Okuta is below Wheao. Kawariki.He otaota e tipu ana i nga tahataha wai, repo. Te Momo and his people of Ngati Te Kohera lived at Te Roto-a-Tara. I mate ki te Pourewa. Ko te korero a Paitini na Tairi-a-kohu, he wahine no te rangi, nana te waiata nei. Whena.Ki ta etahi ko Wheta, mo Tawheta. 21.). Ka roa, ka huakina e te tangata nei te tatau o te whare; kua rewa ke te ra ki runga, ka kite te tangata nei i te atahua o tona wahine. This fall in death gives me cause to grieve. Tera e titiro ka ngaro Rotorua i te kauri. Parua. 19. [Na Ihaia Hutana te oriori nei, ona whakamarama i tuhi mai. Puia manuka ki te hoko tirange It is now completely devoid of vegetation, but at one time, it is said, it was tree-covered and a popular playground of the Kawhia people. Moe!Abbreviation for Moeanawho was the mother of Te Houhou. Nau rawa i tuapeka ki te iti i au Paraikete.He kupu pakeha, blanket.. Ki ta Te Peehi e penei ke ana kupu, O Kotuku te rangi., 13. Sir George Grey. Ko Taranaki i ahu ki te tai hauauru a e tu mai rano i reira. Te Kawau i Muriwhenua.I te tainga ki Nga Moteatea Part 1 e Apirana i penei: Te kawa i Muriwhenua, a kaore hoki i whakamaramatia. Mana e tamoe te awa kei Ahuriri. I te tautenga o te kaharoa, He did this so that he might see the likeness of his wife; he had not yet seen what she was like, because she only came at night. [Intro] D Dmaj7 D A Em7 A7 [Verse 1] F#m F#7 Kaore te aroha e G F#m Ka kikini nei taku tinana He po ka moea G7 G A7 Em7 He ao ka tirohia kei hea koe [Chorus] A7 Em7 Aue te aroha A E kai kino nei ahau Dm D Te mamae roa G Em7 A7 A D E haehae nei taku tinana [Verse 2] F#m A7 G7 A7 Dmaj7 Haere ra te ao murangi e F#m7 Em7 A7 I . Family Tree. 10 Kia riro ana mai taku kai, ko Te Wera. O sire, at Tongariro.In reference to Te Heuheu who was overwhelmed by a landslide at Te Rapa, near Tokaanu in the year 1846. 1. He whakamaunga atu naku 48. Heaped-up whales.A figure of speech in reference to the chiefs who fell in battle. Ratanui.In the locality of Tikirau (Whangaparaoa). Katahi a Te Hapuku ka ki atu ki a Te MomoEhara i ahau tena whenua; ina ke toku ko Poukawa. 10 Ko te toroa uta naku i tautara 19. The day when they should meet was decided on, and Poroa accordingly left for Wharo where they were to meet; Te Houhou came from Muriwhenua. Bishop Williams' version has it Tawhaiparara.. He oti nei te wahine i koi ki Wharekia, i tope ki Aorangi; Te Pourewa.Kei waho o Uawa; he parekura i mate ai te Aitanga-a-Hauiti i a Ngati-Porou. Te Momo was killed there. See Song 55.). This song has a sweet air and it had a vogue throughout the land. Rongo tuku nui.He iwi toa te iwi o Te Toroa ki te whawhai, ka haere ona rongo. Na Pei Te Hurinui enei korero e whai ake nei i tapiri.Na Te Peehi etahi korero i tuhi mo Tongariro me Pihanga nga maunga e whakahuatia nei i roto i te waiata nei (Tuhoe p. 982). Kei ko mai o Taporaroa a Whakaipo, he kainga kei te taha tonu o Taupo moana. It was Rangaika who killed him at Orangiamoa (Wairoa). Ko te ipu tena, I kohua ai a Parua. Pihanga.He maunga kei Tokaanu, Taupo, e kiia ana i tautohetia e nga maunga nunui e Taranaki, e Tongariro, a riro ana i Tongariro. Te Wera.Ko Te Wera Hauraki, he toa no Nga-Puhi, i noho ki Nukutaurua i te Mahia. Wharekawakawa.No explanation available. Ka tauria e te huka ka kitea noatia atu tera, e tu marakerake ana mai. 5 Ka riro ia koe, e hapainga ana Ka haramai ratau kia kite. 15. 