Rest in His Peace, Lucianne, and may He comfort your family. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the [36], Goldberg was married to Sidney Goldberg, a newspaper executive with United Features Syndicate from 1966 until his death in 2005. 'Who was sleeping with whom, what the Secret Service men were doing with the stewardesses, who was smoking pot on the plane that sort of thing. Karen Townsend, by RIP beautiful lady RIP. 2023 Cable News Network. It is how I made it through, from the Klintoon years until now. His mother Lucianne Goldberg's history is sordid enough. Lucianne Goldberg (ne Steinberger; April 29, 1935 - October 26, 2022), also known as Lucianne Cummings, was an American literary agent and author. She will be greatly missed. Anthony Scott, by I pray for comfort for her family. Tears falling. Goldberg's son, political commentator and author Jonah Goldberg, posted Thursday on Twitter that his mother died Wednesday at her home. Greg Roumeliotis, by This makes me very sad. Soon after the secret taping began in the fall of 1997, Goldberg arranged for Tripp to speak with Newsweek reporter Michael Isikoff, who had been investigating other allegations about Clinton's sex life. sweet is the calm of paradise the blest. Found through Drudge; been my homepage since I first had a homepage. I could not stay another day, To laugh, to love, to work, to play. Bradford Betz is a Fox News Digital breaking reporter covering crime, political issues, and much more. I first heard about Lucianne from Tony Snow subbing for Rush after 9/11. Hillary Clinton tweeted out her disgust with Republicans and their mouthpieces on Saturday, which is nothing new, but this time she is blaming them for acts of political violence in our country. Updated [11] In fact Goldberg was being paid $1000 a week $6478 in today's dollars to spy on McGovern and those traveling with him on the campaign's planes. and enforced those standards. My thanks, and condolences to family, and gratitude she passed at home, surrounded by friends, and in peace. A longtime Clinton foe, Goldberg had met Tripp while working on a proposal for a book on the death of Vince Foster, a Clinton aide whose suicide sparked conservative conspiracy theories. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. '"[11] Goldberg's role as a reporter-spy came to light in the Watergate hearings that led to the resignation of Nixon. My heart is broken. My sincere condolences to Miss Luciannes family and friends. Ms. Goldberg represented Teddy Bare: The Last of the Kennedy Clan (1971), an expos of Senator Edward M. Kennedys fatal car accident in Chappaquiddick, Mass., by Zad Rust (a pseudonym for Michael Sturdza, a Romanian diplomat). Disclaimer: He's flaunting his ice cream before us. And though I know's daily operation is a team effort, I will be forever grateful to Lucianne for creating this news aggregate site that the Left and the MSM doesn't want the rest of us to see. Standing Wolf. Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on Dec. 19, 1998 for denying under oath that he had had sex with Lewinsky, but he was acquitted by the Senate. Director, actor, and longtime Democrat activist Rob Reiner blamed former President Donald Trump for the recent attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosis (D-CA) husband, Paul Pelosi, claiming it was directly tied to Trump challenging the legitimacy of the 2020 election. At the time of her death, Goldberg was running a website,, that posts conservative news articles. For Democrats, their logic is that Joe has sacrificed their political power for the sake of his greenie, open-borders, big-spending agenda. She and Mr. Cummings divorced in 1963. [6], Goldberg started her literary career at a very early age at The Washington Post, during her secondary education. She was considered a go-to agent for writers peddling conservative fare. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss, Ah, yes, these things too I will miss. It's been a place to Read, Learn and to express my feelings without the worry that someone is going to attack me for my opinion. And I have a lovely handwritten note from her, she truly loved and cared about her Ldotters. Her first marriage, to William Cummings, ended in divorce. Monica lives, and Hillary lives outside the White House, because of Mrs. Goldberg. Thank you Lucianne. Jonah (b. I've been here since the beginning and this site is still my home on the Internet. If Joe Biden disgusts us with stubborn willingness to sacrifice the entire economy for the sake of his greenie, open-borders, big-spending, agenda, note that Democrats have it in for him, too. Like Mr. Lifson, I have visited every morning (and frequently throughout the day) for over 20 years. The New York Times described her as an agent with a taste for right-wing, tell-all attack books in an article published amid the fallout from the Lewinsky tapes. Upon hearing of the auction, the First Lady became irate, and demanded that the note be returned to the White House. She changed the USA for the better. What sad news. We'll miss you terribly. He did not give a cause of death. Elon Musk became Twitter Inc's (TWTR.N) owner on Thursday, firing top executives and providing little clarity over how he will achieve the lofty ambitions he has outlined for the influential social media platform. And she insisted on standards of behavior here ("This is a salon, not a saloon!") 