone and Lonely, preferably when things were still shit in the Archives. I mean here, he says. The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Creepypasta | Reader The Puppeteer Happy Appy Bloody Painter. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth going into the Buried for here. Has some of the best characterization I've seen in the fandom, across a range of dynamics. So yeah, if that sounds like your cup of tea, give it a read. When he finds out her shady dealings with trying to acquire a cursed book known as a Leitner, he expects another week of tracking it down and burning it before she can get her hands on it. A TMA continuation fanfic. Synopsis: Hes not supposed to pull them out of people. This is a story on a puppeteer wanting to rule the world. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. It's missing Michael hours my dudes. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Some people just don't like it, and as we all know, Shipping is Serious Business. Show more featured Which Magnus Archives character are you but the questions have nothing to do with the series 9 days ago Inkk Jon stands there hesitantly. Jon and Martin face the new apocalyptic world side by side. That smile. Jon comes home drained from a day on his feet, and Tim helps him shower and get ready for bed. Whatever it was, Georgie didnt care about it anymore, and she reeled with how suddenly light she felt. Y-your ego can take it. Minesweeper (Magnus Archives fanfiction) Topics. Synopsis: That isnt Daisy Tonner, she thinks, and hates herself for thinking it. Whats wrong?, Pairing: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims/Elias Bouchard. Still, Elias taps, undaunted. The sound of the door opening made him sit properly again. It wasn't the cold of a corpse, I knew that cold well. (COMPLETELY SFW!). will have mha spoilers and other shows/movies/podcasts spoilers You have started your new job as a researcher at the Magnus institute. It starts, as many things have, with Daisy. Except suddenly Trevor Herbert (he's Van Helsing btw) throws up his hands and is like Fuck. "You are a most mysterious creature," The man outside the cage is talking again, but the captive isn't listening, focused on the sensations he's experiencing. He wanted to tell him he didn't bite but decided against it because of his headache. The Sims Epilogues #1. I could sense it, that in the corner or behind my back was a pair of eyes consuming the pain I had been caused. Eyes Closed. Then his voice takes on a different timbre. As one story concludes, one, two, five, a billion others begin. That's new. ----------- Slightly AU. The storm weakens and starts to die away, the crashing booms of thunder fading into distant rumbles, Jon and Martin, terrified, exhausted, still clutching each other as though they will never let go, fall asleep in each other's arms, In the morning they wake face-to-face, pressed together as close as possible under the sheets. I don't know if they ever will. Additional Tags: Falling In Love, Fluff, Character Analysis, bottle episode style, He/Him Pronouns For Nonbinary Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood Lives in the Magnus Institute Archives, The Magnus Archives Season 1, Not Actually Unrequited Love, A Statement Made Them Do It (The Magnus Archives), kind of, Research, Character Study survey link: https://tinyurl.com/AAFWsurvey, Edit (November 4th): If the tinyurl does not work, try this linkhttps://utexas.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ezDPH2zSRfSWSCW. [P.S. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. She has no reason to be nervous. He whispers the words, almost to himself. I drew some fanart of @v0idspeak 's tma fanfic & au!! you should totally listen to The Magnus Archives podcast! a little jontim fic I wrote a few months back but apparently never posted. Jon closes his eyes again and half-turns onto his side, chest heaving, his head chasing Martins hand as Martin pulls back from his hair. https://archiveofourown.org/works/43807657/chapters/110158648 Sorry, s-sorry, I didnt mean He holds up his stiff, aching hand gingerly. Focus: General All Categories, Since: 03-13-10 Founder: Magnus9284 - Stories: 51 - Followers: 0 - Staff: 6 - id: 79574 Index on stories that are away from canon, either crossovers, multi-crossovers, or Alternate Universe, canon characters will be allowed if the story line goes away from canon Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Characters: Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Minor Injuries, Whump, ish, Missing Scene, Canon Compliant, Sort Of, in that there's no . Movies . Izuku wanted to be a hero, but that all changed when he met some people and a strange creature that came through a door that doesn't exist, plus this strange group called the League of Villains. Synopsis: A person* named Helen Richardson walks through a door. 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I am Nora. I want to make people happy. I want to share my zest for life. I want to convey freedom and ease. And I want to help people feel comfortable and find their best life. Although it has been obvious all my life, it took me something to consciously walk this path.