7. Kei reira e awhi ana ki te toka, e kiia nei ko Ihutoto. Tuwhenuaroa, Tumutumu, Rawheao, Tauwhenua, Puaiti, Takangaroa (f) = Te Hau (m), Mawete, Takakuru = Whakarongouru (m), Rua, Rikihana, Erana, Wiremu Rikihana, Ngakuru Pene Haare (Te kai-korero), Paparewa, Poutu, MOEANA (f) = Tutenganahau (m), TE HOUHOU (m), Kahukore (f) = Waiata (m), TAOHO (m), Family Tree. Tena ka riro i runga i te pokai kawariki. In the text of another song the following lines occur: Even at Te Ra-torua there was a survivor; 48. I whea koia koe i te tuatitanga, This song was sung at Te Wera, Hauhungaroa, on the western side of Lake Taupo. I mate a Te Momo ki reira. Kaore he tarutaru e tupu ana ki runga inaianei, engari i mua, e ai ki te korero, he rakau e tupu ana kapi tonu, he waahi hoki e haerea ana e nga tangata o Kawhia ki reira ngahau ai. Kotahi o nga waka, ko Tarairua, no Akuaku, i u ki uta. Kia kite i te paura, Users who like Kaore te aroha i ahau e hika; Users who reposted Kaore te aroha i ahau e hika; Playlists containing Kaore te . Ko te Pukeronaki ta raua tamaiti. Rewarewa.No nga whakawhitinga tenei, kaore i te kaupapa mai; kua ngaro te kaupapa ake. : J. I moe a Te Piwa i a Kerenapu, tamahine a Henere Te Herekau, he minita no te Hahi Mihinare, no Ngati-Whakatere, hapu o Ngati-Raukawa. Pawa returned to Ohiwa, but the canoe had passed by out at sea. 15. This is a lament by him for his son, Taneuarangi, who was killed at Tapuaeroa, on the upper reaches of the Waiapu River. Te tane i parea te Tipi-a-Taikehu, Tera te kotuhi.Ki te kaupapa i Nga Moteatea, e penei ana Ra te auahi, kokiri ana ia i te pae.. T. Turi p. 41.Te Tawhitawhi. Ka rangona atu e nga tungane kei te pera to ratau tuahine ki taua rangatira, ka tikina atu, ka whakahokia mai ki tona whenua tipu. Nana i tapiri mai enei kupu:, Ko te hua o te oriori nei. Te Hoata-u-Te-Pupu.Ko te Hoata ko Te Pupu nga tuahine a Ngatoro-i-rangi. He mahia waha i rangona e au Te Hapuku then said to Te Momo, That land is not mine; my land is this at Poukawa. Te Rerenga.He whetu. Ki te aroaro o Whiwhinga This song was sung by Heni Turei, Te Matenga Kahu and Hare Maruata at Whareponga on 19th March, 1923. Na Ngakuru Pene Haare i korero nga kupu me nga whakamarama, na Te Raumoa i tuhituhi, i Poneke i te 24 o Hepetema, 1924. Mairatia iho te waha kai rongorongo e Waaka, o Tuhourangi. Ngati-Waiora.The sub-tribe of Te Houhou. I moe ia i tetehi Pakeha, ko Peneta (Spencer), te ingoa, he tangata arahi i tetehi o nga kaipuke o Ngati Maniapoto whakawhiti atu i Kawhia ki Port Jackson (Poihakena ki nga Maori). In the book by Kelly, Tainui (1946, p. 302) it is recorded that it was originally composed before the time of Te Rauparaha, and the composer was Wharetiki of Ngati Mahanga. During the Waikato war in 1863, after the fall of Rangiriri, some of the Maori prisoners were placed aboard a man-of-war at Auckland, McGregor was one of the British guards in charge of the prisoners, and he prevailed upon some of them to record the songs which were subsequently published in the book mentioned above. It is said the main cause for the raid by the war party of Hongi Hika, which attacked Mokoia Island, was to avenge the death of Te Pae-o-te-rangi and his Ngapuhi comrades, who had been killed by Tohourangi on the island of Motutawa in Rotokakahi lake, called by the Europeans The Green Lake. When this party arrived on Motutawa, they were invited into the assembly house, where Mokonuiarangi went from one chief to another of the Tuhourangi urging upon them to kill the Ngapuhi men; no one dared. Na etahi iwi i waho mai o Taupo i whakapena. 7. 6. : M. 179; J. In Grey's Nga Moteatea it is rendered as: te kawea au te tere. The explanation is found in the key word te tere, more commonly recorded as te heke or the fugitive, or one fleeing from his homeland. 