Ratsnakes are an easy to keep and breed snake with the breeding season starting in March and going through the end of summer. An empty terrarium makes for a bored snake, reducing its quality of life. Tropical Asian rainforests are the rhino rat snake's natural habitat. As a note of potential distinction relative to most colubrid species, after egg deposition females will regularly encircle and seemingly guard their eggs or lay adjoining them in narrow/ essentially inaccessible places for at least a week; I cannot say how much longer they would remain with them, as Ive never left the clutch in situ longer than a week to avoid egg desiccation. If the bulbs are a little too hot, use a plug-in lamp dimmer to reduce output. But to stop them from hibernating you should keep their enclosure between 80 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit, with a minimum temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit at night. are medium-sized arboreal snakes native to north Vietnam and China. In the lower levels of the enclosure, the temperature should be 75-80F. Although live prey can be offered, its best to use frozen whenever possible. . Captive specimens maintained at the Zoological Society of London. The longnose, rhinoceros (rhino) or Rhyno ratsnake is a medium sized colubrid snake native to northern Vietnam and southern China, often in mountainous tropical forests in karst regions around waterbodies (Schulz et al., 386-88); between its description in 1897 and the 2014 paper detailed below, it has been a monotypic species within the genus Rhynchophis, but for a duplicative description as Proboscidophis versicolor in 1931 (Fan). This preference for a singular genera comes at the stated expense of ignoring the sister-relationships amongst the taxa, such that the least related species in the broadened genus is Gonyosoma oxycephalum (Id. at 535). We offerthe highest quality USA grownfeeder insects and quality products at reasonable prices. Increase humidity by misting your snakes enclosure 1-2x/day with a, . Theyre best known for the horn-like point at the tip of their snout. Found In: subtropical rainforests in northern Vietnam and southern China Size: averages 39 - 47 inches, up to 59 inches Diet: Carnivore: small vertebrates such as mice Threat Level: Least Concern Facts: The rhino snake gets its name from the scale-covered protuberance on the tip of its snout, however the purpose of it is unknown. [5][6][7], G. boulengeri is found in northern Vietnam including Tam Dao,[8] and in southern China. Although live prey can be used, its safest and most humane to use frozen instead. Rhino rat snakes generally make hardy pets. Its scale count includes 19 rows of dorsals at midbody. I strive to offer great customer service before and after a sale as well! With appropriate care, a rhino rat snake can live 15-20 years. Place the UVB lamp so it overlaps with the heat lamp(s), about 9-11 above the basking branch with mesh between the lamp and the snake. All gold plated pieces have a 3 micron 22ct gold plate on top of . They are also sometimes called Vietnamese longnose snakes or "green unicorns". Powered by Shopify. ) (2014): The phylogenetic position and taxonomic status of the Rainbow Tree Snake Gonyophis margaritatus (Peters, 1871( (Squamata: Colubridae) Zootaxa, 3881(6): 532-548. The minimum for appropriately keeping one adult rhino rat snake is 5L x 2.5W x 2.5H. If ambient temperatures are below 75 continually, a basking spot that allows them to reach 85 to 90-degrees should be offered for at least some portion of the day, either using an under-tank heat pad or elevated basking spot and low wattage bulb. The enclosure should be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized at least once per month. Thermometers with probes at top and bottom warm side and one on bottom on cool side. It is generally inadvisable to leave this species at a constant temperature below approximately 52; variation in temperature mimics their natural range and prevents the possibility of neurological damage occasionally observed in Rhynos kept consistently cold throughout the cooling period. Hatchling rhino rat snakes typically start out silver or gray-brown with a black, white, and/or yellow pattern; as they grow, they change into their olive or even lime green adult coloration over the course of 2-3 years. For animals that display this behavior, it is useful to hook them out of the enclosure, at which point they will be completely tractable. Rhino rat snakes are a tropical species that requires humidity levels between 50-100%, with an average around 75%. In each instance, these commonalities between boulengeri and frenatus are juxtaposed to differences in jansenii and oxycephalum which have characteristically different eyes, scalation, body form, egg characteristics, and possess an exemplary puffed throat display. Lightly mist your snakes enclosure with a. . Snake Care guidelines displayed in an easy to navigate layout. Also make sure that the fixture your UVB bulb is in does not have a clear plastic bulb cover. Start with 60w bulbs. Based on observations of neonates and juveniles, I believe the greater tendency for females to soak is a reflection of breeders tendency to offer more food to mature females than mature males; in my collection neonates and juveniles soak for 24-36 hours after consuming heavy meals relative to their size (even a mouse pinky will elicit this behavior in neonates), presumably / inferentially the snakes exhibit this behavior to decrease the weight burden of the food bolus akin to the reduced weight and gravitational pressure associated with floating in a pool. The rhino rat snake grows to about 5 feet in length. The occasionally used moniker Vietnamese longnose ratsnake is disfavored as it implies an inaccurately limited range distribution excluding animals of southern Chinese origin. This species has thick and durable scales compared to other colubrids; it is resistant to most damage besides bites from conspecifics during breeding attempts (males of this species utilize a copulatory bite on females that can result in pronounced wounds, particularly if the females skin is weakened). The rhino rat snake grows to about 5 feet in length. *This care sheet contains only very basic information. UVB is blocked by glass and plastic, so you cant give your snake UVB by placing its terrarium in front of an open window. Descendants of this stock collected at Tam Dao, Vietnam comprised the captive lineages of this species, at least in the United States, until spring 2006 when eight adult (6.2) wild caught specimens were imported by Bushmaster Reptiles from China over two shipments, all of which my business partner Tom Weaver and I acquired for High Plains Herpetoculture. PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | FAMILY & PARENTING, Ratsnake Zone: A Few Notes on Rhino Ratsnakes. The 12 animals of the zodiac: rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog and pig. On the rare occasion of a bite from this species, I have not observed any complications or effects, unlike Gonyosoma frenatum, oxycephalum, and jansenii, all of which seem to have some minor anti-coagulant properties in their saliva. We recommend the following substrate products for rhino rat snakes: Layering clean, chemical-free leaf litter on top of the substrate can also help with humidity and enhance the forest aesthetic. Of course, larger is always better! They prefer to live in forested areas close to a body of water and spend most of their time in the trees, although they are capable swimmers. We have also included a . Fertility is typically best in animals younger than 10 years old, though I have had success with males and females in their mid-teens. for your pet to climb and perch on. Every 12 years the zodiac repeats, so it's easy for children to figure out what animal they match with. Quick view. Minimum terrarium size for rhino rat snakes, Specifically speaking, rhino rat snakes should have a basking surface temperature between 90-95F. With appropriate care, rhino rat snakes can live 15-20 years. Run time on these lights varies regularly throughout the year, such that they are on for eight hours a day in mid-Winter and thirteen hours a day in mid-Summer. For reluctant feeders, I typically tease feed them with pink mouse heads offered while holding the snake in my other hand to limit a flight behavior response. 190K subscribers in the snakes community. Fan, T.H. If temperatures are too low, you will need higher-wattage bulbs. Red Eye Treefrogs Agalychnis callidryas: $60.00. Click Download Now to access our child-friendly instructions which break down our Lunar New Year artwork into simple steps. Anecdotal evidence suggests genetic sex determination may be overridden by incubation temperature in Rhynos, as well as the Oreocryptophis porphyraceus ssp. However, here are some other ideas to fill out your setup: , which means that they need to eat whole animal prey in order to get the right nutrition. [4], The specific name, boulengeri, is in honor of Belgian-British biologist George Albert Boulenger. Since the snake feeds mainly on rat and other rodents but hardly causes any harm to man, it is safe to say that one can keep rat snakes as pets. All of our profiles contain valuable information provided by breeders of each species. These snakes are most active at dawn and dusk. Bare minimum requirements for dcor are two hiding places, a sturdy branch for climbing, some live or artificial foliage to provide cover. The species is generally considered sexually mature at 1000mm total length (Orlov et al., 8), with an adult size range of 1200 1500 mm (Schulz et al., 387); exceptional males older than ten years can attain approximately 1650 mm. / Menu. Description Rhino Rat Snake For Sale Overview The Rhino Rat Snake For Sale is found throughout Northern Vietnam through southern China inhabiting highland subtropial rainforests. They prefer to live in forested areas close to a body of water and spend most of their time in the trees, although they are. Since rhino rat snakes are arboreal, it is extremely important to provide branches for your pet to climb and perch on. Other Rat Snake Morph: Rhino, Sex: Male, Maturity: Baby/Juvenile, Birth: 3rd August 2022, Prey: Frozen/Thawed Mouse, Price: $600, Seller: Handmade Herps, Last Updated . Finally, exposure to UV-light has anecdotally been observed to cause green animals to appear bluer or vice versa in some lizard species including those in the genera Abronia and Crotaphytus. (ed. Provide heat for your snake with a cluster of at least two incandescent heat bulbs, placed close together over the basking area (ex: a piece of flagstone or stone paver) to evenly heat the snakes entire body. Prey should be thawed in a BPA-free plastic bag in warm water until it reaches room temperature, then use a pair of soft-tipped feeding tweezers to offer it to your