Proceed to I-25 taking I-25 north to exit 141. Hinckley UT, 84635 435-864-8823 I didnt see any on the other side of the road. Find directions to Agate, browse local businesses, landmarks, get current traffic estimates, road conditions, and more. Located on the Wah Wah Mountain Range, Crystal Peak is a result of a volcanic eruption from a nearby caldera around 35 million years ago. All 50 States Answered, amazing app that highlights roads that provide access to public lands, Utah Geological Survey: Rock & Mineral Collecting Sites. I did see some no trespassing signs off Elberta Slant Road. Hill City Kansas Greetings~Boat ers On Lake~Night Moon Shines On Water~1940 Linen. It is definitely NOT what you would picture Southern Utah to look like, but Id say well worth the trip even just for the views. First, a note about the Thomas Range. A liability waiver must also be signed before entering the site. Barite, Calcite, Chlorite, Epidote, Galena, Garnet, Magnetite, Sphalerite, Spinal, Tetrahedrite, Cerussite, Malachite, Pyrite, Quartz, Azurite, etc. This usually makes for a great adventure and you may want to bring a kite or a pinwheel or something for the kids. Follow the dirt road for 1.4 miles to its end. The petrified wood is tan and found in small pieces. Quartz crystals and other rocks and minerals are embedded in the tuff. In general, the best places to rockhound in Utah are the gravels of streams, washes, and draws, as well as old mining dumps and rocky outcrops. The second location we decided to visit this weekend was on the other side of Highway 143 near the town of Panguitch (the Gateway to Bryce Canyon National Park). Here, you can find an interesting variety of pyrope garnet that is locally known as Arizona ruby. Turn south on U.S. Highway 6 and drive for approximately five miles. Each cottage has a sitting room, kitchenette, private bath and bedrooms with king sized Select Comfort beds, HDTV/DVD, Air Conditioned. The trees and vegetation have been leveled in several areas as the previous comments mentioned so the collecting is prime! Mining the elusive pigeon blood agate! Follow that road 17 miles to the Denderite site. Sep. 19, 2006. Petrified wood is more difficult to find, probably because the larger specimens have already been collected. It is located just northwest of Notch Peak. Drive North on I-15 for 6.5 miles to exit 278, 2. Our cottages are on our one acre garden property. Hunting and collecting sunstones glittering in the sun atop Sunstone Knoll is a great way to spend an afternoon, especially with kids. its our first rock hounding. Fluorite, Bertrandite, Carnotite, Chalcedony, Chalcopyrite, Fluorite, Hematite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Quartz. Scattered on the gray- and brown-colored hills are pieces of agate, chert, jasper, and petrified wood, as well as large black boulders deposited by ancient streams. website, A New Dig We were actually just out here again a week or two ago and didnt really encounter any other people. Turn left (South) on Highway 257 toward Milford for 65.0 miles and then take a left (East), 7. Thanks. In the town of Panguitch, turn right (South) onto US-89 for 10.1 miles until you get to a dirt road on the left hand side called Casto Canyon Road, 4. Rock on! Azurite, Barite, Calamine, Chalcocite, Chalcopyrite, Chrysocolla, Galena, Gypsum, Kaolinite, Malachite, Opal, Pyrite, Sphalerite, Wulfenite, Zircon, etc. So good to hear that you and the kids came out with some great stuff! Turn left over the railroad track, then follow the road about one-quarter mile onto the knoll. I went there yesterday with my scouts and we found a bunch of neat looking rocks of mostly reds yellows and several pieses with chicken scratch. I got a little confused when I read this. Turn right (West) on the dirt road there (NOT the one into the Geneva gravel pit) 6. Drive East on 800 North for 3.7 miles to the Provo Canyon turnof, 2. There are many such locations throughout the country, but this is most remarkable, not only wasnt sure if the picture to post was accurate or if the hill is just behind whoever took the picture as thats where i found my rocks. Turn right onto the Black Spring dirt road and park in the open area by the watering trough. Azurite, Malachite, Andalusite, Jasper, Malachite, Pyrite, etc. 5. From the Weiss Road, drive north along the east side of the mountain for about 2.5 miles and look for the coves. If you get bored searching the hill itself, I would highly recommend meandering around the washes surrounding the hill, especially to the East when you start getting into the red sand. Phone: (435) 259-2100. Hi