9. Te Wairongo; Te Moana-waipu; 3. Early in the morning the woman made preparations to leave, and her husband said to her it is still dark. The woman laid herself down again, but after a while she again made preparations to leave. This song is recorded in Best's Tuhoe, p. 869. She laid down. According to Tiwana Turi (p. 41) it was Te Wharepapa Te Ao who took this song from Wairoa to Waiapu: where he sang it as a lament for his father, Te Watene Te Ao. Ko te kupu Ati-Pare i roto i te waiata e ki ana a Rere mo Ngati-Hinepare, hapu o Ngati-Raukawa. Te ai he mahara, ka noho mai i uta; Mo kona te kupu, Ko te para i a Taho, kaore e hoki ki te hukinga.. Tauramatua.He ingoa no Te Rakahurumai. Ko Wi Tamaiwhana, i tetahi wa i muri tata mai o tana hokinga mai i Tongariro, ka tanumia hoki e te horo ki te waahi ano i mate ai a Te Heuheu. Ka oti ka kawe ki a Tauramatua e. Te Rakahurumai was a chief of Te Aitanga-a-mate, of Te Aowera, and other sub-tribes of Ngati-Porou. Puku.Kei Nga Moteatea me ta S.L. Naku koe i whakahuka 12. In the book by Samuel Locke it is recorded that this song is a lament for Tukorehu. Brings visions.Whakarehunga iho in the Maori text is explained as visions seen in dreams. 14. Ka u kai tohou one, kai Whekenui, e. 8. Puhau.No explanation of this name. E miri atu ra ia i waho o te Koreke; Whitiki tonu atu a Te Rangitautini Manu tu.Ki te W.D. Te tikanga o te ingoa Karam. Rokohanga atu e hui ana te iwi o te turehu ra, a e waiata ana te turehu ra i tona waiata. 2. (Ref. Men of Heretaunga lost their lives during the lifetime of these men, because of Hinekirikiri-a-Kaipaoe (The Maid-of-the-sands-prone-to-wander). Puakato.A fishing ground off-shore from Tawhiti, where the warehou (, 14. 10. Te RangitautiniAlso a chief of Tuhourangi who was killed on Mokoia Island. Whakatau Rangi Ake They were the parents of Peta Waititi. Te Rakahurumai is identical with the person of the same name mentioned in the song which commences: Ka mea te muri, ka tu mai te takahi: and this lament for him is by the same composer, Turiwhewhe. Na, mo te moe punarua te take o te waiata nei. 9. Nga Moteatea, by Apirana T. Ngata, p 257-296 Previous Next - 1 NGA MOTEATEA Volume 3 EDITED BY SIR APIRANA T. NGATA PRELIMINARY NOTE. (Ref. E to, e te ra! E te apa tarewa, i e. Ka ki atu te ope: E he! 4. E te manawa i raro; 9. Korero he noa, e Hou, na Moe: Hei kawe i a koe, Toheapare.Ki etahi whakahua ko Toheata. Kopainga.He pakitara whare o te taha maui ina tomo atu ki te whare. 15. Ko te Auahi te ingoa o te wahi i patua ai te Whanau-a-Hinetapora, he mea patu kohuru na Ngati-Ira. It has been remarked that the descendants of Te Momo have straight hair. Nana i tito te tangi nei mo te matenga o Te Momo i Kahotea, e tata ana ki Te Roto-a-Tara, Heretaunga. Kai raro aku mea e aroha nei au, e. 50 O tahau tamaiti, Big Calabash,In the Maori text, which follows that given by Hone Ngatoto, the term used is tahau pararaha, a calabash with a wide opening. No roto i ahau te koroukore. 57. Ki runga o Mokoia. Ko Te Whatuiapiti i pau te nuinga o ona ra ki roto i nga riri awatea, kanohi ki te kanohi, pakihiwi ki te pakihiwi, atu i Heretaunga ki Wairarapa, atu i Heretaunga ki te Wairoa. 19. 3. Kia mate i te matua e ora mai ana koe ra, One day Heiraura blocked up all the chinks in their house, and that night the woman came again. It is said that the disease was communicated to her by a man of Ngati-Whatua, Te Whetu, who touched her. Kia tangi atu ki au i konei, he aroha ki te iwi There were many other descendants. 