snake. Such non-viable eggs can be laid throughout the period preceding the anticipated time of egg deposition; generally, eggs laid sooner than seven days after the post-ovulation shed will not be viable. There are no known distribution breaks or substantial changes in range condition that would suggest phenotypic variation amongst different populations / localities within this species. Rhynos are extremely adaptable captives; the species is generally arboreal if the terrarium permits (Schulz et al., 390), but can thrive in terrestrial setups. Providing a thick layer of naturalistic substrate (bedding) will help maintain correct humidity levels and helps make your enclosure more attractive! Plus, its quite likely that they are regularly exposed to low levels of sunlight in the wild, due to the nature of their habitat. Durso, AM, Bolon, I, Kleinhesselink, AR, Mondardini, MR, Fernandez-Marquez, JL, Gutsche-Jones, F, Gwilliams, C, Tanner, M, Smith, CE, Wster, W, Grey, F & Ruiz de Castaeda, R 2021, 'Crowdsourcing snake identification with online communities of professional herpetologists and avocational snake enthusiasts', Royal Society Open Science, vol. Snake oil is the most widely known Chinese medicine in the west, due to extensive marketing in the west in the late 1800s and early 1900s, and wild claims of its efficacy to treat many maladies. You can measure humidity with a digital probe hygrometer, with the probe placed in the middle of the enclosure. ; novel access to commercial genetic sex determination for colubrid snakes is certainly intriguing to examine and potentially validate this phenomenon previously known in other reptiles but not validated in snakes. Rhino rat snakes require attention and care in handling; their horns are fragile. I utilize an 8 ounce disposable water cup for water at all sizes. Heat lamps should be turned off at night and temperatures allowed to drop as low as 70F. I prefer to feed crawler or hopper mice to my adults; there are times of year when my adults will feed on a single item daily for seven or eight days in a row. . Reptiles generally dont appreciate petting and handling in the same way that dogs and cats do. We recommend Repashy Calcium Plus LoD, lightly dusted on the prey item before offering. What basking temperatures do rhino rat snakes need? Red Tail. As a hatchling, Gonyosoma boulengeri has scales of a silver color; they turn green as the snake ages. Cork bark flats and tubes provide hiding places and increase the usable space in the enclosure. If possible, a larger aquatic area to facilitate swimming is likely to be appreciated! A rhino rat snake eats two large mice once every 10 days. Snakes can be directed to the bottom of the wall by taking advantage of this placement. There is no consensus on the purpose of the rostral appendage / horn; it may be used to detect fluctuations in water surface movement associated with aquatic prey items, particularly in neonates and juveniles, or predators (Schulz et al., 390). This appears to be a product of an inability to process excess fat when domestic rodents are offered at too frequent a rate; this issue is exacerbated by feeding overly-large rodents. Ambient (air) temperature should be kept between 75-80F. Sometimes this species will be offered for sale showing a dark stain in the center of each scale on portions of the snakes body; this is usually a product of previously having had scale degeneration or subcutaneous masses in the affected area, and occasionally may be accompanied by a distortion or elongation of the scale structure. Discussion Cards for Animal Welfare. , placed close together over the basking area (ex: a piece of flagstone or stone paver) to evenly heat the snakes entire body. The scientific name of Baird's rat snake is Pantherophis bairdi. Dont forget to replace your bulb every 12 months! Vietnamese Blue Beauty, Rhino Rat Snake, Mandarin Rat Snake, Brazilian Rainbow Boa and Thai Bamboo Rat Snake..I mean, you didn't really mean one did you? Rhino rat snakes prefer a humid environment. Distribution : North Vietnam, China (Guangxi, Hainan). These animals like privacy, so provide a dark hide box at each end of the temperature gradient. (1931): Preliminary report of reptiles from Yaoshan, Kwangsi, China Bull. However, here are some other ideas to fill out your setup: Make sure that your snake also has covered areas to retreat to when it wants privacy. Feeding your constrictors in a separate feeding enclosure prevents them from accidentally ingesting any of the substrate in its enclosure. Males are territorial; if placed together in an enclosure, they will fight regardless of whether a female is present. Some have reported success leaving frozen and thawed pink mice in the enclosure, or floating in the water bowl. The enclosure, or floating in the water bowl, its best use. As the snake ages arboreal snakes native to north Vietnam, China Bull breeding season starting in March going. Calcium Plus LoD, lightly dusted on the prey item before offering information provided by breeders each... Name, boulengeri, is in does not have a clear plastic bulb cover eats two large mice once 10! 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I am Nora. I want to make people happy. I want to share my zest for life. I want to convey freedom and ease. And I want to help people feel comfortable and find their best life. Although it has been obvious all my life, it took me something to consciously walk this path.