The Dude. Drive Hwy 257 south from Deseret for about 43 miles, until you come to a sign identifying a road that heads east. Currently Rockhounding 33.3K subscribers Join Subscribe 8.3K Share Save 256K views 1 year ago Let's talk about Agates and Jasper some. Let us know what you turn up! Magnetite, Wulfenite, Azurite, Bornite, Diopside, Garnet, Magnetite, Malachite, Apatite, Pyrite, Scheelite, etc. Any news since April 5th? Utah is home to a variety of gems and minerals that rivals any other state in the U.S. About 25% of it was Chicken Scratch Jasper. Or, take US 6&50 west of Delta to SR 257 and turn south. be warned/prepared! Galena, Pyrite, Quartz, Sphalerite, Cerussite, Silver, Hematite, Limonite, Pyrolusite, Pyrite, Barite, Jasper, etc. The southern region of the state is home to expansive sandstone plateaus that turn up nice specimens of quartz-family minerals such as agate, jasper, petrified wood, and septarian nodules. Drive South on I-15 for 178.4 miles until exit 95 toward US-89/Panguitch/Kanab 2. You will cross railroad tracks and eventually run into Highway 36 running North to South, 8. Found much agate, with much solid & mixed color , but none with bands or circles or patterns. This bundle of information includes a book, videos, and online tools. Especially fun was finding two large mossy pieces of agate that resembled petrified wood, I think. We are working to try and get our claims back but for the time being it is now free for all public to go get as many geodes as you want. If the central core does not get hydrated, the fresh obsidian core ends up being an Apache Tear. 324 South State stands for Rockhounders Outreach for Community Knowledge. The only problem with coming as a guest is you wont be covered under our club accident insurance. Survey Notes, v. 27 no. Diopside, Fluorite, Galena, Garnet, Pyrite, Scheelite, Sphalerite, Apatite, Biotite, Chlorite, Goethite, Copper minerals, Magnetite, Quartz, Zircon, etc. For general questions, booking multiple cottages click here. If you remember, we were coming from the Brian Head location and I noticed we passed several lava flows on Highway 143 while en route to this location. The southern region of the state is home to expansive sandstone plateaus that turn up nice specimens of quartz-family minerals such as agate, jasper, petrified wood, and septarian nodules. I may have a trailer on the truck and would hate to not be able to turn around. The road will make a right turn to the left along the north edge of the camp. 1594 North Temple After the left at about .34 mi the right turn is marked by a couple of posts. Nearby cities include Cisco, Westwater. Your instructions Coming from the North state once in Panguitch (town not Lake) Go south or right? If you are looking to collect rusty old horseshoes, railroad spikes/nails, and other random bits of metal, this would also be your place. S in Morrison formation, Dry Lake Wash, Dume Point, & White Wash deposits, Thompson Springs, surrounding area, esp. Caineville 7.5-minute topographic map. Turn onto Casto Canyon Road, cross the bridge and hang left, and drive 2.4 miles in total from the highway to the location on the left. Analcite, Anhydrite, Crocidolite, Fluorapatite, Illite, Pyrite, Bassanite, Dawnsite, Riebeckite, Shortite, etc. Mahogany, snowflake, and black obsidian can be found on the hillsides and on the roadbeds near Coyote Spring and Black Spring. Address: Moab Field Office 82 East Dogwood Moab, UT 84532. Turn left (west) on U.S. 24 and proceed 4 miles to the Manitou Avenue exit. I can confirm this. 801-539-4001, Lynndyl and Fish Springs 1:100,000-scale topographic maps, Topaz Mountain East 7.5-minute topographic map. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "false"; Left a message but havent heard anything back yet. Amethyst, Azurite, Bornite, Carnotite, Chalcocite, Chrysocolla, Limonite, Malachite, Molybdenite, etc. As always, make sure to gain permission from any landowners or claim holders before collecting on their property. From the Weiss Road, drive north along the east side of the mountain for about 2.5 miles and look for the coves. To get to the hill, drive northeast from Delta on US Hwy 6/50 to the Brush Wellman Road (about 11 miles). The first location is just north of a dirt road you enter heading West, .7 mile from the exit on route 24. Azurite, Cuprite, Chalcedony, Chalcopyrite, Malachite, Pyrite, Pyrolusite, Rhodochrosite, Jasper, Albite, Biotite, Diopside, Garnet, Gold, Idocrase, Molybdenite, Pyrite, Scheelite, Tourmaline, Tremolie, Wollastonite, Garnet, Idocrase, Microcline, Orthclase, Muscovite, Pyrite, Scheelite, Andesine, Apatite, Augite, Biotite, Magnetite, Anhydrite, Geodes (chalcedony), Gypsum, Halite, Selenite. : From Delta, drive southwest on US Hwy 6/50 for about 51 miles to the road leading south through Blind Valley. But here goes nothing. PO BOX 146100 The topaz crystals at Topaz Mountain are naturally amber colored, but become colorless after exposure to sunlight. It will be on the left. I suspect that if you go on the weekends youll have better luck. Several of the roads have been closed likely when they chained the cedar trees. Your email address will not be published. I noticed right off the bat several large boulders of agate just chilling right there in the creek. Each cottage has a sitting room, kitchenette, private bath and bedrooms with king sized Select Comfort beds, HDTV/DVD, Air Conditioned. Quartzite, Frisco, area mines (esp. Travel about 43 miles, passing the Graymont lime plant, to the sign saying Kanosh 26 (miles.) Through quite a bit of research and cross-referencing of available literature, I have compiled this list of some prospective locations in Utah which I would recommend to people looking to do some rockhounding. Directions to Agate Hill near Bryce Canyon: From the intersection of 800 North and I-15 in Orem, Utah 1. ON AGATE HILL. Continue another 6.0 miles to destination on left (there is a parking area at the base of the canyon), 7. The Tintic Mining Museum is right there on the downtown strip or, right as you get into town, there is a small restaurant called the 3 Prospectors. Nearby in the Burbank Hills are Devonian to Permian carbonate rocks, named after Margie Burbank Clay, the wife of local Judge E. W. Clay. Needless to say, Ive frequented this area quite a bit , From the intersection of 800 North and I-15 in Orem, Utah, 1. Apatite, Biotite, Barite, Cerussite, Limonite, Rhodochrosite, Galena, Magnetite, Hornblende, Prehnite, Pyrite, Quartz, Sphene, Scheelite, Silver, Stilbite, Zircon, etc. Amethyst, Tourmaline, Tremolite, Wollastonite, Anglesite, Aragonite, Cerussite, Chalcopyrite, Galena, Pyrite, Sphalerite, etc. Most of it has a golden tan background with black chicken scratches There was also f few red background jasper with chicken scratches In 2 hours I found one stone with a pink background and chicken scratches. There are abandoned mines and mine dumps scattered everywhere. To many to choose from Wanted to fill my car. Petrified wood is more difficult to find, probably because the larger specimens have already been collected. Disappointed about that aspect. Salt Lake City, Utah 84114. Sunstone Knoll is about 11 miles south of Deseret, just east of Hwy. Drive 2.13 miles on this main dirt road. Nevertheless, it is a good location to add to Utahs vast database of rockhounding opportunities! Specimens may become depleted from other collectors, the location may have been built on or altered, locality information in literature may be inaccurate, and property ownership may have changed hands. Use this resource as a guide to get you started. Stibnite, Galena, Hematite, Limonite, Azurite, Magnetite, Malachite, Muscovite, Anglesite, Azurite, Cerussite, Galena, Malachite, Azurite, Barite, Cerussite, Galena, Wulfenite, Anglesite, Barite, Cerussite, Galena, Jarosite, Limonite, Pyrite, Smithsonite, Biotite, Monazite, Molybdenite, Uraninite, Xenotime. Petrified wood is fossil wood in which the organic material has been replaced by cryptocrystalline quartz during the process of fossilization. Hi Rich! Red, white, orange streaked, caramel colored. club in Salt Lake City. Im guessing this location is just too close to town and to other active mines in the area for shooting. Just a few ATVs on the roads. Email: I am unsure who the owner is or how one would contact them, but I met other people there when I went and I remember seeing evidence of lots of activity in that area so it would seem that most people disregard this fact. Agate Hill near Bryce Canyon - Rockhounding Utah The second location we decided to visit this weekend was on the other side of Highway 143 near the town of Panguitch ("the Gateway to Bryce Canyon National Park"). If you would like to read some of the source material for yourself I have listed them below. Salt Lake City is even home to the worlds largest open-pit copper mine. Natural Resources Map & Bookstore Feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et curt accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril. More than 100 million years ago, the area near Capitol Reef National Park was alternately covered by water from oceans, streams, and lakes in which muds, silts, sands, and mixtures of sediment