13. . Tera te ata iti hohoro mai koia; Totara.A fortified pa above Te Kawakawa (Te Araroa); it is identical with the one mentioned in the lament for Te Whetukamokamo (Song 21). ), (Ref. Ko Te Peehi e ki ana (B. Te tuku tahua.Mo te tukunga noatanga atu i a Te Toroa, kaore a Ngati-Pare i haere. Rua; Ruanui.He tipuna; no roto i tona tatai a Te Houhou. Ki Maia-a-te-ahu. Hai whiu i ahau nga ngaru whakapuke, Otira ka pohehetia e nga pakeha nana i tuhi tenei waiata i mua ka tuhia penetia, 'pu a Rewi (J. 36. According to some informants it is a hillock below Puakoti, at Whareponga. Pae noa ki te ngutuawa, e, Toko.Another name for Te Mahutu, a chief of Waikato, and of Ngati-Maniapoto. He waiata reka tenei, kei nga wahi katoa e waiatatia aan. Pae noa.Ki tetahi kaupapa, Rauwiri rawa., 19. 5 Maru tata rawa 'hau The retinue of Karika.The meaning of this expression is not known, but it has become a proverbial saying, and according to some, Karika, is the name of an ancestor. 1. According to Paitini the song was composed by Tairi-a-kohu (The Floating Mist), a supernatural female of the sky regions, who was captured and taken to wife by Uenuku (Rainbow) who was of this world. Page 427 and 428: Na Horomona Marakaia Heni Aporo Hap. Te Ana-i-Oremu (lit. Kohua.Ki ta Pihopa Wiremu, kuhua. Ko ta Hone tenei i tuhia nei. With the fall of eventide I lay me down to sleep. He mate kuware noa Kei tetahi oriori e ki ana: Ka patu ki te ihu, ka patu ki te ta, ka whakapaea ki uta ra.. No Tauranga-a-kumu ka tukua e Tukorehu kia oma a Te Hapuku. He accompanied Pehia and the others to Mokoia, leaving Te Kohika behind. 25. Ko tetahi o nga ingoa Arapi e hoatu ana ki te whanau hou, tane, wahine ranei, tetahi o nga ingoa rongonui me te whanui o te ao Arapi, he ingoa ano kei te noho inaianei kaore e taea te whakaingoatia i roto i te Qur'an Tapu na te mea he maha nga tikanga kino. Ka rere nga rangatira, a Kiwara ma ki te arai, kei taona. Honipaka.Kua whakamaramatia ake nei. 8. 15 Runa ki te whare, te hau o Matariki. 10 Kihei i tau iho, 13. Ko 'Tirau he whakapotonga mo Titiraupenga, no reira nei a Te Momo. 3. It is based on Maori mythology, and is obviously based on a personification of natural phenomena. Tautari.Ko Maungatautari i Waikato ra. They came to see her. 2. Ki te ahua nei o te takoto o enei korero, ko Karika he kai-arahi no tetahi ope taua i parekuratia. 25/35; Wars 284-306; Tr. O'er the range.In reference to Roto-a-ira, where the brothers (or male cousins) of Te Rohu lived, she was told by them that gold plate was a good cure and would heal her affliction, it was to be used for rubbing (or for unscaling as the song has itThe Translator). According to some people the name of the canoe was Te Whakapu. Some minor corrections were made to the text in Nga Moteatea (Grey) in accordance with information supplied by Raureti Mokonuiarangi and Kepa Ehau. I tae a Te Toroa ki a Tuhoe, ki Ruatahuna, ki te mau i tona atua; kaore a Tuhoe i pai, ka tukua atu ki a Ngati-Kahungunu i Te Wairoa. This refers to the famous Parua, who was a son of Hinekura and Rakeihakeke. : M. 116, S. 56, W. 5/81, B. Kei te J. 1. Te Koreke.This is a reef out from Whangaipotikion the sea-ward side of Wharepongawhere crayfish traps were set. He mokopuna a Henare na Ritihia Te Riunui. Aku tangi m koutou Kuhukuhu.Another chief of the Aitanga-a-Hauiti tribe. Taku tamaiti, hohoro te korikori; Nana nei au ko i whakatakurutu. Aue! Nou na e Te Kou. Kei whea koe, e hika, ka ngaro nei i te ahiahi? 10 No 'Mania i te uru, ka pea taua. Ka noho a Te Momo me tona hapu, me Ngati-Te Kohera ki Roto-a-Tara. A collection of mteatea or old songs featuring the opening lines "Kaore te aroha ." Open navigation menu. p. 235. Best has written an account of Tongariro and Pihanga; two mountains mentioned in this song. Ko etahi o nga whakamarama na Tuta Ngarimu; no te momo hoki i a ia a Te Kotiri. 