)SpellsResonant Weapons(must have! Dump all your extra points into endurance. As for weapons, go for whatever suits you best. However, the main strengths of the class lie in its ability to inflict decent damage through raw strength. To combat that, this build can make a player into a truly threatening enemy with pursuit as its theme. Builds listed in this page are created and categorized by players, therefore you should not assume they are all optimized. Have you ever wanted to bring some whimsy to the grim world of Dark Souls? Dark Souls 2 Builds Basic STR Build Fold Description Stats Weapons Equipment Spells Tips Comments Description Uses Pursuers UGS for damage and takes advantage of UGS's inherent blocking capabilities along with strength scaling. Since it comes from a PvP-based faction, the reward is fitting. While the enemies are recovering from their first bonk, follow it up with a strong attack from the Great Hammer. Keep them as backup. You have your usual strength that will do lots of damage, and an abnormally high amount of Dexterity. ADP 38 Ring of Steel Protection +2 / Ring of Blades +2, Defender's Greatsword +5 with lightning infusion (scales S), Watcher's Shield +5 (It doesn't have 100% physical, but close. Magic-based characters are some of the most interesting builds in Dark Souls 3. The Moon Butterfly set can be bought in Majula in NG+. Works well for PVE and surprisingly effective at PVP. Vigor matters not, as you should be adjusted to dodging every attack by the time you may gain these items.Long ago, men worshipped a warrior of sunlight, until he met the curse of the undead. Stats:VGR: 26END: 17VIT: 30ATN: *base*STR: 45DEX: 40ADP: 32INT: *base*FTH: base, Armor:Head: Dark MaskBody: King's ArmorGloves: Havel's GauntletsLeggngs: Havel's Leggings, Rings:Chloranthy Ring +1Ring of RestorationThird Dragon RingSituational ring slot. As the name implies this build will revolve around poison. This unique sword allows you to strike with the same move set as the Heide Knight sword, except its strong attack allows you to cast magic based spells. Yes, very low, but higher isn't necessary since most of the time you'll be rolling and dodging to evade damage. Enchant it with Magic Damage and Scale INT. Most op Build ever: Class: . This does not work on NPC enemies in PvE, which makes this ring solely a PvP item. It has some backup with pyromancy available to you. Get your stats to 40/40 strength/dexterity so you can powerstance those then get your intelligence and faith to 30/30 dark imbue BUT ONLY ONCE THEY ARE PLUS FIVE otherwise the scaling isn't worth it. Pretty balanced build. Your XP: 0; Rank: Nooblet; Sign in to level up now. When possible I should invest in weapon buff spells. Two hand Demons Great Hammer, optionally adding the Old Kight's Shield in your offhand, while wearing Tseldora set. This means that all stats can be put into Strength and Dexterity for maximum physical damage. INT 50 The main purpose of this build is the Lore and the cool looking setup. Okay, here's your OP PvE build: Step 1: Get Rapier. It relies on fire spells more rather than close melee combat. If the opponent has resistance to magic then use uchigatana with crystal or flame. Stats:Vigor - 20Endurance - 10Vitality - 5Attunement - 40Strength - 10Dexterity - 8Adaptability - 8Intelligence - 60Faith - 40. If players have Poison Imbune, you can use your Dragons charm to defeat the poison. i been using this build for a very long time. Enemies can be an annoyance in Dark Souls 2, always there to impede progress. Create a wiki page with your build name and add the info/links. (Because the resistances you get from it as well as the bonus's), +5+fire+Raw (Raw gives it a stun as well as extra damage, the stun is very effective against PVP players). Pump strength to 40 and collect the Aged Smelter Demon Sword again. The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. Related:Dark Souls 2: Boss Lore Facts You Probably Missed Your First Time Through. Dump remaining. An extremely effective PVP build but versatile in PVE as well. This build focuses on using fast attacks, dodges, stunlock, bleed, and poison. This is an endgame NG or NG+ build that focuses on strength and survivability. Nothing feels quite as good as beating an opponent with brains rather than brawn. This swordsman is a reference to the Pardoners of Velka. Though endurance soon seems all, strength is commonly a players go to, to up their output once mobility has been harnessed. With 24 unique Pyromancies to choose from, this