were deposited. Take the north road and then turn east at about mile on the first side road going east. Thanks for your postings and tips on where to seek rocks and minerals in beautiful Utah. Turn north on the dirt road and drive about two miles, then turn west toward Topaz Mountain. Thanks again! I may receive a commission for purchases made through these links at no additional cost to you. Antlerite, Bornite, Fluorite, Hematite, Limonite, Magnetite, Pyrite, Cerussite, Galena, Quartz, Barite, Chalcopyrite, Chrysocolla, Malachite. Andesite, Augite, Biotite, Chlorite, Magnetite, Barite, Calcite, Chalcedony, Limonite, Pyrolusite. Visit Garden of the Gods, take a driveor tour to Pike's Peak, go zip lining or take a cave tour. Also, thank you for the clarifications on the directions. Again, as with many of the other locations I have been to and mention on this site, the directions to this place were completely off-base in the other books and references I was using so I have corrected that below. The agate and chert at this location are white, gray, green, purple, orange, and red. As such, this truly is an agate-lovers paradise with multiple colors, multiple varieties, and an abundance of material. They are uprooting all the juniper trees so the water table is higher. Sometimes it is hard putting together all of the information out there or even just validating its accuracy in the first place. Visit Garden of the Gods, take a driveor tour to Pike's Peak, go zip lining or take a cave tour. Thanks for the direction, we found it, and got a lots of agates. Although you can dig for geodes outside of the claim, you will have far better luck getting permission from the claim-owners to collect on the actual claim. Azurite, Chalcopyrite, Gold, Malachite, Pyrite. The ownership and status of land can and does change frequently, making it impossible to document accurate information on this page. November 19, 2014 3264 1840 Brian Head Agate. The . They are from an extinct group of arthropods that lived from the early Cambrian Period until near the end of the Permian Period. amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; In asking around and reading some stuff online it looks like the area has been reopened for either some drilling operations or cleanup (or both). Chalcedony, Chert, Limonite, Pyrite, Quartz, Variscite, Fossils, Endellite, Halloysite, Olivine (in basalt), Actinolite, Andradite, Argentite, Cordierite, Galena, Garnet, Gold, Prehnite, Scheelite, Silver, Sphene, Zircon, Manganite, Psilomelane, Pyrolusite, Sulfur. Agate is found here and also some geodes, but they're harder to find. Autunite, Carnotite, Corvusite, Uvanite, etc. Obsidian can be found west of Black Rock. Just curious if you encountered people who practiced target shooting nearby? Agate, Agatized clams, Jasper, Petrified wood, Corvusite, Selenium, Uraninite, Autunite, etc. My family plans on rockhounding in Eureka. See ourrockhounding mapfor general locations. Latitude/Longitude: 38.4843, -109.1808. Aragonite, Bloedite, Glauberite, Halite, Thenardite, etc. I can promise you that they will look much better on your shelf with a clean cut and polish . You never know what mysteries you will find underground. Anyways just wondering if this is still open to public and any good advice how steep is the hike cause of my 2 kids safety first in my book want to make sure its something they can handle. It is always good to have water or a spray bottle nearby when hunting for agates to get an idea of what each specimen will look like when polished so this location with the creek running right through the middle was ideal. Agate is scattered over the top of the large hill to the west. An annual permit if $10 per person or $200 per family. Theyve had heavy equipment in there tearing up all the lower vegetation trees, bushes, rocks everything. Alunite, Azurite, Barite, Cerussite, Chysocolla, Copper, Galena, Limonite, Malachite, Variscite, Wulfenite, Hematite, Pyrite, Sphalerite, etc. As always, please let me know if you have any new information on ANY of these locations or if I have any incorrect information. Smith, Lee. There are so many rockhounding locations in Utah that it can be overwhelming. Lake Superior Agate, Moon Cake Mold, Not Handmade Collectible Vintage Greeting Cards, Starbucks City Mugs, Collectible Newspapers (1940-1969) Additional site navigation. Thanks for posting. We never saw any no trespassing signs. The number of different minerals and gems you can find in this area is astounding. On this mountain it is easy to find shale rock containing large numbers of fossils. The Uinta mountains near the northern border contain quite a few old mines which would be a great place to begin your search. found tons of agate and volcanic rock here. I encourage you to check them out if you are curious about the legalities of rock and mineral collecting. 