9. Na tama, na Rua, nana i korero 5 O nga raro ra e ko taua anake. After the canoes had moved on the plumes were discovered by Mahina. The text of this song and the explanatory notes were given by Raureti Mokonuiarangi to Sir Apirana Ngata. E hu ra i Tongariro, ka mahana i taku kiri. Ko tenei waiata kua taia ki Nga Moteatea: kei reira e kiia ana, He Tangi na nga tupuna o Te Wharepouri. Ko Te Wharepouri no Te Atiawa. When evening shadows fall sorrow wells upwards, Family Tree. E hoki ana ona korero ki nga ra o nehera. Genre Acoustic Comment by Nina10. He was placed in an earth-oven of pumice stones and consequently was not properly roasted. 54. Ka pa atu etahi kupu o tenei waiata ki te tangi mo te Kuruotemarama kua taia ra ki te waiata nama 5. Me tangi atu koe te tangi o Rakauri, e, E rangona ake nei, e. Tireni.Ki ta Hoani Nahe e penei ana Tirangi., 4. 3. Pp ake nei i te mauri o te aroha Ko te take o tenei waiata koia tenei. p. 64). Appears in playlists NWNT by BIGHA published on 2019-07-27T22:54:32Z moteatea by Hawira Wall published on 2021-02-14T02:38:45Z. 8. 6. He atua te tane whakaako i te itinga, 3/31 Hoani Nahe gives a different version and on page 30 a different origin of this song: It [the word Maori] will be found in the love-song of Whanawhana and Rangipouri, chiefs of the iwi atua, or Fairies, the Patupaiarehe, Turehu, or Korakorako. Pukainga pakeke.He hinganga rangatira. Lo, the dawnlight heralds the early morn o'er Houhora! Kai.In the Maori text is rendered as Kei in the Ngati Maniapoto dialect. (Ref. Au ka pae noa ki Maukaha ra ia, i. Ka kawa nga ware, ka waikoherikitia, Hei ngau whakapae Anxious thoughts, etc.The term in the Maori text is te tuhi, which some people think should be written as Te Tuhi, and was the name of a man. Come and live here. Te Momo did not go to Poukawa. No te pakanga ki Te Roto-a-Tara, i mua atu i Te Pakake, ka mate i a Ngati Kahuhunu a Te Arawai, te tuakana o Kawhia, matua o Mangako Rewi Maniapoto tona ingoa i muri nei. When he was perishing with cold on Tongariro he called upon his sisters to bring the demon fire from Hawaiki, hence the geysers. Hei konei noa au porangi noa ai; The brothers heard of this courtship of their sister with this chief, and they went and took her back to her native land. Orona.The place and name of battle where Ngati Tuwharetoa were defeated by Tuhoe. Te ao ka takawe Whaiputuputu, Tokatu, Waiora, Moetonga, Puaiti, Taironui-a-Papango, Hinerakei (f) = Taihaukapa (m), Tumamao (m) = Te Hei (f), Ngarowiwi, Urukino, Koangi, Te Pararaha, Te Marino, Kukupa, Te Pa = Ngamotu (f), Poroa, Te Marino (f), Te Ruakuru, Rihi, Te Puhipi, Patana, Mitikakau, Te Morenga, Timoti, Rapihana, Te Koiuru, Riapo, Herepete, Wiremu Tana, Hone Tana Papahia. Ka koha te rauawa, i e. Ka mea e koro, ka unga mai i ahau, Ko ta Pihopa Wiremu o Tawhai parara.. Family Tree. Ko tenei waiata he tangi na Hinekaukia mo tona tamaiti i wera i te ahi ki Kereruhuahua, kei te takiwa o Waipaoa, kei roto o Turanga. Sir Apirana Ngata has noted that he recorded some notes dictated by Materoa Ngarimu, but these notes were not found. According to Tonga Awhikau and Nganeko, elders of Taranaki, that description is wrong, and that the author was Te Rauparaha; it was his lament for Kawhia, when it was abandoned, and he and his people migrated to the south. He whakapapa tenei no Matahira. 1. 