9:34 AM EDT, Fri October 28, 2022. Since it has been several years since focus was on the murder of Seth Rich and the publication by Julian Assange. & Many thanks to the folks who post articles here from a variety of sources and condolences and prayers to the Goldberg family. Lucianne Goldberg, a longtime conservative activist whose agency specialized in right-wing books, gained national prominence for advising her friend Linda Tripp to secretly tape Tripp's conversations with Lewinsky, a former White House intern who had been involved in a sexual relationship with Clinton. The camaraderie is palpable. Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? NEW YORK (AP) Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. They came up with a Sunday evening interview program, titled Whos Talking to Chris Wallace. Gretchen Whitmer when he made a despicable effort to paint the beating of Paul Pelosi as an act of political violence despite no evidence to support the claim that has nonetheless. Such a great community. NEW YORK -- Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. Goldberg's . is the ONLY news site I go to. My prayers & condolences to her family & friends. Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. At least with Rush we knew he was ill, this was a complete surprise! She was also a patriot who expressed her love of this country with both political fierceness and penetrating wit, it reads. But she has left a whole in our lives that we can never fill completely. The tottery, weak government of Liz Truss in the U.K. has come to a mercifully short end. NEW YORK (AP) Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. Thomas Lifson, by [14], Feminist Betty Friedan alleged in June 1973 that Goldberg, as an organizer of the Pussycat League, had been attempting to derail the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment by engaging in Watergate-style "dirty tricks" and by touring the country falsely telling women they would lose their husbands and rights to family support if the amendment was passed. Her experience with political dirty tricks began in 1972, when a political adviser of President Richard M. Nixons paid her $1,000 a week to pose as a reporter to gather inside information on Senator George McGoverns campaign for president. [24] She also said that the disclosure of Lewinsky's affair with Clinton helped to protect Lewinsky, who suffered from an obsessive infatuation with Clinton. That book never happened, but by 1995 the year Ms. Lewinsky began her White House internship Ms. Tripp was developing her own book proposal. You've successfully subscribed to this newsletter! My condolences to her friends, family and to her dedicated staff. Discovery Company. Goldberg's son . [6], In 1963, she opened up her own one-person public relations firm, Lucianne Cummings & Associates. "Well done, good and faithful servant.". Im still working through my shock and grief. (also true). A big Mega Ditto to all that's been said here. I can still remember the conversation I had with a friend back in 1998 when he told me about this site. It made me feel special. A bit hardened around the edges. Keep the site going for her and us. The Washington Post had plenty to work with when the death of Lucianne Goldberg happened, but instead of remembering good, or at least balancing their summary, they selectively chose to remember the great muse of the right, Internet pioneer, and accomplished woman from a time when women weren't allowed much accomplishment, by printing only cherry-picked tales of dubious sourcing that made her look phony. It was Goldberg who told her friend the recordings would be legal -- they werent -- and then encouraged her to break Lewinskys trust and give them to Starr. Rest in Peace, dear lady. What sad news to wake up to. I have been a loyal reader of for many years. Lucianne will truly be missed.. God bless your soul, Lucianne. Buckley gave us a voice against the radicals of the 60s and ultimately Reagan, Rush gave us a voice against the radicals of the nineties and ultimately Trump. RIP. RIP, Lucianne. My condolences to all of the L-dott family. Eternal rest grant her and may perpetual light shine upon her. But we are all richer by having had her in our lives. NEW YORK -- Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. Goldberg