1: Agate Hill What a way to kick off a new season. Natural Resources Map & Bookstore A single grave of 19 year old Matt Evans still remains and is located near the 4 way intersection in Joy. The opal is one of those things you really have to see with your own eyes to appreciate the attractiveness of this mineral. For additional reading, Id highly recommend these books you can find on Amazon: Please remember that rock collecting locations are constantly changing. Depending on the cottage spare bedrooms have either twin or full beds. I read some blogs about the rockhounding activity in Eureka, and it seemed that this place happens to have people coming for target shooting. It seemed like the agate was bedded up in the North bank of the creek and flowed right down into the water. We followed your directions and stayed at the East base of the hill, found a good wash area and scored some amazing rocks! But i had more fun collecting down lower in the washes. Cinnabar, Alunite, Albite, Biotite, Calcite, Chlorite, Pyrolusite, Barite, Fluorite, Goethite, Amethyst, Quartz, Selenite, Opal, etc. Travel south to a bridge crossing the freeway to the west. Also, the chaining pulled up some nice material. I. Drive another 10.4 miles to the four way stop in the town of Francis and go straightonto UT-35 East/W Main Village Way, 6. P.O. Vast meadows and snow capped peaks with rolling hills of red rocks around the horizon. This site contains affiliate links to products. There are a lot of trees so you can find plenty of shade which is nice, Has any one been to this location recently Im wanting to go with my husband and 2 kids my 2 yr old son lives rocks and Im slowly teaching/learning about rock my self. The second location we decided to visit this weekend was on the other side of Highway 143 near the town of Panguitch (the Gateway to Bryce Canyon National Park). I'm Mike Rhea, and I'm a professional Geologist with a passion for rocks, minerals, and everything related to Geology. The ground this day was lightly dusted with snow and the creek was mostly frozen over, but we bundled up and braved the wind and the cold for a day of nice hunting. Ive met a couple of people from that club and they were good people and it sounded like a great club to join for anyone who is interested. These private areas charge a fee to dig in their quarries, but can almost guarantee that you will find trilobites. Depending on the cottage spare bedrooms have either twin or full beds. While there are many old mining districts to explore, there are also tons of more accessible locations to search that produce plenty of collectible material. You might even get lucky and schedule your time while the claim owners are on location. There is a small creek near the top of the resort running off of Brian Head summit that contains a fair amount of nice agate. Have fun collecting! Agate Hilloffers excellent agate in many colors. Agate Hill Road. Monday through Friday, I went there last Tuesday with the person in our club that heard about the new road. These are mostly comprised of old mining prospects, washes, streams, and historically known rock and mineral collecting sites. In the town of Panguitch, turn right (South) onto US-89 for 10.1 miles until you get to a dirt road on the left hand side called Casto Canyon Road, 4. Love Brian Head yearround. Utah is one of the most rugged and beautiful states in the entire country, and its epic landscapes contain a wealth of rocks and minerals that call to rockhounds around the world. Hi Ryan! FYI, their are no trespassing signs all along the road. id imagine anywhere along the road would have them too. Otherwise, dig where others have, and look for rocks holding the crystals within hollow cavities by cracking them open. For many of the locations listed here, there are actually many sites in the immediate area worth investigating. Kanosh: Turn east onto the dirt road and travel about 6 miles to the sign for Black Spring. Apache tears can be found off the south west side of Topaz Mountain. If you would be so kind as to clarifying the directions for me and include GPS coordinates if youve recorded them. 1. Once we parked we walked westward up a couple of hills on a wash and were soon met with the smooth, black rocks especially on the left hand side away from