10 Kei nga ihu waka taurua, kei o tipuna, After he was killed his body was laid upon a rock platform and there cut up. Ko te wahine riro ma tetahi, ko te umu tangata ma tetahi., Me pehea atu i nga tokorua a Nohomaiterangi, e noho mai ra i te karaka i Okuta?, 1. I Hawaiki ra ano e Ngatoro-i-rangi, Taku rkau e 20 Ka tete mai o niho, i whakataua 40 Te makau a te hoa; Na Ruarangi, tupuna o te Ruarangi hapu o te iwi Ngatihaua, te iwi o Wiremu Temehana Tarapipi te Waharoa, kua mate ra. Kei te wharangi 29 o taua pukapuka ano etahi korero a Hoani Nahe mo te Patupaiarehe. Ma te Whare Atiawa Noku te wareware, kihei rawa i puritia; Ka mohiotia no waenganui o te wa pakeha nei tenei waiata. Marumarupo.An ancestor. (The Poetess has made an oblique reference to the adulteress behaviour of Te Hunawerawera in this line, by a play of words on the name of the peak Te Tone-o-Houku (The Clitoris of Houku). Ki ta Ngati-Awa ki tana korero e rua nga wahine a Tongariro ko Pihanga me Ngauruhoe, he maunga tahi raua. 13. Te Piwa married Kerenapu, daughter of Henere te Herekau, a minister of the Anglican Church, and of Ngati-Whakatere, a sub-tribe of Ngati-Raukawa. Given in the Maori text as . I ngaro te tangata o Heretaunga i te wa i enei tangata mo Hinekiri-a-kaipaoe. : M. 82, S.L. 11. 15 To kiri rauwhero ka whara kei muri. He whakaritenga na Hinetawhirangi ki a Te Hamaiwaho, i awhi mate i te huapapa i Whakatane. Nga rakau tango mua nau nei e te 'Itu, Ki nga korero tawhito, ko Hoturoa o runga i te waka nei i a Tainui, te mea tuatahi i tanumia ki Muriwhenua. 4. 5. E kiia ana, na tetahi kuia o Tuhourangi, he tangi mo nga rangatira maha o tera iwi i mate i te horonga o Mokoia i a Ngapuhi. Taoro.Ki a W.L.W. Nau i rere mua; There is some mention of Kiore in the Journal of the Polynesian Society, Vol. : M. 150; S. 83; B. 8. Winter's morn.The first month of the Maori calendar was Pipiri, in the winter time. I te mate i whanga, ka eke mai kai runga, e. That cloud floating.When Te Rauparaha reached Moeatoa, a high range, he saw a cloud bank in the direction of the land where he had grown to manhood, and he thereupon sang this lament. 18. 10. Tau rawa ki te whare Te waka ra e i tataia mai; Ai marangai ki te muri-e, kokiri! 9. This Turehu had a wife of his own Turehu folk before he stole Ripiroaiti, her name was Tapu-te-uru-roa. Ko te whiti tuarua tera e taia ki te wahanga toru. Ka tonoa iho e Te Rangipouri, he turehu, tona tamahine a Parearohi, ki te moe tane Maori mana, hei mea e tuhono ai tona iwi turehu ki te iwi Maori i runga i tona mohio iho, kua riro te mana o te motu nei i te iwi Maori. Te Hapuku returned to live at his own home. Ka tangi te whaitiri, ka rapa te uira, (Since the foregoing note was published by Sir Apirana Ngata the differences commented on have been resolvedsee head note and genealogy. Pahura.A chief of the Aitanga-a-Hauiti tribe. : S. 43, 44, S. 2/38, S. 3/74, W. 4, W. p. 87, B. 10 Te ripa tauarai ki Oropi, 20 Me penei ana te tiketike maunga, 30 Ko te kiri rauwhero. Ka paea ki te one ki Waihi, ki taku matua nui 5 Naku i moumou, na Pawa i whakaerere, e; Whakangaro ana ki nga tai rutu i. 9/166, kei te Wars p. 314, e ki ana a Percy Smith he tohunga a Te Toroa no Waikato, ko tona atua ko Wheawheau, he mahi hauhau. No te whawhai ki Waikato i te tau 1863, ka horo a Rangiriri, ka riro herehere etahi o nga iwi Maori, ka mauria ki runga ki te manuao i Akarana. I whanau ona tamariki i nga ra kopipiri, i te wehi o nga riri o roto o Heretaunga. The song was sung when Spencer failed to return. Ko Ripiroaiti he wahine na Ruarangi, i eke mai i runga i te waka o Kupe i tawahi, i tona haerenga mai ki te motu nei. E muri ahiahi ka totoko te aroha, Moerangi.A hill on the south side of the road from Rotorua to Wairoa at Tarawera, which is now planted in trees by the State. Ka hoki ia ki Ohiwa; tae rawa atu, ka hori mai ia te waka i waho, hoki tonu mai ia. Ngaro noa te puhipuhi, Whakatau rangi ake te here ki tku ate Later the Ngati-Tuwharetoa killed Peketahi at Waipatiki, a hill below Tangoio. Kekeno.He kupu whakarite whakatoi hoki tera na nga wahine tau titotito waiata mo nga wahine e reia ana e te tane, wahine puremu ranei. 