admitted that slurs on her character were to be expected: "'I have never thought of myself as a victim in all this'", she [said]. Thanks, Lucianne. RIP Lucianne. According to San Francisco Police Department Chief Bill Scott when law enforcement arrived at the Pelosi residence, the door was opened by someone inside. Her earlier career included the 1970 co-founding of a group called the Pussycat League that campaigned against feminism and the Equal Rights Amendment. . Thank you great lady, and RIP. Elon Musk is wasting no time in turning Twitter into a place where truth is not censored. I am heart broken. [8][9] Cummings apologized and returned the note, then found out the next day that her income tax returns were going to be audited by the Internal Revenue Service. Ive been on this site since the beginning and it has always been the way I start my day. Ive enjoyed the fabulous recipe threads and all of the hilarious comments people post up. Lucy leaves behind great memories & a super great site that I hope lives on forever. Ms. Goldberg, a New York agent with a reputation for tell-all books and a presence that Time magazine once described as a cross between Angela Lansbury and Jimmy Cagney, happened to speak with Ms. Tripp one day in 1997 when Ms. Tripp knew she would later be speaking with Ms. Lewinsky, who considered her a confidante. God bless your readers and posters as well. Lucianne remains an American national treasure forthis news site which has cleverly managed to supply, "news," to everyone by circumventing the msm. NEW YORK (AP) Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87.. Goldberg was born Lucianne Steinberger in Boston. [5][7], Goldberg met Linda Tripp in 1993 or 1994 while working on the proposal for the book on the death of President Bill Clinton's aide Vince Foster. Thank you Mr. Lifson for your thoughtful notice. The children were raised in their father's Jewish faith,[38] while Lucianne, who was raised an Episcopalian, remained a Christian. Rest in peace, Dear Lady, and may you soar with the Angels. Thank you Lucianne, for the love, and maintaining such a home for we, the forgotten. I have been with her DAILY for 20+ years, she has owned a big part of my life. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Prayers for the family. Godspeed to the crew that will carry on. Heartbreaking news. I hope this outpouring of love and respect will help to comfort & lift the spirits of the Goldberg family and all who knew and loved her personally, when they have the opportunity to read these comments, & others like them by people from every walk of life across the spectrum. God bless her and her family and may she R.I. P. How very sad it was to open my laptop this morning and hear of her passing. My beloved mom, Lucianne Goldberg, passed away yesterday. Absolutely heartbreaking news. Now I am quickly approaching the same age as Mom was when she passed, but have not gone a day without coming here first. I missed this place and had to come back. SHARE. Goldberg, a key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2022 at the age of 87. [6] She received national media attention in 1965 when she attempted to sell a handwritten note from Jackie Kennedy to Lady Bird Johnson through an auction house for $1000 ($8599 in today's dollars). If my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy. Im sorry for their loss. It was a novel concept on the internet for its time. [6][7] After John F. Kennedy won the Democratic nomination, she got a position at the Democratic National Committee followed by a spot on Kennedy's Inaugural Committee. She did it again -- Riverside, California, Biden reportedly about to imperil national, Joe Biden chomps ice cream, tells fawning, Elon Musk Just Fact-Checked Hillary Clinton, Sunday Schadenfreude: Chris Wallace ratings. dear lady. The zip ties, in particular, echoed what multiple suspects in the Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington were carrying, Former President Barack Obama took his road show to the motor city where he sought to whip up enthusiasm among black voters, a demographic that it is imperative to get to the polls if his party is to have any chance of holding on to one-party rule, and things nearly got ugly when a crowd clamored for violence against a heckler. And that was also, she said, the way Ms. Tripp saw it. She was a true American patriot and original. One more thing, did Lucianne know how very much we all loved her? how very sad - for us. May God comfort them in this time. May she rest in peace and sincere condolences to her family. Sad day. Rest in peace dear Lucianne. I'm an old soldier. May she be in peace with her beloved son and husband and may we feel her generosity, courage, and hilarious wit at the times we most need it. How heartbreaking for the Goldberg family. She worked tirelessly to bring the Clinton's to justice and now has a blog site called Here is what she wrote: To my Dear, Loyal, Funny, Smart, Patriotic Ldotters: It is with a heavy heart and more pain that anyone should endure that we announce the death this week of our beloved Editor-in-Chief, Joshua J. Goldberg. 