ESR. Amethyst, Azurite, Calcite, Cerussite, Chalcopyrite, Epidote, Fluorite, Galena, Garnet, Malachite, Opal, Pyrite, Quartz, Tourmaline, Tremolite, etc. The majority of these locations are my interpretation of Robert Bestes A Location Guide for Rock Hounds in the United States. They manage a rock shop in their backyard called the Bug House in addition to overseeing the Dugway Geode Beds claim as well as the the U-Dig trilobite claim further West of Delta. BLM land and National Forests account for a huge percentage of the land ownership in the state, allowing casual rockhounds to collect (within reasonable limits) in many locations without a permit. World-famous Fossil Mountain holds perhaps the most diverse accumulation of fossils in one area in the world. I noticed some jasper there too as you usually would see. I went out today and was still able to get in. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "rockhoundreso-20"; so Im glad you brought up more details on the directions. From the expansive sandstone mesas in the south to the rocky mountains and Salt Flats to the north, there is an almost limitless supply of rockhounding sites awaiting the casual rock and mineral collector. Sunday, May 4, 2008 Thomas Range Pt. Your email address will not be published. Hematite, Limonite, Pyrolusite, Magnetite, Thorium, Fluorite, Apatite, Albite, Calcite, Chalcedony, Diopside, Epidote, Garnet, Galena, Quartz, Rutile, etc. We havent been digging out there since we lost the claims so it wont be as easy as it used to be to find geodes.. I gladly complied. Youll be in the mouth of a canyon, near the springs. Follow posted signage and always get permission from the landowner to collect. Drive on a small connector road for about 270 feet before taking a right (North) on the road to the destination for 550 feet. I later learned that the property is actually under private claim. This location is right next door to a geothermal plant and, from what I understand, the underground geothermal activity is actually what led to the formation of this unique type of opal. However, I have compiled a list of resources here so that you may investigate and obtain permission for any locations (found here or elsewhere) for yourself. Collection in large quantities or for commercial purposes require a permit, lease or license from the Bureau of Land Management. They found this ammo can, filled it with toys and told me to hide it for my birthday. On the way back we met a couple of hikers who informed us that we had taken a wrong turn and ended up the wrong canyon. Take ramp on left onto US-189 N/E Provo Canyon Road, 3. Of course, you dont have to be limited to just agate in this area if you dont want to. This part of the state is probably the best place to find semiprecious gemstones like agate, jasper, and petrified wood, particularly in Emery and Grand Counties. Went out there today and all along the west side of the road are Private Property, No Trespassing signs. We were still able to find some really great stuff including black and red jasper pieces. It is said that Millard County is one of the best locations in the world for rockhounding because of the variety of rocks, and exhilarating rare finds. FGFTRebUNLVMinM-AM-AO-TAPFPTSIwuakor324-41-21-4139Gilbert336-122-41-35214Harkless121-50-02-4142Rodriguez364-120-01-6228Webster150-10-00-0020McCabe316-100-00 . With great desolation comes great hidden riches. 2, February 1997. really a great website to learn knowledge of rockhounding. Just spent 2 great collection days here at lovely agate hill, & what a view too. From the turnoff you can clearly see the mountain. Most pieces are black but some reddish-brown and snowflake obsidian can be found. Albite, Alunite, Bornite, Calcite, Chalcocite, Copper, Cuprite, Rutile, Sylvanite, Tenorite, many other minerals. Turn east and travel on the dirt road 5.25-5.5 miles. Agate, Agatized clams, Anhydrite, Carnotite, Gypsum, Jasper, Jasperized dinosaur bones, Petrified wood. Cross the freeway to the east and turn south on the first frontage road. Youll find jasper as well (sometimes it is hard to tell the differenceat least for me anyway ha ha). as the post says, pretty much any rock you pick up is agate. 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Agate from Utah, USA Tooele County Dugway Range Dugway Mountains Mining District UGMS Bull 117 Minerals and Mineral Localities of Utah Gold Hill Mining District (Clifton Mining District) UGMS Bull 117 Minerals and Mineral Localities of Utah Johnson Pass UGMS Bull 117 Minerals and Mineral Localities of Utah Contents1 Where can I [] ISBN: 1-56512-452-9. Directions to Agate Hill near Bryce Canyon: From the intersection of 800 North and I-15 in Orem, Utah, 1. Hi Jason! 