build can be tailored to extreme damage or extreme defense based on need. DEX 12 Equip your favorite miracles, and infuse Dragon's Tooth with lightning. Dark Magic scales on Faith and Intelligence, but on the lower of the two stats. Anytime you'd normally use spells, just use the sword's Weapon Art instead. . The idea with this build is to wear the lightest armor possible and goad enemies into attacking you. Pretty balanced build. Combines varied mix of restorative and healing spells, offensive capabilities (Soul Appease meant to simulate the traditional effects of Holy/Banish), and powerful buffs. You need around 30 vigor, 25 endurance, and like 25 vitality, Basically, This is a PvE Build that is meant to challenge experienced Players. Since this build focuses on wearing light armor and primarily being a ranged character who relies on spells, you should try and increases your Adaptability to improve overall resistances, health, and also to greatly improve your Agility, which will allow you to maintain distance and also evade aggressive attacks. What I am running at the beginning of NG+:Flame swatheGreat combustion X2Great FireballFirestormGreat Heavy Soul Arrow X3Soul spearHoming Crystal Soul MassSoul GyserGameplay: Use mostly spells to kill mobs, either Great combustion, Firestorm, or Great heavy soul arrow. This is a build designed to blitz almost every PVE situation and with a little extra push a MONSTER in PVP too! This build aims to perform all the basic maneuvers that Strength builds are capable of . These are not set in stone and feel free to change some out to what you feel comfortable with. so pick one of the weapons and power stance. Top 5 Dark Souls 3 Best Builds (The Best Builds in Dark Souls 3) Want to know what are the Best Builds in Dark Souls 3? I love you all and PEACE DAWGSTAS! Thus, it can become a life-saver for most characters. The Dark Cleric build is meant to be played Offline and is designed to be as versatile a magic build as possible to easily beat all of the bosses in the game. With it, try to have a tank to soak damage, while you shoot your enemies, then go up and make them die!! Based on the old legends of whip wielding demon hunters. Having said that, though, the player can certainly wreak some havoc right back. 1. This build will get you past all of the early game and most of the late game, all you need to do is kill the first Heide Knight, get his sword, make sure you have the stats for it before you upgrade anything else then you should upgrade the hell out of the sword while spamming levels in endurance, vitality and adaptability. This is yet another Sorcerer build that relies one high intelligence and high faith, once again for the use of magic spells and miracles. Show off your mastery of conquering these gigantic foes with this build. And 2 . Dark Souls 2 has the most variety of equipment of any Souls title thus far. With this Build i want to help you have it easier at any stage of the game. Its Good for PvE, PvP the works. In my estimate, I can say that the build was finished 3/4 into the game, it was wrecking things 3/8 into the game.It is a monster in both PvE and PvP provided you know how to handle it.Click on the Build Name for the equipment and spell loadout and additional info but that the stats are provided to the left. END 25 This build will still focus its bulk on Attunement and Intelligence, but youll be almost completely ignoring Strength and Dexterity, meaning you will opt for staves. High Damage with spells + magic weapons. In PvP drop the bow to lower your equipment load even more. In order to maximize the damage for this build, get your hands on the Unleash Magic Sorcery, and the Staff of Wisdom. Three out of the four pieces of armor can be aquired early on in the game, albeit for Creighton's gear, I recommend trying to finish his Quest Chain if possible [as that is how I acquired it], it's really up to you if you wish to kill him off early. This is a 25%; parry focused build, which means it'll take a bit of practice to get down, however the rapier and dagger blend nicely, giving you a few more parry frames and great riposte damage, I havent been able to test it in PVP but my guess is it would slap. RELATED: Dark Souls 3: Miracles New Players Should Be Using (& 5 To Avoid) For those looking to tap into their arcane nature . Spice may be necessary depending on the spells you choose, so keep that in mind. start with Deprived since that is the only character starting at SL1. Never has that saying been truer than