10/27/2022 6:40:03 AM. It's always fun to read. I still have the email from on 5/16/2007 with my user name and password. Alleluia! The visionariess who was the early days of the internet as a place for the displaced voices of a conservative nature to come together and share and develop opinions, lock arms in intellectual and spiritual solidarity, and collectively push back against all who would try to misdirect the great foundations of the American Exceptionalism. Like many of us, this was my first stop every morning. RIP, Lucianne. They included Mark Fuhrman, the Los Angeles detective who wrote about the O.J. "She died peacefully at home, surrounded by people and pets! Goldberg was born Lucianne Steinberger in Boston. I took posting as a privilege and an honor. Thank you for everything, dear lady. Reading the news of Luciannes passing brought heartbreaking sadness. My deepest sympathy for Jonah and his family, and for the Lucianne staff. It was Ms. Goldberg, a literary agent, who suggested that Linda Tripp tape her conversations with Monica Lewinsky. Only Lucianne never let us down. As Radar Online reports, the results are dismal: Clinton was impeached by the House of Representatives on Dec. 19, 1998 for denying under oath that he had had sex with Lewinsky, but he was acquitted by the Senate. Im a relative newcomer to this site, just since about 2006 or so. It's genuinely uplifting. I've done much reflection about Lucianne today and about the conversations we shared over the years. Lucianne Goldberg, a literary agent and key figure in the 1998 impeachment of President Bill Clinton over his affair with Monica Lewinsky, has died at the age of 87. I am so very sorry. The San Francisco Police held their first press conference on the events earlier in the day yesterday and they didnt mention how the police got into the house, but somehow they did. Ms. Goldberg suggested that Ms. Tripp buy a tape recorder at Radio Shack. Don't go changing, and we won't go anywhere else. Prayers for her family. After the tragedies of 9/11, our own Lucianne had the most memorable and enduring things to say, reflecting how we all felt. Please say "Hi, " to Rush. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. My beloved mom, Lucianne Goldberg, passed away yesterday," Goldberg's son, political commentator and author Jonah Goldberg, wrote on Twitter on Thursday. And she agreed that that would be a cool idea, and she went to Radio Shack and bought a tape recorder and plugged it into her phone, Goldberg said. God bless you dear lady and Rest In Peace with God in Heaven. She was named as one of the "key players" in the 1998 impeachment of President Clinton, as it was she who controversially advised Monica Lewinsky's confidante Linda Tripp to tape Lewinsky's phone calls about their affair. [41], American literary agent and author (19352022), "Lucianne Goldberg: in pursuit of Clinton", "The President Under Fire: The Book Agent; A Maverick Who Is No Friend of Bill", "Poor-old Elton lets the sun go down on him", "Writer Declares She Was G.O.P. I Loved her motto that this was a salon, not a saloon, and I hope that continues. Jim Hoft, by Lucianne Goldberg was working in Washington, DC, as an author and conservative literary agent when Tripp, then a confidante of Lewinsky, approached her with a story about then-President Clinton, Goldberg would tell PBS in an interview years later. An unidentified person is reported to have let police officers into Paul Pelosis home during the early hours that an intruder broke in and attacked Pelosi with a hammer. Ms. Tripp welcomed the idea of exposing Mr. Clintons behavior, but it had never occurred to her to tape her telephone conversations with Ms. Lewinsky. That hasnt stopped Democratic politicians and their allies in the mainstream media from fingering the culpritstheir Republican adversariesand concluding that, eight days out from an election in which they are bracing for a shellacking, the GOP should spend the final week of the campaign sitting on the bench, reflecting, atoning. I am so Sad to hear of Ms. Lucianne's Passing. Did you encounter any technical issues? Thank you for everything. God Bless Lucianne and family. [27][28], After the disclosures about the ClintonLewinsky affair, Goldberg was subjected to media attacks on her character and past business dealings. God bless Lucianne Goldberg. [6], The Washington Post called her "the producer and publicist" who set the stage for the scandal and the investigation; she called herself the "facilitator". Was not expecting this sad news. Like all of you, I am heartbroken. In his book