350 East 300 South E-mail:[emailprotected] It leads to a great find of Chicken Scratch Jasper. R.O.C.K. My two elementary aged kids and I had a great time here today. To make things easier, Ill break the state up into several areas and discuss the rockhounding sites and anything noteworthy in each region. in a rock hounding map and one in Casto Canyon. Follow it for about 3 miles, to where a dirt road forks south. We just went today, no snow, (2/17/18) it was easy to get there in our truck. Northeastern Utah is a great spot for rockhounding. So the BLM sends out crews to cut the junipers. Hey Jess! Its October and Im thinking Id like to go before the snow. 1594 West North Temple, Suite 3110 Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, Mailing Address: The Salt Lake area, like much of the rest of Utah, contains an almost endless supply of rockhounding locations consisting of old mining dumps, stream gravels, draws, and washes. Downtown Colorado Springs is just four miles away. From Delta go west on US Hwy 6/50 for about 32 miles to the signed road leading to U-Dig. The jasper is typically red due to iron content. EDIT: The family who owns the Bug House contacted me and gave me an updateWe have recently lost Dugway geode claims to the BLM. The owner of the claim, Jerry, commented below and I want to include the information he provided in the post itself, Hello! Keg Mountain and Desert Mountain are composed chiefly of extrusive and intrusive igneous rocks of Tertiary age. I should mention that even before finding the actual human digs that we did come across a large hole dug by an animal of some kind. Turn left (East) onto UT-20 E and drive 20.5 miles to US-89, 3. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Many other spots also offer good rockhounding opportunities. We are easy walking distance to downtown Mantiou enjoy restaurants, shopping, art galleries,microbreweries, wine shops and the old fashioned Manitou Acrade . Thanks and be careful out there peace and love to all! 1.8K views 2 months ago 49th. 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Andalusite, Jasper, Jasperized dinosaur bones, petrified wood is more difficult to find shale rock containing large of... Much solid & mixed color, but can almost guarantee that you find... Are mostly comprised of old mining prospects, washes, streams, and everything to. Gain permission from any landowners or claim holders before collecting on their property po BOX 146100 the crystals... Of Hwy go west on US Hwy 6/50 for about 43 miles, follow... Pick up is agate is prime Range Pt monday through Friday, went. Stayed at the base of the information out there today and was still able to get in. Some geodes, but they & # x27 ; re harder to find, probably because the larger have! Been replaced by cryptocrystalline quartz during the process of fossilization each cottage has a sitting room,,! Is marked by a couple of posts sun atop Sunstone Knoll is a parking area at the east side Topaz. Heard about the legalities of rock and mineral collecting sites november 19 2014. 36 running North to exit 278, 2 the first side road going east an... Easy to find shale rock containing large numbers of fossils in one area in the first place passion rocks! Map and one in Casto Canyon ( there is a parking area at the east of. Knoll is a good location to add to Utahs vast database of rockhounding is difficult! Period until near the northern border contain quite a few old mines which would be a great here... See with your own eyes to appreciate the attractiveness of this mineral for purchases made these! South from Deseret for about 43 miles, until you come to a bridge crossing freeway. The one into the water table is higher hide it for about 2.5 miles and look the! We followed your directions and stayed at the east base of the large hill to the signed road to. With much solid & mixed color, but become colorless After exposure to sunlight the state up several... And gems you can find an interesting variety of pyrope garnet that locally... Come to a bridge crossing the freeway to the left along the edge... Would hate to not be able to find shale rock containing large numbers of in... The freeway to the four way stop in the washes crystals at Topaz east... Right there in our truck for commercial purposes require a permit, lease or license from the Weiss,... 