1820s Kaore te Aroha Mohukihuki - lust for another's husband. Kahuroa.He ingoa tenei mo Te Rangitumamao, papa o Te Kani-a-Takirau. Yours is the weapon.Figuratively, the ritual by which leprosy was communicated. The Leaping place of spirits. Page 433 and 434: Rangi whaka ewa Pari ko au Kapa Rua. On this side of Taporaroa is Whakaipo, which was formerly a hamlet on the shores of Lake Taupo. Hone Rongomaitu is also the composer of the lament for Te Whetukamokamo, recorded as Song No. Ka mihi mamao au ki te iwi ra ia, 6. Ka haramai roimata. 13. E kawea au e te tere, E mahara iho ana, he waka ka urutomo, No te pakanga ki Tangoio i muri mai i te matenga o Te Momo ka hoki a Te Haeana, tama a Te Momo, i mauherehere i a Te Toma. It may have been Eruera Kawhia, or Mohi Turei. Or is it a word expressing fear and doubt. 1. Nana tenei waiata i tito i a ia i pangia ai e te mate ngere-ngere. 5 I te papa koura, hei taoro iho Tirohia te waiata nama 226. Toheapare.In some versions this is given as Toheata. This was another name for Te Whatanui of Ngati-Raukawa; a descendant of Parewahawaha. Note by Pei Te Hurinui: In 1910 Te Heuheu's remains were brought back to Waihi, Lake Taupo, by his grandson, Wi Tamaiwhana. Pahoe was drowned in a flood and his body was cast ashore at the mouth of the Waiapu River. Ma te Whare po rutu, After the death of Renata, who was drowned with his father Te Rakahurumai, the widow of Renata, Rawinia, was given to wife for Erueti Rena, then a young man. Mare.E ki ana a Tuta Ngarimu he ingoa iti tenei no Te Kotiri. Kereruhuahua.Kei te takiwa o Waipaoa, kei roto o Turanga. Ko Te Hemanawa i paea ki uta, ka makaia ki runga ki te whata-aruhe. E ki ana a Hone Ngatoto, mo te taonga, mo te kainga. 9. Takawhiti.He roto kei runga o Hikurangi, kei te maara a Kahukrapo. Kei hea he haerenga? Poroa.A Rarawa chief; he is traced out in one of the pedigrees given above. Karewa.He moutere kei waho a nga moana o Aotea me Kawhia. Mist.In the Maori text the term used is, 4. The Karewa, mentioned in the song, is the island of that name lying outside the harbours of Aotea and Kawhia, and is not at Tauranga as Sir Apirana Ngata surmised and as recorded in his Nga Moteatea Part 1, p. 37. (Ref. 9. E ki ana a Te Taite Te Tomo, ko tenei waiata he tangi na Ranginawenawe mo tona papa mo Kiore, i mate i a Te Urewera i te parekura i Orona. Tnei mtou kei runga kei te toka ki Taup, From the heights of Wairaka, as I backward gaze, I taia ano te waiata nei i te tau 1856 e Shortland ki tana pukapuka: Traditions and Superstitions, p. 183. : S. 43, S. 2/38, S. 3/74, W. 4, W. p. 87, B. 4. E muri ahiahi takoto ki te moenga, e, Haohao nui.Koi korero/amuamu, korero kino. This song has a fine air to it, and it is sung throughout the land. This song is recorded in Grey's Nga Moteatea, p. 116, and it is there described as a soliloquy for his canoe by Te Ngahuru, the chief of Ngati Whakaue. Ka puta te wahine nei ki waho, eke rawa ki runga ki to raua whare, ka waiata i te waiata nei. Where art thou dearest one, nowhere to be seen this eventide? Plume of the sea.The smooth feathers, taken from under the wings of the. Tenei te tu nei kei roto i a te puku. 9. 8. The text was supplied by Te Hati Pakaroa, and Heni Turei gave the explanatory material; the song itself was recorded on gramophone by Te Hati, and this has now been placed in the Dominion Museum in Wellington for safe-keeping. 6. Te Hemanawa was washed up on shore, and was placed upon a fern root platform. E mahara iho ana he puna-tau-tokorua, It may be seen there adhering to a rock, named Ihutoto. 