in this build. Use elemental bolts your target is weak to. As a result, this game can be an incredible outlet for some broken builds early on in the game. You can use these builds as a foundation to build your character upon. Mage 10. More ordinary than the previous builds, but no less effective. (A lightning claymore +10 will be more than enough until you reach the throne watcher/ defender. This Build is as it sounds Strong and fast but Fragile. Having a powerful build can be very beneficial and less frustrating while playing Dark Souls II. Description. Fairly balanced build, focuses around Pyromancy. This build is more meant to be pretty to look at rather than actual practicality and thus this will be for advanced players that don't mind the challenge. Note that these builds are more like pointers for you to give you an idea of what the class will appear to be once it reaches SL 130. This is where forging your character comes into play. Faith: A must for this build, it is third place for importance as miracles will help your offensive and defensive fighting. It should be no surprise that Havel's build continues to be one of the greatest since it seems like a new hero recycles his equipment every thousand years or so. Long Sword, Battle Axe, Espoda Ropera (w/ Leo Ring), Sun Sword, Berserker Blade, Homunculus Mace, all very good light weight weapons. INT 50 This is my custom build that I've been using, and it is very effective in all aspects of the game (PVP, PVE). It is very viable in PvP and PvE. Excellent Elemental Defence. For this build get the Shockwave and Soul Bolt Sorceries. With the stone ring and at least 50 strength you can stagger the ice horses in the Frigid Outskirts. This build does come with some significant drawbacks. Yo, would by progressing past where you first found Licia and into, but you will also find the Pyromancer flame. What's going on YouTube! For a step-by-step walkthrough to creating a Magic Build see the Magic User Guide. These two clubs have unrivaled pancaking capacity, so any mob that dares to approach you will be laid flat on their back in no time. The strategy here is fairly simple: Shockwave and Soulbolt knock enemies down when they hit small enemies. DEX 40 Crystal Sorceries are a must, as well as other high damage sorceries like Soul Greatsword and Soul Geyser. They produce balls of homing dark energy around the player's head. Anything is possible with mundane. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery after all. Both weapons require titanite to reinforce so prepare to farm! (The heavy attack is very powerful/quick with the high faith you produce, dealing tons of damage and most players don't see it coming because it's very quick, I use it for the killing blow. VGR 25 Pyromancy: best to use Fireball and/or Fire orb when you can. Dark Souls teaches us that we must always honor our history, and so it is that we honor Big Hat Logan with this build. Kill the first Smelter Demon to gain access to his armor and sword. ADP 8 Most players stick with a soul level of 150. A Cleric/Hex based version of the mystic knight. Buffing it makes it for insane damage outputs in PvP and dual wielding it makes for a combo that will shred through any encounter in PvE. This build aims to perform all the basic maneuvers that Strength builds are capable of, though with a streamlined plan that can be altered as needed, such as splitting up the points invested in Faith with Intelligence for pyromancies instead of miracles. Place 50 into Intelligence, and 45 into Faith. Vitality: Depends on if you want to use heavier equipment or not. Dark Souls 2 Character Builds Guide For PVP and PVE Dark Souls 2 is a complicated game in its own way - it has a story that reveals itself very little but compels players to explore. 3. Overall though, the 50 Faith will allow you to use most of the miracles you manage to acquire, and thus can be very helpful to you in your holy warrior ways. and a high DPS and if you are a very skilled player you can make this work easy :D. please keep in mind you can always change it to match your play style. The Eleum Loyce Curved Sword from the same DLC will heal you when you hit enemies with strong attacks. 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I am Nora. I want to make people happy. I want to share my zest for life. I want to convey freedom and ease. And I want to help people feel comfortable and find their best life. Although it has been obvious all my life, it took me something to consciously walk this path.