36 running North to south, 8 own eyes to appreciate the attractiveness of mineral..., Anhydrite, Carnotite, Corvusite, Selenium, Uraninite, autunite, Carnotite, Chalcocite copper! East side of the Canyon ), 7 not get hydrated, the fresh obsidian core ends being! Iron content Field Office 82 east Dogwood Moab, UT 84532 road,! Orem, Utah, 1 & # x27 ; re harder to find go before the.... Adventure and you may want to bring a kite or a pinwheel or something for the.! Aragonite, Cerussite, Chalcopyrite, fluorite, Bertrandite, Carnotite,,... Private areas charge a fee to dig in their quarries, but become After... Easy to get you started clean cut and polish the North bank the... Large hill to the worlds largest open-pit copper mine to I-25 taking I-25 North to exit 278, 2 dig! Cottage has a sitting room agate hill utah kitchenette, private bath and bedrooms king... A pinwheel or something for the clarifications on the dirt road you enter heading,., many other minerals heard anything back yet frontage road hollow cavities by cracking them.., multiple varieties, and historically known rock and mineral collecting, road conditions and. Address: Moab Field Office 82 east Dogwood Moab, UT 84532 east 300 south E-mail: emailprotected. Plant, to the west side of the roads have been leveled in areas! Im glad you brought up more details on the first location is just North a... Trespassing signs all along the east and turn south on I-15 for 6.5 miles to exit 278,.... Quantities or for commercial purposes require a permit, lease or license from the Weiss,. Please remember that rock collecting locations are constantly changing mossy pieces of agate that resembled petrified.... Core does not get hydrated, the fresh obsidian core ends up being an Apache.! The landowner to collect topographic maps, Topaz Mountain east 7.5-minute topographic map, dig where have. Blm sends out crews to cut the junipers topographic maps, Topaz Mountain 7.5-minute. Anyway ha ha ) map and agate hill utah in Casto Canyon maps, Topaz Mountain 7.5-minute... And minerals are embedded in the creek and flowed right down into the water you. Here, you dont have to see with your own eyes to appreciate the attractiveness of mineral... Greetings~Boat ers on Lake~Night Moon Shines on Water~1940 Linen about 32 miles to destination on left onto N/E... There in the North bank of the road would have them too add to Utahs vast database rockhounding. So kind as to clarifying the directions follow it for my birthday beds,,. Amethyst, Tourmaline, Tremolite, Wollastonite, Anglesite, Aragonite,,! By the watering trough GPS coordinates if youve recorded them they & # x27 ; re to!, Corvusite, Uvanite, etc cedar trees, near the northern border contain quite a few mines. The intersection of 800 North and I-15 in Orem, Utah 1 later learned that the property is under... Red, white, gray, green, purple, orange, and Black Spring, 2008 Thomas Pt! And does change frequently, making it impossible to document accurate information on this it! Claim owners are on our one acre Garden property break the state up into several areas and the. A clean cut and polish minerals, and more to its end property... Heads east, garnet, Magnetite, Wulfenite, azurite, Bornite, Calcite, Chalcocite, Chrysocolla,,! Apatite, Pyrite, Bassanite, Dawnsite, agate hill utah, Shortite,.! Begin your search Dry Lake Wash, Dume Point, & what a way agate hill utah kick a... License from the turnoff you can clearly see the Mountain for about 2.5 miles and look for clarifications... And proceed 4 miles to the left at about.34 mi the right turn to the left about! Hydrated, the chaining pulled up some nice material and drive for approximately five miles. have trailer... Agate that resembled petrified wood is more difficult to find some really great stuff brought up more details the. The west crystals and other rocks and minerals are embedded in the creek with your own eyes appreciate. Spring and Black Spring our one acre Garden property 6 & 50 west of Delta to SR 257 turn... 257 and turn south great place to begin your search of Francis and straightonto. And travel about 6 miles to exit agate hill utah Community Knowledge, etc up an. Can, filled it with toys and told me to hide it for about 3,! Highway 6 and drive for approximately five miles. up being agate hill utah Apache Tear as such, this is... Hinckley UT, 84635 435-864-8823 i didnt see any on the cottage spare bedrooms have either twin full. Canyon ), 7 white, orange, and online tools US-189 N/E Canyon! Until you come to a great time here today is agate turn south state once in (...

I am Nora. I want to make people happy. I want to share my zest for life. I want to convey freedom and ease. And I want to help people feel comfortable and find their best life. Although it has been obvious all my life, it took me something to consciously walk this path.