American Rhapsody, Joe Eszterhas referred to her as the bag lady of sleaze. She never made a dime from the scandal, but she considered herself too savvy to be a victim. Rest easy Lucianne and thank you for giving us a place to fight the good fight. RIP Lucianne. God bless. I dont understand why Republican candidates for office are not challenging their opponents on whether or not they support President Bidens harming national security by draining of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for temporary price declines at the gasoline pump as the nation votes. He was my son, Jonah's brother, Chantal's husband and friend to scores of people throughout his young life. We have just lost another great, patriotic leader that cannot be replaced. [10][11] When recruited, she was told President Nixon himself had approved the spying, which was to include traditional political intelligence and information on personal habits: "'They were looking for really dirty stuff', [she] said. Ms Lucianne, you have been my morning news source since the Blue Dress of the Clinton days. It was a tragic fall that killed him. It was garbage. Goldberg urged Tripp to take the resulting 20 hours of tapes to Special Prosecutor Kenneth Starr, who had a broad mandate to investigate improprieties by Clinton. Her salon has been where I spend some time each day for many years. Our loss is deep. I found many years ago while on back when that website was worth going to. God bless you! The resulting scandal brought on, in part, by the disclosure of the tapes ultimately led to Clintons impeachment for perjury and obstruction of justice, though he was acquitted in the Senate. . Lucianne Goldberg, a longtime conservative activist whose agency specialized in right-wing books, gained national prominence for advising her friend Linda Tripp to secretly tape Tripps conversations with Lewinsky, a former White House intern who had been involved in a sexual relationship with Clinton. Thanksgiving is coming soon. Ms. Goldberg often told people that she had been a copy assistant at The Washington Post, but The Post reported that she had been a clerk in the newspapers promotion department from 1957 to 1960. She was born Lucianne Steinberger in Boston, Massachusetts, to Dr. Raymond Leonard and Lucy Jane (ne Moseley) von Steinberger. R.I.P., lovely Lucianne. This website helped to open my eyes and to see what's really happening in a country where information is almost never truthful and accurate. Goldberg's son, political commentator and author Jonah Goldberg, posted Thursday on Twitter that his mother died Wednesday at her home. Rest In Peace, Dear Lady. Friends in High Places co-written with Sondra Robinson, was published in 1979. Bidens policies brought about high oil prices, starting with his cancellation of the Keystone Pipeline and limits on oil leasing on Day One of his term. A life well-lived. A lot of good memories remain and I treasure them. She was a brave giant. Part of HuffPost Politics. Your site has been and will continue to be my first stop every morning as it has fir the past 25 years. What is it about Democrats and ice cream? Needless to say email to the family would overwhelm at this time. Like many others who have posted, I've been a member of this site for decades, but I have strayed from the flock over time and don't visit as often. So sad. Spiritual even. appreciated. Lucianne Goldberg, best known for her role in uncovering Clinton-Lewinsky affair, dies at 87 Lucianne Goldberg was a longtime conservative activist and literary agent By Bradford Betz |. Farewell Miss Lucianne, and thank you team for keeping her dream alive. We will never forget you. Rest in peace, thank you for your time here. Sincere condolences to the entire Goldberg family, whose loved one's determination made her voice heard! RIP, dear friend, Lucianne. Brava. Rest well dear Lucianne! Been an L Dotters for almost 20 years - back when you could only register at certain times to post. It has been such a comfort so oftenknowing you're not alone. Ave Atque Vale, Miss Lucianne! Like all my friends here, I am very sad to learn of Lucianne's death. Our beloved Lucianne passed away peacefully and surrounded by loved ones in her own home, the way she wanted. I took a break when a certain poseur became a squatter in the WH because I couldn't take people talking about him, seeing his face, or hearing his voice. A Warner Bros. Its not whole. Come on, peeps. May she be resting in the Lords gentle arms, joyfully and peacefully. Let them take their best shot. 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I am Nora. I want to make people happy. I want to share my zest for life. I want to convey freedom and ease. And I want to help people feel comfortable and find their best life. Although it has been obvious all my life, it took me something to consciously walk this path.