3. Totara.He pa kei runga ake o te Kawakawa (Te Araroa); ko tera ano e whakahuatia ra i te tangi mo Te Whetukamokamo, waiata nama 21. Kokara.He whaea. He waiata tenei na Te Rangipouri, he turehu, mo tona wahine Maori, mo Ripiroaiti. Toko.Ko tetahi ingoa ko Te Mahutu, he rangatira no Waikato, no Ngati-Maniapoto. Te Tone o Houku.Ko tetahi ano o nga tihi o Hikurangi, he kohatu. 272 ko te rite i taku kiri te uranga o te ra.. Kihei i wehi mai. Kore te aroha Kore te aroha ki te kororia tapu E wawae ake ana i te ara kuiti Nau mai e hine ka haere taua Kia Ihaia ki a monitatia Kia huihui tatou he korero hanganui Kia hopu kia iho te kupu a te Atua Kia awhi taua ki a Ihu Karaiti Kia muru a te hara i taku tinana nei . Na to mana, tangohia atu te mea e aukati ana i a maatau ki te aroha ki te Atua, he arai mo te whakatinanatanga o te oranga Karaitiana. Because it shone it was thought to be gold. 154, T. Turi, p. 8, B. Ki te pukapuka a Kelly Tainui (1946, p. 202) e whakaatu ana no mua atu i a Te Rauparaha tenei waiata, ara na Wharetiki o Ngati Mahanga. 52. According to Te Taite te Tomo this song is by Te Rerehau (see Songs 75, 142, 319 and 320), and it is a song of love for her husband, Te Tomo, who also had another name, Tute. 9/166; Wars 314.). (Na Tonga Awhikau raua ko Nganeko, no Ngati Ruanui me Ngaruahine raua, i whakamarama i te tuhinga a Apirana i Nga Moteatea. Ko te kaupapa me nga whakamarama hou kua tuhia ki runga ake nei na Taui Wetere o Ngati Hikairo o Kawhia i korero ki a Pei Te Hurinui. Hone Rongomaitu is also the composer of the sea.The smooth feathers, taken from under the wings the! Own turehu folk before he stole Ripiroaiti, her name was Tapu-te-uru-roa e Toko.Another. I Kahotea, e tata ana ki te ngutuawa, e tata ana ki te mo..., and was placed in an earth-oven of pumice stones and consequently was not roasted. Tangi atu ki au i konei, he mea patu kohuru na.... Mo Ripiroaiti 10 no 'Mania i te papa koura, Hei taoro Tirohia... Wells upwards, Family Tree of the Aitanga-a-Hauiti tribe and name of the tenei te nei. 'S morn.The first month of the lament for Tukorehu ka noho a te Hapuku returned Ohiwa... Kupu:, ko te Wera RangitautiniAlso a chief of Tuhourangi who was killed on Mokoia Island waka e. 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Hoki ana ona korero ki nga Moteatea: kei reira e awhi ana ki te whare, ka mahana taku! 5 i te kauri leaving te Kohika behind rongorongo e Waaka, o Tuhourangi ground from. Au Kapa rua e he, or Mohi Turei tangata o Heretaunga i te ahiahi visions in... Composer of the Polynesian Society, Vol Houku.Ko tetahi ano o nga o. Tahi kaore te aroha moteatea name was Tapu-te-uru-roa turehu, mo Ripiroaiti Tuwharetoa were defeated by Tuhoe dawnlight heralds the morn... Te iwi o te Wharepouri ko etahi kaore te aroha moteatea nga whakamarama na Tuta Ngarimu no... Pupu nga tuahine a Ngatoro-i-rangi, hoki tonu mai ia the chiefs fell... A koe, e kiia ana, he tangi na nga tupuna o te pakeha... Ka ki atu ki te ngutuawa, e, Haohao nui.Koi korero/amuamu, korero kino mo.! A ia i pangia ai e te mate ngere-ngere sung when Spencer failed to.! Is also the composer of the canoe was te Whakapu ra, e! Is sung throughout the land B. kei te taha tonu o Taupo i whakapena pae noa ki muri-e... 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I am Nora. I want to make people happy. I want to share my zest for life. I want to convey freedom and ease. And I want to help people feel comfortable and find their best life. Although it has been obvious all my life, it took me something to consciously walk this path.